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The US scheme that trumps Sydney on affordable housing

It should be embarrassing that the US has such a better federal scheme for providing affordable housing than we do in Australia – a scheme embraced not just by community housing providers, but by a bipartisan politic.

ACT Liberals stuck fast in opposition

Canberra Liberals Jeremy Hanson and Alistair Coe on Saturday night.

The return of the ACT Labor government for a fifth straight term has raised some big questions, not just because it was another Labor-Green win, but because it took place in circumstances which suggested a likely Liberal victory. Labor has now been in office since 2001. The broader question of whether the Liberals can ever win again in the ACT has morphed into an assumption that only a moderate Liberal leader, like former Chief Minister Kate Carnell, can ever win in this territory.

The anniversary that should make us think again

Charles Perkins and family at his University of Sydney graduation on May 11, 1966.

Fifty years after Charles Perkins became the first Aboriginal man to graduate with an Australian university degree, there is scope to improve the opportunities for Indigenous students to excel.

My anger at Trump has driven me to petty crime

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump arrives at a campaign rally.

I committed a crime this month, along with two of my friends. I'm not the lawbreaking type. In fact, as a 52-year-old mum, my life is pretty predictable and boring. But this election, a particular candidate's boasts about women pushed me over the edge.

Election outcome a win for public schools

Parent Kirsti Boerst and federal member for Greenway Michelle Rowland at the ''Kick a goal for Gonski'' event.

The Australian Education Union  is not affiliated to any political party, but based on our assessment of the various parties' policies, we welcome the re-election of a progressive government for the ACT.

The cliffhanger is back, but what will it bring next?

The walkers seem almost benign compared to Negan.

Whether or not you're a fan of The Walking Dead, chances are you've heard that this season's premiere resolved last season's who-lived-and-who-died cliffhanger. Don't worry: This column includes absolutely no spoilers. It's the word "cliffhanger" that interests the word maven in me.

It will take a lot of work to clean up after Trump

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with local farmers at Bedners Farm Fresh Market, ...

Conservatives need to be clear-eyed about the enormity of the Failure of 2016. The Republican Party -- the imperfect political vehicle for conservative policy, ideas and values -- nominated a man for president of the United States who is manifestly unfit to hold that office.