- published: 08 Dec 2011
- views: 380794
What is CBD?
5 Must Know Facts About CBD
do CBD DABS get you High?
CBD and Mental Health- Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Weed Hangovers?!
Cannabidiol | Weed | CBD Hemp Oil CNN Special Dr Sanjay Gupta 2014 Documentary
Holland & Barrett CBD Oil Review - ISMOKE Cannabis Oil Review
WEED The CBD Secret is out! A CNN Special Report by Dr Sanjay Gupta
Hello Guys And Welcome To FactSavy, Our Brand New Youtube Channel Dedicated To Top List Videos Of Mind Blowing Facts! In Our Very First Episode We Are Going Over 5 Must Know Facts About CBD (Cannabidiol) We Really Hope You Enjoy The Video, Please Leave A Comment, Rate and Subscribe, For Weekly Uploads! Check Us Out On These Social Media Platforms: Twitter- https://twitter.com/factsavy Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/FactSavy-1529703527357145/?ref=ts&fref;=ts Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/factsavy/
Today, I talk about the differences between the chemical compounds found in cannabis. The two most crucial being THC, and CBD. Or tetrahydrocannabinol, and cannabidiol. --------------------------------- Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/InTheQuniverse Snapchat ➜ https://www.snapchat.com/add/inthequniverse Twitch ➜ http://www.twitch.tv/Quniverse ** Intended for audiences 18+ **
Here we go. ------------ CloudN9ne Hemp Syrup ➜https://buylegalmeds.com/ ------------ Keep up with my shenanigans ALL THE PLACES! Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/InTheQuniverse Snapchat ➜ https://www.snapchat.com/add/inthequniverse Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/inthequniverse/ Twitch ➜ http://www.twitch.tv/Quniverse ** Intended for audiences 18+ **
**ALL VIDEOS ARE INTENDED FOR EDUCATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES** ALL PRODUCTS ARE FULLY LEGAL IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, OREGON AND COLORADO. MEDICAL WHERE APPLIES. Check out my fellow CT Team weed reviewer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC91IWahKnEmD7RMIrr-301A *Business Inquires Only* positive.smash@yahoo.com (POSITIVE DOT SMASH AT YAHOO DOT COM) PO BOX 25706 Seattle, WA 98165
This is legal in all 50 states right now! http://CBDforall.com | Use ID: 4082009 Become one of the first to get it. FREE to get a spot in line. Here is how to register: ** Here is how to get registered ** 1. Go to http://CBDforall.com 2. Watch the video overviews 3. Watch the compliance videos 4. Click on the BLUE JOIN BUTTON 5. Enter sponsor ID: ( 4082009 ) That's it! Nothing to buy at this time. I chose the combo pack. ------------ The Company First organized and well-funded MLM company with medicinal CBD-rich hemp oil products Not marijuana based ... HEMP based and non-psycho active CBD-rich hemp oil products are already legal in all 50 states and 40 countries Perfect timing as public awareness of health benefits of CBD is rapidly increasing It is uniquely positio...
WHAT IS UP WORLD?! Join me today on CRUTCH as I get high and review the high CBD weed strain ACDC!! If you enjoyed this video please SLAM that LIKE button and share it with your friends! If you need more CRUTCH in your life check out the playlists on this channel and SUBSCRIBE for a new cannabis related video all the time! #StayHigh friends!! LINKS!! MUSIC BY COOPER HOPKINS, FOLLOW HIM ON SOUNDCLOUD! - https://soundcloud.com/cooperhopkins/sets/crutch420/s-Mjde6 Show some love to our Crutch Sponsors!!! - HIGH ALTITUDE SMOKE! - http://www.highaltitudesmoke.com/ Shop - http://www.highaltitudesmoke.com/store/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/highaltitudesmoke LEAFBUYER (New Sponsor!!) - Website - https://www.leafbuyer.com/ Insta - https://www.instagram.com/leafbuyernetworks/ FB ...
Today we review CBD+ Oil from Holland & Barrett - a new product on the market and the first to be stocked by a mainstream retailer. Edit: I referred to Holland & Barrett having a deal that includes buy one get one free when I should have said buy one get one half price. Price: £19.99 Music: Reggea (Instrumental by Robbero) by Robbero Licensed under Creative Commons CBD and Product Reviews by ISMOKE: Get in touch editor@ismokemag.co.uk
www.TheCBDsecret.com Originally Published on Aug 21, 2013 Here are CNN's Special Reports by Dr. Sanjay Gupta showing the clear proven MEDICAL BENEFITS of high CBD marijuana and why marijuana should not be classified as a SCHEDULE 1 Controlled Substance by the U.S. Federal Government. Here is Sanjay Gupta's newest high tech animation on THC and CBD in the brain, along with an interview with Congressman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania discussing his new landmark bill that would legalize low-THC high-CBD medical marijuana at the Federal level See this pending federal legislation in the United STATES OF AMERICA, "H.R.5226 - Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014."
TWITTER FOLLOW SPREE: https://goo.gl/I6qu5I Check out the CBD Dabs here: https://goo.gl/rQ6DMr (for a discount use code: "xCodeh") Remember to leave a LIKE if you enjoyed! SUBSCRIBE & Join the Lifted Legends!: http://tinyurl.com/xSubscribeh "CHASED BY A RABID ANIMAL" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEd-MqgLsuY MY GEAR: VLOGGING CAMERA: http://amzn.to/2ckT1SF MICROPHONE: http://amzn.to/2cYlfkQ DRONE: http://amzn.to/2ckUB6U KEYBOARD: http://amzn.to/2cHHYzz ROLLING PAPERS: http://amzn.to/2cYlYCl xCodeh Shirts & Hoodies: http://www.linkedthreads.com/xCodeh SOCIAL MEDIA: TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/xCodeh INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/indicodeh SNAPCHAT: http://www.snapchat.com/add/xCodeh TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/xCodeh Music By: Business Email: xcodehbusiness@gmail.com...