Showing posts with label Sonne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sonne. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Shakeup in Blood & Honour Calgary

When we posted our Halloween video, we didn't anticipate the discussion that would result, but it ended up being very interesting:

Jonathan Besler said...

[Kyle’s girlfriend] has broken up with Kyle and is starting a new life.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Jason Kenney Responds to B&H; Propaganda

Okay, on the one hand we hate giving McKee and his, as our friend Daryle describes them on OPP, mall rats any publicity. Add to this we generally think Jason Kenney is at best a schmuck and at worst not a hell of a lot better on some issues than many of the boneheads we cover on this blog (better dresser that Paulie, though). However, given that Kenney has a bit of a history with McKee and his biggest supporter, Paul Fromm, we thought his statement on the recent posters in Forrest Lawn should be viewed by our readers:

Minister Kenney Condemns Anti-Immigrant Posters in Calgary

Ottawa, August 1, 2011 — The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, issued the following statement condemning anti-immigrant posters in Calgary.

“I was disgusted to read about posters from a self-proclaimed “White Nationalist” group, which recently appeared in Calgary. These are loathsome individuals whose views are both sickening and ridiculous. They believe that, by convincing a gang of nasty half-wits to play dress up and litter suburban streets with crude and menacing flyers, they are promoting ‘European culture.’ The culture of Socrates, Schiller and Shakespeare deserves better.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

WEB and Violence Fetishism

First, some idle thoughts.

McKee was released from detention in Regina shortly before May 26 (he was sighted at that time with Natalie S. near the University of Calgary). On June 1, Robert Reitmeier and Tyler Sturrup of the hated rival WEB were arrested for murder, one in which an investigation had been going on for months with no outward indication that it was going anywhere (though we do suspect that the police were building a strong case anyways). The subsequent destruction of WEB as a result of these arrests sure wouldn't be mourned by members of the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour/Combat 18/ATB(?)/Oprah's Book Club/Westminster Kennel Club/Miss Georgia World, would it?

We're not saying anything, though we do find the timing to be especially interesting.

But now on to the reason for writing today.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Paulie Comments on Calgary March Which He Characterizes as, "Very Successful"

We're about to bring our exclusive coverage of the events of March 19 to a close soon, but we certainly can't conclude the discussion without some input from the grand old man of the bonehead movement, Paulie Fromm.

This past Tuesday, Paulie (pictured here drinking more red wine paid for by his poor followers) spent the first part of his new radio show commenting on the "White Pride" march that took place last Saturday. Now normally we don't like to link to bonehead websites, but we decided to link to this one because it is really, really funny.

Let's just say that while Paulie might have a face for radio, he really doesn't have a voice (click on the link to see what we mean; it really does become quite painful after a while).

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Some Thoughts on Racist Gang's Use of City Transit

We were aware of the efforts to convince private bus companies in the city of Calgary to deny boneheads planning on marching this past weekend. It appears that the efforts may have been successful:

However, the flip side of this is that they may have ended up getting free transportation.

There has been a lot of concern, justifiably so, about the boneheads being provided with transportation from the location of the march on Saturday on a city bus:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hey Natalie. You Claimed There Were 30 of You.....

Well, if that's the case, where are the other 14?

"But we want to to city haalllll...... and those big meanies won't let us!"

UPDATE: Despite the whining that they were prevented from reaching their destination, Bill Noble says that the march was a success.

Countdown to delusional rambling in 10....


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aftermath: Identifying Boneheads

So we've been looking at the photos that have been sent to us and that have been published by the media. So far we have been able to identify a few of the 16 (not 30m Natalie) boneheads who were present. They are, in no particular order:
  • Natalie S.
  • Michael "Puddles" Gaio
  • Curtis Erickson
  • Jonathan Besler

"White Pride" March a Failure? Not According to Boneheads

Hey, we call them boneheads for a reason.

The "Calgary Sun" published the following article:

Last Updated: March 19, 2011 11:09pm

Calgary police, out in full force in the downtown, kept sparring white-pride supporters and anti-racists a safe distance apart for several hours Saturday.

Given about 200 anti-racists and 16 white-pride supporters — with a shared history of confrontations — chose to hold simultaneous rallies, dozens of police stood guard between the two and kept the factions a block apart.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary fizzles

So it has been universally determined by most thinking people that the bonehead march today was a complete failure. Here we have an account published by, "The Globe & Mail" a little while ago:

Annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary fizzles 
Canadian Press and Globe Staff
Globe and Mail Update
Published Saturday, Mar. 19, 2011 4:50PM EDT
Last updated Saturday, Mar. 19, 2011 5:48PM EDT
With the movement's foremost figure in prison for the second year in a row, an annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary has flopped. 

There was plenty of anger but no violent confrontation after police kept neo-Nazi and anti-racist groups apart at parallel rallies in downtown Calgary Saturday. 

About 200 members of Anti-Racist Action Calgary gathered at Calgary city hall after word that the neo-Nazi group, Blood of Honour, was planning a march. 

But the 16 members of Blood of Honour, chanting “White Pride Worldwide” found their paths blocked by Calgary Police officers, including riot squad members, who cordoned off several streets in the downtown. 

First Account of the Rally and More Pictures.

We received this report of the march from one of our longtime readers. Suffice it to say that the boneheads seemed a little bit deflated by the turnout:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

McKee Pleads Guilty: Sentenced to 27 Days

Oh, don't think for a moment that we forgot about Kyle McKee's hearing today.

Today, Kyle McKee plead guilty to charges of uttering threats which were directed at Jason Devine. As a result, McKee was given 60 days. As he has already been in custody for 33 days, he will spend another 27 days in a place where he will be unable to harm anyone.

And yes, we are disappointed that it wasn't longer.

Still, there were a few other interesting things we learned today during the hearing. We had received word last night that Lee Ebel had been released sometime yesterday and we passed that information to our friends in Calgary. According to Devine, who wrote about the hearing today, Lee Ebel was present in the court house and attended the hearing.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Black Book? Who the Hell Are the Black Book?

First, we've been made aware that someone with the initials "K.S." is interested in contacting us. We are open to a discussion so we ask that you leave your email in the comments and we will be in touch with you (we prefer not to talk by phone).

That said, we were mildly amused when we read one of the latest articles, albeit a brief one, concerning the events planned for this Saturday:

Monday, March 14, 2011

To March Or Not to March?

First more on the bonehead arrest front. Most of our readers who are well versed in their knowledge of the Canadian WP movement will recognize the name Jordan Hamelin. Since he was a minor for much of the existence of this blog we haven't specifically mentioned him by name, however he has been a player of sorts for some time..... and our longtime readers know exactly what we are talking about so we'll leave it at that.

We received a report today claiming that Hamelin has been jailed due to parole violations. So far we haven't received a secondary source to verify the accuracy of this report, but the source that provided us the information has been pretty reliable so we thought we would go with it. Hamelin and other Hamilton-area boneheads had stated they planned on attending the March 19 WP rally in Calgary this coming Saturday, so we don't know if this has changed any of their plans.

Of course it begs the question, will there be a march at all? As John Marleau pointed out on Stormfront, the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour/Combat 18/ATB/MENSA/Friar's Club has been left devoid of experienced organizers as a result of some recent arrests:

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Split in Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) Faction

We've been pretty quiet about Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) for the last several weeks. They still seem to be planning a public march on March 19 of this year and are bragging about the possibility of a number of boneheads from Ontario and Quebec making the journey to attend. However, the public posturing might be masking a deep divide within the group that has resulted in yet another split.

Things appear to have reached a breaking point over the issues of drugs and a past relationship with a First Nations woman (and a child that resulted from the relationship), resulting in a final blow-up between Lee Ebel and Jessie Lajoie. The other members of the racist gang split in their support of the two men. On those who sided with Lee were Kyle McKee, Natalie S., Shannon Butt, Jordan Dowe, Mike Gaio, and Karine Raymond. On Jessie's side are John Marleau, Brent Goldring, and Courtney B.

There hasn't been any online chatter to confirm whether this all is true, however circumstantial evidence points to the strong possibility that the information we received could be factual. Our readers may remember us making fun of the B&H (AG) crew for their ill advised poster advertising a New Years eve party. Those who attended the party all belonged to the faction rumored to have sided with Lee Ebel:

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

White Pride March Planning and More Dirty Laundry Aired

On March 21, 2008 the Aryan Guard organized an event they termed a, "White Pride." A little over three dozen boneheads showed up, however well over 200 Calgarians opposed to the Aryan Guard also showed up to protest their presence in the city.

On March 21, 2009 the Aryan Guard organized a second march which as attended by a larger number of boneheads. Calgarians rose to the challenge, resulting in as many as 500+ coming out to oppose the hatred represented by the Aryan Guard, W.E.B., Paulie and other boneheads.

On March 21, 2010, Calgarians who were against everything that the Aryan Guard stands for came out again in large numbers on March 21, however, few boneheads were present. They had good excuses for the no-show though. Most of them were in jail.

Well, it looks like Kyle McKee and the Aryan Guard.... whoops.... we mean Blood & Honour, are going to give it another try this year, however there are a few snags that they may be facing that could put a kibosh on their plans:

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) Members Allegedly Beat Teen Girl Unconscious: Interesting Development

On December 15, we reported an incident in which three members of Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) beat up an 18 year old girl. Later that week, we provided a follow-up which included a picture of the injuries the young woman purported to sustain during the assault.

Well, looks like the young woman in question has decided that she is still going to run with violent neo-Nazis. In fact, she has started dating one:

Friday, December 17, 2010

B&H; Assault Story: Questions and Response

Since we wrote about the incident during the weekend in which an 18 year female was allegedly beaten by members and associates of the former Aryan Guard, (now calling themselves Blood & Honour) we've received numerous responses from our readers. Some have claimed the incident occurred as it was recounted to us. Others have written stating while something did happen, it might not have occurred as we described it. Still some have claimed the incident never took place in the first place while others have suggested that it did happen and the girl had it coming.

Some of these claims can also be found on one of Marleau's most recent Facebook update:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) Members Allegedly Beat Teen Girl Unconscious

UPDATE: Would the person who contacted us about 15 or 20 minutes ago please contact us again. The email you provided didn't seem to work.

So, how did you, our dear readers, spend your weekend? If you're a member and/or associate of the former Aryan Guard (now renamed Blood & Honour) you may very well have spent it beating a 90lb teenage girl senseless at a house party. We received the following information concerning the event:

Lee and two other skinheads beat up a girl who is 90 lbs or less and who just turned 18. I'm trying to get more info on this story, but it happened on Saturday I believe or perhaps Yep, three guys on one girl.. and John is threatening the girl online through Facebook.

We received this followup shortly after:

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

How Well DO Boneheads Keep Their Secrets?

We in the Collective are constantly gathering information. Most of what we collect is never published, but is used to further our understanding of the Movement and the direction it is taking. Other times the information really defies categorization and we struggle with the best way to present that information.

This is one of those times.

What we're posting is the rest of the exchange on the Blood & Honour (C18) forum's Canadian section. It is a continuation of the pissing contest between Volksfront and the Hammerskin aligned Blood & Honour faction, and the faction aligned with Combat 18. The crux of the issue at hand here is how does so much information reach us here at ARC. Is it carelessness? Do boneheads themselves, willingly or not, supply us with information? In reality, it is sort of all of the above. But we'll let the discussion progress with very little commentary from us, at least less than we usually provide. We begin with the part where OdinPatrick takes sides in the Blood & Honour factionalism:

Monday, June 28, 2010

This Is Why They`re Called Boneheads: To Paraphrase Kyle McKee, Marleau is Fat, Lazy and Stupid

During the period in which Kyle McKee was in the Calgary Remand Centre awaiting his trial for attempted murder and other charges (he plead guilty to possessing bomb making materials, while the more serious charges were dropped by the Crown citing insufficient evidence), there didn't seem to be any dissension between himself and John Marleau. Considering one could argue that Marleau was the reason why McKee found himself in detention - it was Marleau's ex whom he had been allegedly harassing who was one of the targets of the attack - it's surprising that McKee wasn't just a little unhappy with his porcine friend.

Perhaps there just might be a bit more tension between the two than previously stated publicly?

On Mike "Puddles" Gaio's Facebook profile as Marleau casually suggests assaulting two women, McKee responds:

How much of a loser do you have to be for Kyle McKee to call you out?