- published: 06 Nov 2016
- views: 0
The fifth millennium of the Gregorian calendar will begin on January 1, 4001, and end on December 31, 5000. It will be the fifth millennium in the Anno Domini or Common Era.
der Dom ist der höchste Berg der Schweiz, der sich komplett auf Schweizer Gebiet befindet (Mischabelgruppe, Wallis bei Zermatt am Matterhorn, vis à vie vom Weisshorn, 4505 m) der Normalweg geht von der Domhütte, Neueröffnung zeitgemäßer Anbau anfangs Juli 2013, an der Festigletscherzunge zum Festijoch, 3700 m, entweder links am Eisschlag oder gerade übers Festigrat zum Gipfel
My MiniMovie - Lyric for 2016 (ZenUI) 我利用 YouTube 影片編輯器 (http://www.youtube.com/editor) 製作了這部影片【#猴子哥哥+#黃勇誌+#黃猴子】【#猴子哥哥的總統府】【#猴子哥哥的立法院】【#猴子哥哥的台灣大學法律系】【#猴子就是猴子】【#Huang Y chih】【#fyszc張茶】【#Gitta Juan Yiyi】【#猴子哥哥的園地】【#猴子哥哥的喜怒哀樂】【#猴子哥哥的播報台】【#猴子哥哥的龍山寺】【#猴子哥哥的行天宮】【#GittaJuan依依】【#猴子哥哥的時代力量】【#猴子哥哥的淡江大學的日子裡】【#猴子哥哥的東吳大學法律系】【#猴子哥哥的自由時報】【#猴子哥哥的在千里之外的情人】【#猴子哥哥的消失的家】【#猴子哥哥的看圖說故事打官司】【#猴子哥哥的司法院】【#猴子哥哥的植物園】【#猴子哥哥的動物園】【#猴子哥哥的民進黨】【#猴子哥哥的板橋陽明街】【#猴子哥哥的新埔市場】【#猴子哥哥的士林夜市】【#猴子哥哥的新北市政府】 【#猴子哥哥的內政部】【#猴子哥哥的4545】【#猴子哥哥的中華電信】【#猴子哥哥的蘋果日報】【#猴子哥哥的三峽恩主公醫院】【#猴子哥哥的阿里山】【#猴子哥哥的世貿一館】【#猴子哥哥的壹新聞】【#猴子哥哥的我在花果山等妳】【#猴子哥哥在南龍營造的日子裡】【#猴子哥哥在遠揚營造的日子裡】【#猴子哥哥在世國營造的日子裡】【#猴子哥哥的播報台】【#猴子哥哥的八德公園】【#猴子哥哥的個人工作室】【#猴子哥哥的打倒特權】【#猴子哥哥的職業證-#工地主任+#品管工程師】【#猴子哥哥的我是台灣人】【#猴子哥哥的 Huang Y chih】
http://www.zagerguitar.com lyrics below! In the year 2525, if man is still alive If woman can survive, they may find In the year 3535 Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie Everything you think, do and say Is in the pill you took today In the year 4545 You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes You won't find a thing to chew Nobody's gonna look at you In the year 5555 Your arms hangin' limp at your sides Your legs got nothin' to do Some machine's doin' that for you In the year 6565 Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too From the bottom of a long glass tube In the year 7510 If God's a-coming, He oughta make it by then Maybe He'll look around Himself and say "Guess it's time for the Judgement Day" In the year 85...
As years goes by, We can find Zager & Evans visions were right! "In The Year 9595, I'm kinda wonderin if man is gonna be alive, He's taken everything this old Earth can give, And he ain't put back nothing..."
ニコニコ生放送で行ったクリエイターコンクールで優勝した作品です。 普段は4545隊とかしてますが、プレイヤースキルは皆無です。 そこらへんはご了承ください。 ニコニコ生放送コミュニティ http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co1848973 ツイッターアカウント https://twitter.com/horahuking
El Conquistador, A Waldorf Astoria Resort, The Arecibo Observatory, Palomino Island, Culebra Island, Puerto Rico, San Juan, El Yunque la Mina Falls, Rosa De Triana, Old San Juan, Faro de Rincón, Camuy River Cave Park, Palominito Island, Snorkling, Fajardo, El Yunque Tropical Forest