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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin does male escort work.He sucks alot of donkey dick.

2 December 2011 at 20:39

Anonymous Anonymous said...

His Twitter followers are as real as his girlfriends.

2 December 2011 at 21:23

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only problem with this is that now he knows they are all fake LOL How many fake FB accounts has he created in the past to "Spy" on people?

2 December 2011 at 23:59

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud on this one. The genius himself is conversing with Twitter bots! I'm sure more than a few now have "girlfriend" status (which is automatically bestowed by the Goudreau when a girl he hits on doesn't call the police).

3 December 2011 at 10:54

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did he say "morning loving before work"? Ohgawdohgawdohgawd...my eyes! They burrrrrnnnnnnnn!


3 December 2011 at 13:35

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin, it is NOT "Morning Loving" when it is with your hand!

4 December 2011 at 02:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin Godreau, KFC and sex. So gross.

4 December 2011 at 12:12

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Philip K.dick uses to talk with botts. Reemember Blade Runner.
Ghost benind the Machine.

5 December 2011 at 22:08

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10 December 2011 at 03:43

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