30 November 2011

Four Years

Yes, we have been kicking around, and have been kicked around in some circles, for four years now.

We know. We're just as surprised as you are.

We plan on spending our birthday eating cake after a nice dinner with friends.

Sadly, not everyone's birthday will be as happy as ours.

Hey, Want to be Creeped Out?

Sometimes, we just have to share. No lead in really necessary:

That's right ladies. Fugitive Craig Cobb is single and ready to mingle.

And, if you aren't ready for a commitment, Craig appears ready to rent love for a while.

We can only assume that he upgraded to a three man tent for the winter.

All this could be yours. Just think about it for a moment.

Uhm, on second thought, perhaps it's best not to think about it. It burns less.

29 November 2011

November Bits and Bites: Left Overs

On the eve of our fourth birthday, we thought we would post a few items that we never got the chance to use, but which we still think our readers might like to see.

Call it spring cleaning. In the fall. And it is going to be disjointed as hell.

27 November 2011

Fromm Upset That He and His Friends Aren't Getting Any Credit

On November 26, Brian Storseth's private member's bill to repeal Sec. 13 from the Canadian Human Rights Act had it's second reading. Should the Conservatives all get behind Bill C-304, and there's no reason to think that they won't, it is perhaps likely that Sec. 13 is living on borrowed time.

One would think that people like Paulie would be jubilant, however such is not the case, for one reason, Sec. 319 in Criminal Code which deals with hate speech is still in place, which means that is their next target:

This might not be a surprise, but we do get a chuckle that Paulie's biggest complaint is that he and his fellow travellers aren't the one's being given the credit.

Who does he and his friends complain have been given the credit?

25 November 2011

Why We Call Them Boneheads Part Infinity +1

Oh, how we loves us our fan mail.

This one comes from "IrishHostility" who is quite displeased that we decided not to post a comment she made taking umbrage at a recent post concerning the White Nationalist movement and then claims not to be about hate.... though we're sure that referring to herself as "IrishHostility" might raise the irony flag for some of our readers:

I love how cowardly you pricks are.

We'll howdy to you too. You seem sort of upset. Angry even. One might even suggest you are being hateful.

Perish the thought!

24 November 2011

November Bits and Bites: The Return of the Trenerry

First, before the main course. One of the four tools who decided it would be fun to assault people while handing out Blood & Honour fliers in Edmonton was sentenced today:

Brown-skinned white supremacist gets probation for hateful words

By ,Edmonton Sun
First posted:

A brown-skinned white supremacist who hurled racist slurs and sang Nazi songs at a Whyte Avenue bar was placed on probation for two years on Thursday.

Keith Virgil Decu, 32, was also ordered to perform 100 hours of community service and banned from going to the Whyte Avenue area after pleading guilty in Provincial Court to a reduced charge of causing a disturbance.

Crown prosecutor Ashley Finlayson told court it was an “abhorrent” crime, but said Decu played a much lesser role than his white supremacist co-accused in the racist rampage along Whyte Avenue on Feb. 12.

“It was clear he was a follower and not significantly involved, “ said Finlayson, although the prosecutor pointed out Decu “joined in” the Nazi songs being sung in the Strathcona Hotel bar and “called people niggers.”

22 November 2011

Want to Get Out of the Racist Movement? Please Read This

Yesterday, we posted a link to one time Heritage Front member Elisse Hategan who did more to take down the Front than any Canadian government agency ever could (and, really, in spite of some government agencies). Despite the efforts from 2001 to 2005 to revive the group, Elisse's testimony essentially killed the Heritage Front as a viable movement in Canada and exposed the activities of CSIS to public examination (NOTE: For those interested in reading more about Grant Bristow and CSIS' involvement in the Heritage Front, we would suggest reading Elisse's testimony before the parliamentary committee investigating the affair.) 

Elisse was able to reject racism and move on to lead a productive life. We know that there are those out there who are trying to get out as well, so we asked Elisse if she would mind recounting her story to our readers with the hope that perhaps it might push some who are a part of the racist movement but having second thoughts to take that leap of faith to get out. It might also cause those who are on the fence to consider the consequences of their decisions and make a better choice.

My former name is Elisse Hategan. When I was 16 years old I met Wolfgang Droege and joined the Heritage Front. Shortly thereafter began to work as a daily helper in Ernst Zundel’s old bunker on Carlton Street in Toronto. It was 1991 and the Front had just started to grow. Being part of the small inner circle of HF leadership, I was there to see it develop into the beast it would eventually become.

21 November 2011

A Perspective on the Heritage Front and Grant Bristow From Someone Who Was There

First, while we are not a commercial website, we would like to promote a novel written by Elisa Hategan. Her novel, Race Traitor can be found here at amazon.ca and the Kindle ebook can be purchased here. The novel has been independently published but has received very favorable reviews. While it is set in the United States, we think our readers will be able to recognize the links to a movement in Canada that began more than 20 years ago.

In fact, anyone familiar with the history of the Heritage Front should immediately remember the name Hategan; her involvement in the hate group as a teenager, her decision to reject racism and provide evidence which was used to convict a number of people in positions of leadership (including Wolfgang Droege) and her testimony regarding the role of CSIS informant Grant Bristow in the growth of the Heritage Front. Unlike Bristow whom the Canadian government protected, Ms. Hategan was left to fend for herself. And for almost 18 year, Ms. Hategan had to live a nomadic life, changing her name several times, in an effort to escape the death threats of her former compatriots (her name was still being invoked by the last Heritage Front leader Marc Lemire as recently as 2004). Elisa (or as she was known then, Elisse), in her own words, is now "coming out."

17 November 2011

We Now Know Who the Guy in the Zundel Photo Is

Hey, remember this photo on the left? If you do, it's because it is one of the more common photos of Holocaust deniers Ernst Zundel found on the internet. In the photo Zundel appears with two individuals in semi-paramilitary uniforms who appear to be acting as bodyguards. At one point there was speculation that the one on the left hand side of the photo was Marc Lemire.

We have stated that the individual was not Lemire, unfortunately too many who had no idea what Lemire looked like bought into this erroneous claim and labelled it as Lemire acting as Zundel's body guard. This error has prompted some groups and individuals to claim that the entire discussion of Lemire's involvement in the racist movement was simply part of a smear campaign.

To be clear, Lemire did have a close relationship with Zundel and was a member (and later leader) of the Heritage Front, but the guy in the photo isn't Lemire.

Photo believed to have been taken
in 1992.
But who is the person pictured with Zundel? No one seems to have known who he was. Recently though a new friend who has intimate knowledge of the racist movement in Toronto in the early 1990s was able to identify the mystery man:

The person in the photo behind Zundel is named Mike [Geddick]. He lived in Brampton and started a small group of idiots (15 max) who paraded around in brown shirts and modelled themselves after Mussolini. He hated Burdi and considered himself a main rival to the COTC guys (lol). And everybody laughed behind his back.

PS Marc [Lemire] was kissing Grant [Bristow's] and Ernst's asses at the time. 

Consider this mystery, such as it was, solved.

More from our new friend later.