5 January 2012

An Examination of Marc Lemire VI

We're just going to cut to the chase on the extension of this series examining Marc Lemire's connection to extremism and specifically to the Heritage Front.

This past August, Lemire appeared on Ezra Levant's "Sun News" program where, when asked about a connection to the Heritage Front, said this (you can skip to 2:20 of the video if you wish):

Uh, the Heritage Front uh, was active back in, uh, the the 90s and I was a young kid at the time. I had some, uh, interest in some of the things that they were doing in particularly thing like uh opposition to employment equity, things like reducing immigration. So I uh, listened to some of what they were about, and uh, I went away from it. I mean I was involved with them peripherally in my teenage years.

He repeated this claim when he appeared on Levant's program again in December.

We are going to prove, yet again, that Lemire is being less than forthcoming and that he was actively involved with the Heritage Front until it finally went defunct sometime in 2005.

Now, our detractors make a number of claims that we'll be addressing over the next three blog articles starting with this one:

1. The Heritage Front was an entity created by Grant Bristow and once he was gone the Heritage Front ceased to exist.The year the Heritage Front ceased to exist was around 1994.

2. Lemire was a teenager (or a "young kid") when the Heritage Front existed and was only, as he himself claims, "peripherally involved" with them for a very short period of time. They also insist that he did not lead the organization.

We can deal with some of the first claim right away since the msm was still reporting on the Heritage Front's activities well after the date of the groups supposed demise:

This article, published in July 1998, indicates the Heritage Front, though dissipated, still existed 4 years after it is claimed to have been finished. And it existed without the presence of Grant Bristow. Also regarding this 1998 newspaper article, note that we will be dealing with Louis Morin and his relationship with Lemire in more detail in another part of this series.

It is also true that the Heritage Front existed into the 2000s as evidenced by the website that was still being updated up to 2003 and existed online until at least 2008 before those wishing to find the website were then redirected to the American-based hate site Stormfront some time in 2009.

Our readers will no doubt note that the website in this 2001 update includes Lemire's Freedom-Site as the "Heritage Front's Online Resource Center" in the second and third sections of the screen shots we've included. Also regarding the 1998 newspaper article, note that we will be dealing with Louis Morin and his relationship with Lemire in more detail in another part of this series.

Finally, we have the posts on Stormfront which attest to the existence of the Heritage Front into the mid 2000s:

This last post on Stormfront by Tara Dribnenki is also interesting because of the association of Marc Lemire and the Heritage Front by name.

Based solely on some of the examples already included on this post we would be able to indicate that Lemire's claims to have only been, "peripherally" involved with the Heritage Front as a teenager isn't a very accurate description of his involvement. But we have more.

If you were a, "White Nationalist" in the early to mid 2000s who wanted to contact the Heritage Front (or a Heritage Front chapter in your city/province) who might you contact?

You contact the Heritage Front through a Freedom-Site linked email.

What if you want to find a little more about the Heritage Front?

Well, you could take the advice of Todd Conory, a former leader of Volksfront Canada, and go to the Heritage Front website which he posts and which also happens to be the same as Lemire's Freedom-Site.

And finally, what if you're curious about other hate groups in Canada? Is there a resource you might be able to utilize for your research?

Sure. Just head over to the Heritage Front's website (again, same as that of Freedom-Site) and you can find the contact information.

Know that this really is only a very small sample of screen shots which directly tie Lemire's Freedom-Site to that of the Heritage Front. And this alone would be more than enough evidence that a reasonable individual would question Lemire's credibility when he says this:

Uh, the Heritage Front uh, was active back in, uh, the the 90s and I was a young kid at the time. I had some, uh, interest in some of the things that they were doing in particularly thing like uh opposition to employment equity, things like reducing immigration. So I uh, listened to some of what they were about, and uh, I went away from it. I mean I was involved with them peripherally in my teenage years.

But there is more.

And we will be providing more.

We finish with a bit of a teaser:

1 comment:

Dr.Dawg said...

Man, I love this stuff. Keep on keeping on, and Happy New Year to you!