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WWP candidate: ‘Elections are rigged on behalf of billionaire ruling class’

Workers World Party does agree with Trump that these elections are rigged, but not for the reasons he espouses. These elections are rigged on behalf of himself as a billionaire and the billionaire ruling class that he represents, just as these elections are rigged on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the billionaire class that she represents — especially her Wall Street backers and the Pentagon and its allies, especially NATO, which seeks to enslave the workers and oppressed of the world along with their resources all for the sake of making profits.

Just ask the people of Libya and Honduras, who have had their sovereignty violently taken away from them. It was in the process of being taking away from them when Clinton was secretary of state. And now Clinton has set her sights on a possible war with the Putin government in Russia, which is assisting in defending the Syrian government against U.S.-NATO attacks. I guess having a counterrevolution in the former Soviet Union just wasn’t enough.

These elections are rigged to keep the ruling-class parties, the Republicans and Democrats, in power by giving the false notion that every four years these elections are all about defending democracy for the majority. In reality it is really a democracy for the super-rich, a tiny minority.

Obama, in answering Trump yesterday, stated, “Trump’s warnings could abrade faith in the U.S. political system. One way of weakening America and making it less great is if you start betraying those basic American traditions that have been bipartisan and have helped to hold together this democracy now for well over two centuries.”

How ironic and hypocritical for Obama to make such a statement, being the first Black president after all white male presidents, some of them slave owners and KKK sympathizers. During his eight years as president, there have been more deportations of immigrants — at least 2 million — and more police murders of Black, Brown and Indigenous people than during any other presidency, as well as mass shootings involving a growing number of alienated people.

10.26.16 1
Zoom Buffalo, NY: Dignity Not Deportation! Don’t Detain Our CommunityThursday, October 27 - 9:30 am to 11:30 am
Niagara Square, Buffalo, New York 14202
We stand in solidarity with the #Buffalo25. And its time to let ICE and our elected officials know that...

Buffalo, NY: Dignity Not Deportation! Don’t Detain Our Community

Thursday, October 27 - 9:30 am to 11:30 am

Niagara Square, Buffalo, New York 14202

We stand in solidarity with the #Buffalo25. And its time to let ICE and our elected officials know that we are watching and we are serious about demanding #DignityNotDeportation for our community.

This is an all hands on deck action. The country is watching closely at what is happening in Buffalo and we need to show up big time for our worker friends!

Join us at Niagara Sqaure at 9:30am tomorrow to show the world that we are watching.

If you can’t make it but want to support the families you can donate to a relief fund here 

Buffalo News: 25 arrested in raids on four Mexican restaurants

10.26.16 2
A look back to 1983: U.S. invaded, occupied Grenada

By Dolores Cox

Since 1981, the C.I.A. had attempted to destabilize Grenada politically and economically. Two years before the 1983 invasion, U.S. forces staged a mock invasion of Grenada on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, using paratroopers, air and naval assaults, and almost 10,000 troops to invade a country whose total population was less than 100,000.

A struggle within the New Jewel Movement led to a coup against Bishop and his assassination on Oct. 19, 1983. Taking advantage of the situation, the U.S. invaded six days later, using as its pretext an alleged danger faced by U.S. medical students.

10.26.16 2
Media Deliberately Omits Critical Info to Demonize Venezuela

By Lucho Granados Ceja

The announcement from Venezuela’s electoral authority that it would not proceed with a recall referendum has unleashed yet another wave of critical articles and opinion pieces throughout the English-speaking media, labeling the socialist government in Venezuela as “authoritarian” or even a “dictatorship.”

It is a tired tune that people who follow political developments in the South American country have heard consistently throughout the 18-year process known as the Bolivarian Revolution.

Despite the fact that the Venezuelan government’s democratic credentials have been affirmed repeatedly—including by groups that cannot be considered to be partial to the government, such as the Carter Center—private media outlets insist on labeling the Maduro administration “undemocratic.”

Media outlets are fully aware that if they were to be honest in their reporting about Venezuela, the narrative that the country is not a democracy would collapse under the weight of its own insincerity.

Thus private outlets have consistently anddeliberately omitted critical information about recent developments in Venezuela.

10.26.16 12
New York: 10 arrested after immigrant rights protest on GW Bridge

Protesters chained themselves together and blocked the upper level of the George Washington Bridge Wednesday morning during rush hour.

They were removed around 8:30 a.m. Ten people were under arrest, identified only as seven men and three women.

“Immigrants and supporters shut down the upper level of the George Washington Bridge for 45 minutes during this morning’s rush hour, declaring ‘Somos visible,’ or 'We are visible,’” it said.

10.26.16 10
UN Unanimously Rejects Blockade as US Abstains for First Time

In a historic step toward lifting the blockade on Cuba, the United States abstained Wednesday in the United Nations general assembly vote unamimously calling for the end of the Cold War measure for the 25th consecutive year.

Only two countries, the United States and Israel, abstained from the vote, while 191 of the 193 member states in the assembly voted in favor of the resolution. Last year, 191 states voted in favor of the resolution. Only the United States and Israel voted against it.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez presented the draft resolution to the assembly, heralding the U.S. announcement of a historic abstention as a “positive step” in the ongoing process of normalizing relations between the two countries after decades of resistance by Cuban people.

10.26.16 8
Urgent update from site of #NoDAPL struggle

#NoDAPL UPDATE: The situation here is escalating quickly. Police and military are staging a few miles down the road from where the water protectors have set up barricades. People here are preparing themselves both physicially and mentally as they expect a raid by authorities at any moment. There is now a no-fly zone over the area. Police are targeting journalists and taking our equipment and footage. Multiple militarized police checkpoints surround the frontline camps and are screening vehicles driving in and out of the area. Helicopters and planes circle the camps continuously gathering geospatial intelligence. The various camps are digging in and preparing for colder weather as warriors defend the barricades from an impending attack at any moment. Unicorn Riot intends to document whatever happens next on the frontline when the police and military return.

Follow Unicorn Riot:

10.26.16 22

Banda Bassotti announces next Antifascist Caravan to Donbass for May 1, 2017


Since May 2nd 2014 we are active supporting the fight of the Donbass Antifascist, we share this fight with several other comrades that in such hard time haven’t left us alone.

Since the beginning of this war, Western media - like in many further cases - stand out for the silence and the falsification of the reality covering the crimes of the central Government of Kiev.

The truce of Minsk have not been enforced by the puppet Ukrainian Government; Bombs keep falling and kill civilians. Commanders and fighters of the Novorossia resistance are brutally killed. People keep living with the constant fear of bombs and of a new aggression of the nazi-fascist troups of Poroshenko Government.

The population of Donbass urges us to organize a new Antifascist Caravan to bring humanitarian aid.

We plan to visit them on the 1st of May, International Labor day. In that day we will deliver food and medicines to the population of the two Republic and we will play two concerts in Donetsk and Lugansk. With this statement, we invite all the Comrades that in Europe and in the World helped us and the Antifascist fight to collect food, medicines, copybooks, pens and pencils for children.



10.26.16 7
Rayquan Borum is a 21-year old Black man and father being framed by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department for the murder of...



Rayquan Borum is a 21-year old Black man and father being framed by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department for the murder of Justin Carr. Dozens of eye-witnesses have given consistent accounts that Justin Carr, a protester, was killed by the CMPD in front of the Omni Hotel on September 23, one day after police shot and killed Keith Scott, father of seven. 

Rayquan has suffered countless abuses from the correctional officers since his arrest. He is being denied accessibility to safe food, proper hygiene, and human contact. He has reported finding hair and other debris in his food! These are human rights violations! This is illegal! You can read our full statement here. 

We need the help of everyone in our community to protect Rayquan and get him out of solitary confinement, as soon as possible. 

The Sheriff’s Office is the only entity that can get him out. Call all day, blast thier social media, let them know injustices will NOT be tolerated any longer! 

Numbers to call: 

Chief Deputy Felicia McAdoo: 980.314.5009 

Mecklenberg County Sheriff’s office: 704.336.2543 

NC Attorney General, Roy Cooper: 919.605.1629

10.26.16 12
Venezuela's Right-Wing Assembly Advances Impeachment Process

The right-wing dominated National Assembly in Venezuela opened a parliamentary session Tuesday on “the beginning of an evaluation process meant to determine the constitutional situation of the president of the Republic,” which concluded with approving a hearing process against President Nicolas Maduro.

The hearing is scheduled for Nov. 1 at 3 p.m. and will raise his alleged “political responsibility” into violations of the constitution, human rights and democracy.

Legislators from the governing United Socialist Party of Venezuela protested against what they called an attempt at a “parliamentary coup” and a violation of the constitutional rule, arguing that the impeachment procedure did not legally exist in Venezuela.

Meanwhile, Maduro has called for a meeting of the Venezuelan Defense Council at the Miraflores presidential palace for Wednesday, calling on all public authorities to engage in national dialogue in order to assess the parliamentary coup and the “plan for peaceful dialogue.”

Tens of thousands of Chavistas came out today to support the president and the democratic process in the country. Many affirmed that they would not let there be a coup in Venezuela like recently occurred in Brazil against President Dilma Rousseff.

10.26.16 15