Category Archives: Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo celebrates 50 years of independence

The following article is from Zimbabwe’s Herald:

By Morris Mkwate in KINSHASA, DRC

PRESIDENT Mugabe arrived here yesterday to join in celebrations to mark the vast country’s 50 years of independence from Belgian colonial rule.

He was welcomed by Harare’s Ambassador to Kinshasa, Mr John Mayowe, DRC Prime Minister Adolf Muzitu, DRC Defence Minister Charles Mwandosimba and Zimbabwe embassy officials.

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Congo: still struggling for independence

The following is from from the December 2008 issue of the Proletarian, the newspaper of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

_42248874_afpCongo: still struggling for independence

Genocidal war has raged in the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since the 1998 US-backed invasion by the forces of Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi. At the last estimate, the war has claimed a staggering 5.4 million lives. [i.]

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