Incident Details: 19740616091008001

Incident Date: June 16, 1974
Incident Successful: Yes
Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Perpetrators: Western Guard

Event Type: Unarmed Assault
Weapon Type(s): Primitive/Melee (Blunt Object)
Organization Type: Rightist,

Suicide Attack: No
Hoax: No
Violent Extremism:
Doubt Terror:
Target Information
1- Journalists & Media(Television Journalists/Staff/Facilities)

Canadian Target: Yes
Canadian Victim:
Canadian Perpetrator:
By foreigners against foreign target(s) in Canada:

Victims: 0 fatalities
Perpetrators: 25 involved, 0 fatalities
Description: "06/16/1974: About 25- 30 Western Guard members started a fight in the studios of Channel 79, a Toronto television station where a black musical group was performing. A metal pipe struck the leader of the band “Crack of Dawn.” The Western Guard members were dressed in Hitler costumes with insignia. They broke up the audience participation television program called ""Free for all,"" and inflicted violence and damage on those present. Don Andrews was charged with assault. A woman suffered severe internal bleeding. They clashed with black musicians hired for the show. Andrews was acquitted of assaulting the wife of a black musician 1/30/1975. The show was taken off the air for ten minutes."
References: 1) RWVIC p. 68
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