Showing posts with label Benson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benson. Show all posts

Sunday, December 18, 2022

A Deep Dive into WLM Toronto Member Andrew Benson

This past July I was doxxed.

Well, not really.

You see I had actually been doxxed in January 2020, but WLM Toronto appeared to have believed they got a "W" on this.

You have probably seen WLM flyers posted in a number of cities in Canada and the United States at this point. The movement wants people to believe they are a significant group but the reality, with a few exceptions, is that most cells are composed of no more than half a dozen to a dozen members who bravely hide their faces because, you know, they are really proud of what they do.

WLM Toronto is perhaps one of the more pathetic cells in North America as illustrated what they believe to be successful events:

This is just sad!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Hard Times: Faith Goldy, Lauren Southern, and Gavin McInnes

While the reactionary Yellow Vest protests in Canada were mostly failure outside Alberta, I wasn't surprised when I learned that Faith Goldy showed up to the poorly-attended event in Toronto. There Goldy, newly married and being accompanied by a small group of desperate young men who are not her husband but who still think they have a chance if only they debase themselves even further, were outnumbered by antifascists in Nathan Phillips Square.

However while Goldy continued to humiliate herself in public for fun and profit, a bit of a hammer was about to come down:

I would think that would hurt at least a bit. 

Goldy isn't alone in facing potentially damaging financial constraints. A number of "alt-right" and "alt-right adjacent" figures have been losing access to their lucrative crowd sourcing venues. Sites such as Patreon and Go Fund Me have been kicking these figures off their pages resulting in usual cries of "censorship" from folks who understand that this isn't censorship but also understand their own mouth breather supporters don't know that:

There are also those whose living beyond their means appears to have caught up with them and are now heavily in debt and are desperately looking for their next grift:

Milo Yiannopoulos with Jeremy Benson
Milo Yiannopoulos for example is currently at least $2,000,000 in debt and his efforts to crowd source his way out of it hit a bit of a snag. Yiannopoulos was once one of the brightest stars on the "alt-right" scene until that "appearing to being okay with having sex with children" thing emerged. Further deplatforming has resulted in some rather bleak times for Milo. 

Yiannopoulos had been booked to tour Australia and had hoped to turn around his fortunes, but it fell through as a result (and resulting in) a war of words between himself and the tour organizers. Emails of their exchanges have been released which indicate that Milo isn't ideologically driven as much as he is financially. 

A character that ARC readers are familiar with also has a role in the Passion of the Yiannopoulos:

Southern making reference to Yiannopoulos'  "pro-pedophilia" comments
Lately Lauren Southern has been spending the last few months demonizing a refugee advocate using a heavily edited video resulting in threats to rape and murder said refugee advocate, getting herself banned from the UK, and facing financial difficulties due to a cancelled speaking event in New Zealand (notice the theme here). Previously Southern and Yiannopoulos appeared to be on good terms and had appeared with each other a number of times:

However some professional jealousy seems to have tainted their relationship over the past year as evidenced in the released emails:

Ann Coulter doesn't like Lauren Southern, eh?

Now of all the Canadian far-right personalities who have had a difficult few months, I think that this fella is probably at or near the top of the list:

Where to start with Gavin McInnes?

Well I could start with the unprovoked attack by members of the Proud Boys against antifascist (and it was unprovoked) resulting in numerous criminal charges. Then there was the report that the FBI considered the Proud Boys to be an extremist organization with ties to white nationalists which was among the reasons why McInnes quit the group he had founded; turns out the FBI designation might actually not have been accurate. Because of the bad press the Proud Boys and many of the group's members were kicked off of social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. McInnes lost out on an Australian speaking tour when he was denied a visa after failing a character test. He has also personally been banned on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and for a time YouTube after numerous copyright complaints though he appears to be back on that particular platform:

McInnes has also lost his job after being fired by Blaze TV after the takeover of CRTV:

Most pathetic, he complains about his neighbors not being nice to him, you know, because he is an awful human being and all that goes with that.

Being reviled and deplatformed, there weren't many other places for McInnes to turn so it looks like he has decided to set aside any remaining dignity and self-respect and turn to Alex Jones:

If you slow down the video, you can pinpoint the spot where he's thinking to himself, "so, this is my life now."

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Northern Guard's Saskatchewan Problem

On December 21, Nick Gallant posted the following video, much of which was focused on lil' ARC.

Sooooo, our articles showing the Northern Guard to be unapologetic bigots attracts people to the your "club" eh?

I'm not entirely certain you're aware of how you've contradicted yourself by that claim alone.

Moreover, for almost the first four minutes of the video you feel the need to admonish your members to NOT post death threats directed at the Prime Minister and Muslims. It all sort of suggests that the crowd you're attracting are, perhaps, aren't exactly quality people.

I mean, talk about the company you keep.

This lead me into my overview of the Saskatchewan Chapter of the Northern Guard, or at least what was once the Saskatchewan Chapter of the Northern Guard.

A while back, ARC was introduced to this fella:

Uhm.... are children's plastic guns supposed to be intimidating?

Darren Jones was, at least until late December or early January, the vice-president of the Saskatchewan Chapter of the Northern Guard:

I should also note that Darren Jones actually has three profiles that ARC knows about, including the three that used to act as administrators on the Saskatchewan Northern Guard Facebook group

He also had a beef with the former Moose Jaw Chapter leader of the Soldiers of Odin (and one time would-be Saskatchewan Aryan Nations leader) Jody Issel which I personally got a bit of a kick out of as Jones gives ARC a bit of a shout-out:

Jones is also not much of a fan of the police....

.... which might be in part due to a past involving the legal system as a guest of one of Her Majesty's finest long-stay hotels with bars:

Now National President and founder of the Northern Guard Nick Gallant has repeatedly spoken about how stringently he "vetts" new members and the leadership team. Nothing untoward would get past the steely gaze of Nick Gallant, right?


Uhm, is this a post made by your Saskatchewan chapter VP supporting the neo-Nazis marching in Charlotteville Nick?

And what exactly are those flags in the background?

Don't deny it. You always knew where this was going.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part XII

It's been a while since ARC has published a story about our favorite, bumbling, bonehead, basket-cases (I was going for some alliteration for humorous effect .... it sort of works if you're willing to be charitable). The reason for this is mostly because there hasn't been all that much to say. Of those who were active members or associates of the London, Ontario-based hate group, Max Hynes appears to be the only one active aside from Dan Hall and Toronto Creativity Movement leader Wes Smith both of whom generally confine their racism to social media these days. Hynes for example is one of the moderators of Kevin "No-Show" Goudreau's White Canadian Nationalist Front:

And my goodness how sad is it that Hynes is willing to subordinate himself to.... well....

In any case it seems that most of the membership has either been kicked out or left of their own volition because hanging out with a roided out (allegedly) rage freak with the intellectual capacity of a doughnut whole wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Still the original cast of stooges, from Dan Hall and Adrian Graves to Luke Northmore and Brodie Walsh were all entertaining in their own way.

ARC's favorite SOS bonehead though was, and always will be, Jeremy Crawford:

ARC's long time readers could hardly forget Crawford. In May 2014, Crawford contacted ARC with the hopes of joining the Southern Ontario Skins because (a) he missed the "Anti" part of "Anti-Racist Canada" and (b) he's an idiot. He was sent a message but didn't reply so we thought that he had managed to realize he had made a mistake in contacting us.

However, on July 1 he finally replied resulting in the most entertaining and enlightening month-long email exchange this writer had ever been a part of.

For those unfamiliar or those who enjoyed it the first time, feel free to reacquaint yourselves with that article. I'll happily wait. Here is is again.
Okay, are we ready to continue?

In that exchange we learned that Crawford considered his extensive criminal record and prison history to be the sort of curriculum vitae that Hynes and the SOS would be impressed by. And sure enough there was ample examples online including the following:

Not long after Crawford FINALLY clued in, he did meet up with Hynes and the gang and received that t-shirt he was desperate to get his hands on:

After that and aside from a few rather brief mentions as a result of his social media activities, we sort of forgot about Crawford and as the SOS began to decline into relative obscurity, ARC stopped paying much attention to the gang entirely.

Then, last night, I suddenly wondered what Jeremy Crawford had been up to in the years since we last heard about him last? I mean, it was a completely out of the blue thought that popped into my head whereas I was contemplating whether or not to have a grilled cheese sandwich.

So I fired up the ol' interweb machine and did a quick search of his name:

Crawford: Uploaded to Facebook on September 22, 2017
I'm sure this will totally not come as a surprise:
Sarnia man stole phone and assaulted stranger 
By Neil Bowen, Sarnia Observer
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 10:41:01 EST AM
A Sarnia man's lengthy criminal record for violence contributed to a nearly nine-month sentence for assault and theft. 
Jeremy Daniel Crawford, 35, pleaded guilty Monday in Sarnia court to the theft of a man's cell phone and the assault of another man when he threatened to use a hammer.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

I Don't Think Steven Myatt Likes ARC Anymore

ARC first became acquainted with Steven Alexander Wicket Chirpa Tokkat Zephee Gregory Myatt in reference to his involvement in the June 3 Ottawa anti-M103 rally that was being organized by Mike Waine. Myatt appeared to have been another individual who had taken a leadership role in spearheading this event which missed it's target of one million Canadians marching on Parliament by roughly 999,830 people.

If truth be told, I didn't really think of Myatt as being especially significant and that my references to him (I thought rather briefly) was to simply detail the kind of people involved in what I believed at the time and which was confirmed by the numbers who arrived in Ottawa as a bit of a fool's errand.

Myatt however was eventually provided the link to at least one of the three stories in which he was mentioned and decided that this was evidence that he had arrived as an important figure in the anti-Muslim/anti-government/alt-right movement:

Dude, I have few illusions concerning ARC's reach or influence. If you think being ARC famous is a big deal, you really do need to reevaluate your life goals.

Since then, Myatt has continued to mention on occasion his inclusion in an article published on this blog, and in general he seemed to be pleased as punch. As recently as September he was touting being referenced on ARC as something to maybe celebrate:

Well.... no. The article was about the Northern Guard; this is the only time Myatt was mentioned:
Last night Steven Alexander Gregory Dwalin Balin Gloin Dori Myatt posted a video of Georges Massaad interviewing Quebec Provincial Vice President Eric Brazeau. Brazeau, who among other things stated the Northern Guard are survivalists, claims that around 20 members will be participating in the Ottawa event to, "provide security."
Myatt did get some love though from a person familiar to ARC readers though who claimed that you know you've "arrived" when Anti-Racist Canada writes about you:

More on Goudreau later, though I would hasten to note that come the end of November Anti-Racist Canada will have been online for a decade. During all of those years fascists have been predicting our imminent demise. ARC however persists while many of our detractors have disappeared.

Now Myatt never seemed to care much about how people on ARC's side of the ledger viewed him and seems to have taken a rather perverse pleasure in going out of his way to offend people, though I should perhaps note here that his efforts to be controversial often appear rather forced and he looks to be trying too hard to really be taken very seriously:

For example, in a recent post Myatt seems to suggest that women don't know what is best for them and that they should defer to men who do, though not without a little bit of pushback:

He has however also become increasingly frustrated with Facebook as he claims to be having some of his posts flagged and removed:

It was about this time, perhaps as a result of frustration, a decision to try to use the courts to stifle examples of free expression he doesn't like, or the realization that "freedom of speech" doesn't mean "freedom from consequences" that he made this post on November 7 directed at this little spot on the Internet:

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Jason Kenney Doubles Down on Outing Gay Students

I believe last time ARC mentioned Jason Kenney on the blog was in relation to a story about Andrew Benson and his then friendship with a supporter of Mr. Kenney's Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta aspirations. As everyone knows Kenney went on to win the leadership of the moribund party on a platform of uniting with the Wildrose Party then in opposition to the governing NDP.

Now he's running to lead the newly formed United Conservative Party and, using similar methods that won him leadership of the PCs, seems likely to become the new party's leader. Many of those methods have been described as of questionable ethics. He's also running in large part on an overtly social conservative platform attacking the provincial education system currently undergoing a curriculum redesign which is sort of a page right out of the American culture war playbook. Perhaps his most controversial proposal, and of special interest to ARC, would basically out LGBTQ youths who wished to join a GSA in their schools:

Kenney has been traveling around the province giving speeches in urban, suburban, and rural
communities. On Sunday he was in the small city of Strathmore where he gave a speech that was full of conservative raw meat; impugning the intelligence of the current prime minister, referring to the NDP government at an, "accidental socialist government," attacking the curriculum redesign and the Alberta Teachers' Association which he refers to simply as a "union," promising to shut off natural gas to British Columbia if the province gets in the way of Alberta oil pipelines, stopping further increases to the provinces minimum wage, taking pot shots at Quebec, and of course focusing on LGBTQ issues and once again promising that students who join GSAs would be outed to their parents under a Jason Kenney regime. Kenney uses half-truths and clipped quotes taken out of context, however he wishes to be a "facts" premier.

By coincidence, I was able to find a video of the speech followed by Q and A on Facebook posted by a Kenney supporter. I will post the entire video at the end however here are a few clips that I considered significant (I'll continue to update the article with clips as they are added):

1. Kenney comments on the changes to the Alberta K - 12 curriculum implying the NDP is using the process as a means of indoctrinating children into icky socialism:

2. He then comments on gender being taught in the class room, gets a lot wrong when discussing the ATA's PRISM guidelines, and goes on to confirm that parents would be informed about what is going on regarding any discussion of human sexuality, including students who join GSAs:

3. Discusses his heroic role in unifying the right. He first describes winning the PC leadership despite the backroom people breaking rules to keep him from winning.... again, a rather awkward thing for him to bring up:
He also compares the unification vote of 95% to numbers that would be found in North Korea, but in a GOOD way:

4. The NDP are described as an "accidental socialist government" that will be "one and done" and that Alberta needs a premier who will defend the province against the attacks by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Kenney humbly submits that he is that person and that he feels he's been preparing for the day all his life. Soooo, I guess suggesting he feels (divine?) providence is leading him to the premiership is Kenney's idea of humble:

5. Time to beat up on Quebec! Also, he plans on changing equalization payments by a Supreme Court challenge. Regarding BC and the difficulties of getting an oil pipeline from the oil sands to the west coast, Kenney suggests he will start charging a toll for natural gas passing through Alberta from BC and that he will turn off the oil currently going into the province: "The mayor of Vancouver says he wants a carbon free Vancouver by 2040. I'm prepared to give him one by 2020.":

By the way, the shoutout to the Peter Lougheed, a man who's memory is still wildly admired and respected in the province? Mr. Kenney should have a word with the jerk who referred to Lougheed's legacy as neo-Stalinist:


6. I didn't get the first part of the speech where he introduced Kenney, but Derek Fildebrandt appears to be acting as a surrogate and at one point talks about "our party." This is of interest in that (a) Fildebrandt's endorsement of Kenney seems very low key which is odd since every other MLA endorsement of Kenney has been accompanied by a press release and (b) Fildebrandt  is not currently a member of the UCP:

Then again....
Anyways, Fildebrandt believes the motto of the UCP should be, "just say no" which is even less inspiring than when Nancy Reagan first started using the phrase in 1982. Kenney tries to save it in the next video.

7. Q and A time! First question relates to Trudeau. Kenney questions Trudeau's intelligence by saying that "if you don't think he's very bright you've over-estimated him." So then a blithering idiot kicked your ass in 2015? That's got to be a bit emasculating Jason. Also, and I'm sure it is completely coincidental, Kenney has with him a number of quotes he attributes to Trudeau that he just happens to have on him that are absolutely not taken out of context and intended to agitate a rural Alberta crowd against a Québécois politician with the name "Trudeau."

What? Cynical? Naw! But what does he mean by, "there will be consequences?":

7. Mostly policy discussion, Kenney lays out an ambitious three month program of which stopping any rise in the provincial minimum wage is a key plank:

8. Ah, back to education. Kenney learns that while it is one thing to deal with the curriculum changes under the NDP government, there has been nefarious indoctrination of students for a long time. But don't worry. Jason will help the good teachers fight the ATA who seems to have been built up in Kenney's mind into some sort of Orwellesque Ministry of Truth:

Those are all the clips I found interesting. The entire video, aside from the start when Mr. Fildebrandt introduces Mr. Kenney, can be found here at ARC's YouTube channel: