Saskatchewan man charged with threatening Justin Trudeau over social media

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS

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A 41-year-old man from Grayson has been charged with making threats over social media against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  

On Tuesday, Christopher Hayes was arrested by RCMP members at his residence in the Saskatchewan town 170 kilometres northeast of Regina.

He was charged with one count of uttering threats against a Canadian government official. His home was also searched, and several electronic items were seized by police.   

On March 30, the RCMP National Security Enforcement Section began an investigation after a complaint was received that a man was making threats against the prime minister. On July 13, the RCMP received a second, similar complaint. 

RCMP Supt. Rob Cameron said often warnings are given to people online to remind them they can’t say anything they want when it revolves around the safety of an individual or group .

He wouldn’t say whether or not Hayes had been warned before being charged, but said if warnings aren’t taken seriously, police may be forced to take further action.

�We can’t read somebody’s mind, and we would not be able to say for sure they would not act on that threat,� he said.

No details as to what the online posts included were provided, but it is expected that will come out during the court process.  

The RCMP said there was no direct contact between Hayes and Trudeau, and that the investigation is ongoing.

Hayes made his first appearance at Yorkton Provincial Court on Wednesday.

His next appearance will be on Aug. 8 at 10 a.m. in Melville Provincial Court.  

Social media posts written by a person identifying themselves as Christopher Hayes who lives in the Melville area are heavily political.  

There are a number of Facebook posts criticizing Trudeau, including one that denounces a government decision to give money to help Iraq rebuild its shattered economy.

The most recent post, made on Monday, is a link to a blog post titled, “Canada is being led by a terrorists supporter.â€?  

 In one post from July, Hayes writes, “if I have to folks I’ll start personally threatening civil unrest, personally gathering people to overthrow Notley and eventually Trudeau… I have nothing to hide from the #RCMP who are already watching my Facebook account… am I threatening personal harm to Trudeau or Notley? Nope.â€?  

The post goes on to say Hayes will spend all of his time “to organize a movement to overthrow a corrupt government. If the RCMP as a whole had any balls ya [sic] all show throw Notley and Trudeau in fn [sic] jail for corruption and crimes against the people of Canada.â€?  

Other posts are in support of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, while others go after government and politicians.

There are also posts about Alberta Premier Rachel Notley, Democratic presidential candidate Hilary Clinton, Muslims, marijuana and Pokemon Go.