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Anonymous Tomasz Winnicki said...

My internet comments are just damn SEXY! As a matter of fact they're too SEXY for 90% of Canadian lamers. I stand by each and every one of my SEXY internet comments. I take nothing back and I'm sorry for nothing.

You think you will stop 17-year-olds having sex with their 15-year-old girlfriends? They did for ages and will continue. You can try though.

23 April 2015 at 17:38

Anonymous Tomasz Winnicki said...

If I knew you'd throw such a hissy fit over my donation I would have done it a bit differently. Actually, just a minute... done.
See the updated total now - http://www.gofundme.com/rh3adw

23 April 2015 at 19:20

Anonymous Tomasz Winnicki said...

I think I and others who were persecuted/prosecuted due to S13 are owed a public apology from the government and monetary compensation for our losses.

23 April 2015 at 19:37

Anonymous Tomasz Winnicki said...

Connie says...
Thanks so much for your generous donation, Tomasz. We really do appreciate it!

Connie and Mark

23 April 2015 at 19:41

Anonymous Tomasz Winnicki said...

So you're aware of my comments at The Atlantic then. Why don't you go over there to debate me? You can post there under the exact same rules as I can; debate me on equal footing. How about it? Oh, right... it won't be fair to you because there you can't control my posts.

Don't you think it's funny how all the leftist cowards scurried off after Watson got his $4+ million?

23 April 2015 at 19:59

Anonymous Tomasz Winnicki said...

Read about impulse 'control' of your pet Negroes.

And I could provide dozens upon dozens more links.

23 April 2015 at 20:37

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tomasz, you're a moron.

15 September 2015 at 05:53

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