Trump Surrogate Jeffrey Lord Says He's "Naturally Wary Of Polls"


From the October 24 edition of CNN's Anderson Cooper 360:

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ANDERSON COOPER (HOST): Donald Trump says he's winning and new polling shows it. However, neither poll he points to meets our standards for transparency, or the way they're conducted. What's more, the bulk of industry standard polling including this new CNN/ORC survey showed a different picture. Clinton up five points here and ahead by a similar amount in several polling averages. Back now with the panel. Jeffrey, do you -- how do you see the polls? Where do you see hope?

JEFFREY LORD: I'm a little wary. I'm just sort of naturally wary of polls. One thing I should say, for the audience that doesn't listen to Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh has for years -- Rush Limbaugh has maintained for years that these polls are used for political purposes to, in essence, build momentum for candidates. So, you know, I suspect he's probably been saying this in the last few days as well. 


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Posted In
Jeffrey Lord, Donald Trump
Anderson Cooper 360
2016 Elections
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