Incident Details: 19810103020714001

Incident Date: January 03, 1981 03:40
Incident Successful: Yes
Location: Delta, British Columbia Canada

Event Type: Facility/Infrastructure Attack
Weapon Type(s): Incendiary (Blunt Object)
Organization Type: Supremacist,

Suicide Attack: No
Hoax: No
Violent Extremism:
Doubt Terror: No
Target Information
1- Private Citizens & Property(Houses/Apartments/Residence)

Canadian Target: Yes
Canadian Victim:
Canadian Perpetrator:
By foreigners against foreign target(s) in Canada:

Victims: 0 fatalities, 0 injuries
Perpetrators: 2 involved, 0 fatalities, 0 injuries
Description: "01/03/1981: At around 3:40 a.m., a gas-bomb was thrown into the home of Gurder Singh Sidu, an East Indian family living in Delta, B.C. A five-gallon container of gasoline was hurled through a front window and on to an unoccupied bed. The main floor of the house was destroyed and severe smoke damage was caused to the second floor. The family's three cars were also damaged. Two young men were seen running away. The same house had been vandalized in the past."
References: 1) "Kellett, A., Beanlands, B., Deacon, J., Jeffrey, H., & Lapalme, C. (1991). Terrorism in Canada 1960-1989, User Report no. 1990-16. Ottawa: Solicitor General Canada, National Security Coordination Centre, Police and Security Branch. p. 290."
2) RCMP Chronology. p. 8.
3) "Ross, Jeffrey I. (1992). ATIC IV: Chronology of Domestic and International Terrorist Events in Canada, 1960-1990. Montreal, Qc: International Centre for Comparative Criminology. p. 96"
4) RWVIC p. 149
7) 2
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