Tag Archives: Gloria M. Arroyo

Achieve great unprecedented strides in revolutionary struggle under the new US-Aquino regime

The following statement is from the Communist Party of the Philippines:

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people in marking the eve of the stepping down of the US-Arroyo regime, which ruled the Philippines for nine and a half years with sheer brutality, corruption and subservience to foreign interests. At the same time, the CPP reiterates the need to persist along the path of revolutionary struggle and achieve great strides in advancing people’s war through the next several years of the new US-Aquino regime.

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National Democratic Front of Philippines says Arroyo must be brought to justice

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Democratic Front of Philippines (NDFP) Negotiating Panel.

NDFP calls on incoming administration to hold Mrs. Arroyo accountable for human rights violations and plunder

NDFP Negotiating Panel

26 May 2010

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) Negotiating Panel calls on the incoming administration of apparent President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III to hold Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and the military and civilian officials of her regime accountable for numerous gross human rights violations and blatant cases of massive corruption and plunder.

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CP of the Philippines: People will confront incoming Aquino regime with pressing demands

The following statement by the Communist Party of the Philippines is from the website of the National Democratic Front:

With the reactionary elections coming to a close, it now appears that the Philippine neocolonial state will be headed next by Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III.

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Joma Sison denounces psywar intrigues in the Philippines

The following statement by Jose Maria Sison is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines:

As chief political consultant of the Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), I am well informed about the revolutionary position of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People’s Army and the NDFP as well as the position of other major political forces in relation to the 2010 elections of the reactionary government.

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All efforts towards building the people’s army and advancing the national democratic revolution to a higher stage!

The following statement on the 37th anniversary of the founding of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines is from PhilippineRevolution.net. See also “The other alternative: NDFP 12 Point Program“:

Maria Malaya
NDF-North-Eastern Mindanao Region
April 24, 2010

Today we celebrate with utmost joy the Filipino people’s gallant struggle for national liberation and genuine democracy under a united front. Thirty seven years ago on April 24, in the face of the fascist Marcos dictatorship, revolutionary organizations came together to form the National Democratic Front (NDF). Through the years the NDF has proven its commitment in advancing the revolutionary struggle of the Filipino people to overthrow the semi-colonial, semi-feudal system which oppresses, deprives and exploits majority of the masses.

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CP of the Philippines denounces plans to intensify U.S. intervention

The following statement is by the Communist Party of the Philippines:

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today charged the Obama regime of plotting to intensify US military intervention in the Philippines in the twilight of its puppet regime amid the highly volatile situation in the runup to the May 2010 elections. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Garry Reid arrived Wednesday and met secretly with Department of National Defense (DND) undersecretary Antonio Romero, DND undersecretary Arturo Lumibao and other senior security and military officials of the Arroyo regime.

“US imperialism and its defense and security officials are gravely concerned with the continued growth of the Filipino people’s revolutionary armed struggle and the failure of the terminal US-designed Internal Security Operation Plan Bantay Laya to defeat or even cripple the revolutionary movement in the Philippines,” said the CPP. “The Obama administration has also become highly concerned with the volatility of the present elections in the Philippines and the possibility of recourse to military rule to support the extension of the Arroyo puppet regime and suppress the people’s resistance.”

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Philippines: 41st anniversary of the New People’s Army

The following is a significant statement from Ang Bayan, the organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines. This message from the CPP to the New People’s Army is an important development of their line of advancing the People’s War in the Philippines from the stage of strategic defensive to strategic stalemate. See also their previous statements on this question, Strive to make a great advance in the People’s War for New Democracy and Raise the Level of People’s War in the New Decade:

Advance from strategic defensive to strategic stalemate
Message to the New People’s Army from the Central Committee, Communist Party of the Philippines, March 29, 2010

On the occasion of the 41st founding anniversary of the New People’s Army (NPA), we salute the Red commanders and fighters and pay our highest respects to our revolutionary martyrs and heroes. We congratulate the rank and file for the victories won in the past year and urge them on to garner further victories in the revolutionary struggle for national liberation and democracy. 

Since we announced our strategic plan to advance from the stage of strategic defensive to that of strategic stalemate in the protracted people’s war, our Party cadres and members, Red commanders and fighters, mass activists, allies and the broad masses of the people have been enthusiastically discussing the basis, political requirements and strategy and tactics for the advance. Why and how shall we succeed? 

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