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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want to be too disparaging towards this young man, because at his age there is lots of room for growth and change, still; however he might want to remind himself how successful nazi skinhead dropouts are in life. Once his parents kick him out, and his girlfriend's parents forbid him from coming onto their property, he'll find out who and how supportive his friends are. Unless his long term goals include an early death or prison, that is. .......Yay, 14 wordz and all that other shite........

6 December 2011 at 16:04

Anonymous Stephen Henry said...

When will Conservatives get it????---- that Free Speech does not equal to Hate Speech which is nothing but Slander and incitement. Freedom to incite contempt and violence against an identifiable group ALWAYS leads to violence. Governments the World over need to find ways to stamp out this Internet Hate.

6 December 2011 at 18:05

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