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Gordon Kuhtey
(1944 - June 30, 1991) Canada

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Murdered by gay-bashers


The Winnipeg resident Gordon Kuhtey was Bashed by a group of five men behind the Manitoba Legislature, in an area known to be a gay men's cruising area. His body was thrown into the Assiniboine River, where he was left to die.

Matt McKay was arrested along with four other Nazis in the 1991 beating death of Gordon Kuhtey who was walking alone in an area known as a "gay stroll".

Those charged were Matt McKay, a former member of the air force and the Ku Klux Klan, James Lisik, a founding member of the Winnipeg chapter of Northern Hammerskins, Robert Welsh and Gary Kuffner. Less than a week into the trial, in a dramatic turn of events, all charges were dropped against the four defendants. The police have opened an investigation into the case.


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