Showing posts with label Malcolm Ross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malcolm Ross. Show all posts

13 July 2016

Michelle Erstikaitis In The News Again

It's been a while since we heard anything about Michelle Erstikaitis. Last we heard she was still in detention from a previous run-in with the judicial system and Paul Fromm was diligently visiting her behind bars (really, though he claims her as a White Nationalist P.O.W. Paulie's relationship with Erstikaitis remains inexplicable to us.... unless.... yuck!).

We'll, it looks like she is out of prison.

Or, perhaps we should say, WAS out of prison:



Paulie might have a hard time explaining this away.

Michelle Erstikaitis, 36, who was deemed a dangerous offender five years ago, appeared in a College Park courtroom Tuesday looking dishevelled and ranting about wanting “a refugee lawyer” to handle her case.

She is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and carrying a concealed weapon.

“I’m a Canadian citizen and I want to leave this country,” Erstikaitis said in open court.

Okay, so, what did she do exactly?

Toronto Sun sources alleged the woman initially asked for asylum but soon began shouting “ISIS is coming to kill you” and other odd things.
Officers arrived and found a guard suffering from multiple stab wounds.

“It’s alleged the woman tried to force her way into the consulate while armed with a three-inch box cutter,” said Sidhu, who added she rushed through the body scanner at the front entrance prompting a guard to react.

As the guard grabbed the woman, she allegedly slashed his throat with the razor-sharp box-cutter narrowly missing a major artery, sources say.

“He managed to avoid serious injury,” Sidhu said, adding the guard’s arm was also sliced before the woman was subdued.

Yeah, that would do it.

The article goes on to detail Erstikaitis' long and sordid history of legal problems, arrests, and her dangerous offender designation which Paulie suggested was COMPLETELY unjustifiable.


Paulie might be pleased though (or saddened) to learn that her association with him and White Nationalists was not included in her biography

Last we actually saw Erstikaitis was at the Doug Christie Memorial in Toronto where she was photographed between Malcolm Ross and Marc Lemire....

20 June 2014

SOS and Fromm Associate Arrested

We first heard the name Chris Edmunds in relation to the April 2013 march held in London by the Southern Ontario "Skinheads" as well as his attendance at a memorial for the late Doug Christie.

Chris Edmunds, Malcolm Ross, Michele Erstikaitis, Marc Lemire

It's been a while, but you had to know a guy walking around with SS on his shirt would cross our radar again:

By Standard Staff

An 18-year-old St. Catharines man has been arrested for allegedly harassing an elderly couple in what police are calling racially motivated conduct.

Niagara Regional Police said an elderly couple who are long-time residents of an east St. Catharines neighbourhood were being threatened and intimidated. Police said the conduct occurred recently over a period of one month.

Christian Edmunds, 18, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with criminal harassment

Harassing old people. That's the courage we have come to expect from boneheads.

1 August 2013

McCorkell and Love Update

A week ago we published an article noting the link between Malcolm Ross and the late Robert McCorkell (McCorkill), at least regarding the estate. The main focus of the article was the injunction obtained by Isabelle McCorkill (Robert's surviving sister) which has temporarily blocked the distribution of the estate outside New Brunswick; the sister is challenging the bequest, which extends until the trial, on policy grounds. It seems likely that other interested parties will intervene in support of Ms. McCorkill's efforts. Below is a copy of the injunction:

Also, a few days ago Brad Love's bail was revoked and as a result was sent back to jail. Paulie's take on the matter seems a bit melodramatic:

Malevolent State Revokes Brad Love's Bail -- Letter Writing Political Prisoner Heads Back to Prison

So what's the deal?

Earlier this week, inveterate letter writing Brad Love flew back to Ontario to turn himself in -- on Thursday. His bail has been summarily revoked after the death of his mother, who was his surety.

Mr. Love is appealing his conviction last year and 18-month sentence for "breach of probation." The lengthy probation gag resulted from his 2003 conviction under Canada's notorious "hate law", Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. At the culmination of a series of escalating conditions, Mr. Justice Hogg (no kidding) forbad him to write to anybody, without their consent. In 2009, Mr. Love sent four packages of writings and clippings to a number of Toronto Jewish groups, having phoned and obtained their consent. This was not good enough, Last year for Ontario Court Justice Kelly Wright who said that their had not been informed consent convicted Mr. Love and sentenced him to a further 18 months in prison.

We should note that this issue appears to be separate from his more recent legal problems in Fort McMurray.

The rest of Paule's missive contains the usual rhetoric, including the claim that the letters were not of a violent nature and that Love is a political prisoner.

Given what we've learned about the letters Love has sent, Paulie and we have very different understandings about what, "not violent" means.

25 July 2013

Update on McCorkell Case Reveals Links to Malcolm Ross

Sister gets injunction temporarily stopping $250K estate going to National Alliance

By Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon, CBC News Posted: Jul 23, 2013 6:04 AM AT

The sister of a New Brunswick man who left a collection of coins and artifacts worth an estimated $250,000 to a neo-Nazi group in the United States has obtained an injunction.

The court order temporarily blocks any distribution of Robert McCorkill's estate or transfer out of New Brunswick, Ottawa-based lawyer Richard Warman stated in an email.

McCorkill, who also went by McCorkell, left his collection to the U.S.-based National Alliance when he died in Saint John nine years ago, but the estate has remained unsettled.

The ex parte injunction was obtained on Monday on behalf of McCorkill's sister Isabelle McCorkill, who will be challenging the bequest on public policy grounds, Warman said.

"I anticipate that other groups will intervene in support of the application in the coming days," he said.

Anti-racism groups had planned to try to stop the National Alliance from receiving the items, fearing they could be sold and help spark a rebirth of the neo-Nazi group that has been in decline since its founder died more than a decade ago.

12 May 2013

Michelle L. Erstikaitis Really IS a Super, Duper, Nazi! No Fool'n!

Last week we received a message from someone proporting to be Michell Erstikaitis. As the message is chock full of da krazy, we are going to assume that it is indeed her.

Suffice it to say she REALLY wants it to be known that she is a neo-Nazi. Really. She actually wrote that she is a neo-Nazi. A, "hardcore" neo-Nazi to boot.

The following was originally sent to a friend, but as it wasn't published there and because Michelle really wants the attention, she sent it to us as well, though slightly edited.

22 April 2013

An Interesting Development in Our Identification of Boneheads

Yesterday we started publishing the unidentified boneheads, some of whom are found in this picture:

One of the guys we were wondering about was this fella here:

Hey, nice Schutzstaffel you got on your collar buddy. Sort of something that might be able to use to help identify you. Or at the very least pick you out of other pictures.

25 March 2013

Doug Christie: The Truth Will Out (Part III)

You know, it is remarkable how, when presented with the truth, how people in an echo chamber refuse to acknowledge it. Take our friends at Free Dominion, for example. Despite what we think is pretty strong evidence indicating that Doug Christie and those Holocaust deniers, klanmen, and neo-Nazis whom he defended had certain shared political beliefs, they continue to suggest otherwise. However, there are those who say even if he did agree with Holocaust deniers, it doesn't matter since he was someone who selflessly fought for everyone's right to speak and write freely.

You can follow the link here if you wish to read the full discussion, but we think that these few posts sort of encapsulate the debate (by the way, we have no idea who poster "Free Markets" is, but he or she has already been accused of being a supporter of the Collective. We suspect this article will only heighten the already existent paranoia):


Well then, shall we take up "free_life2's" challenge then?

22 March 2013

Doug Christie: The Truth Will Out (Part II)

Christie in his law kiosk
Not surprisingly, we've already been criticized for our focus on Doug Christie by our friends at Free Dominion, including what might be a veiled (and pretty ironic in light of their claim to be supporters of free speech) threat of, we suspect, future litigation for having the temerity to post and comment on what Christie himself published. But then this is all part of the whitewash of Doug Christie and his reinvention as a free speech hero who defended those who said or wrote quirky things about Jews and people of color. As a result, Christie has practically been deified while we and other Christie critics are vilified.

But then our Free Dominion friends might have a little bit of a problem. You see, while we are an easy target (they don't like us very much for some reason), it might be more difficult for them to vilify someone who leads an organization that recently hosted an event to raise funds in support Free Dominion (pictures here and here).

What does Meir Weinstein have to say about the passing of Doug Christie?

NOTE: While it might seem silly to black out the names of the other individual also involved in the conversation we decided that we would do so unless given permission to post his name here.

So why would the head of the Canadian branch of the JDL write, "let him rot in hell" regarding the passing of Doug Christie? Well, one thing we've noted here in covering JDL, the organization in general and Meir specifically, are pretty consistent when it comes to an understandable antipathy towards people who hold anti-Jewish or anti-Semetic views and who promote those views publicly.

Which brings us to the topic at hand. Was Christie, as Meir Weinstein appears to imply, deserving of such criticism?

18 October 2011

Paulie Quite Inadvertently Stumbles Upon the Truth

Well it's that time of year when Doug Christie hosts yet another misnamed George Orwell Free Speech Award Dinner (misnamed not in the sense that Orwell opposed freedom of speech, but in that as a committed socialist opposed to totalitarianism in all it's forms, he would likely be disgusted that his name was being used to honour people who share the same ideology he risked his life opposing during the Spanish Civil War). Past, ehem... winners of this, uhm.... prestigious award include Marc Lemire, Ernst Zundel, Paul Fromm, Doug Collins, James Keegstra, Malcolm Ross and, our good friends and faithful readers, the Fourniers, among others.

Because misery loves company, Collins and co. awarded the prize to another worthy recipeient:

And this year`s winner is.............