- published: 11 Jan 2016
- views: 4146874
A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources.
In contemporary academia, disasters are seen as the consequence of inappropriately managed risk. These risks are the product of a combination of both hazards and vulnerability. Hazards that strike in areas with low vulnerability will never become disasters, as is the case in uninhabited regions.
Developing countries suffer the greatest costs when a disaster hits – more than 95 percent of all deaths caused by hazards occur in developing countries, and losses due to natural hazards are 20 times greater (as a percentage of GDP) in developing countries than in industrialized countries.
The word disaster is derived from Middle French désastre and that from Old Italian disastro, which in turn comes from the Ancient Greek pejorative prefix δυσ-, (dus-) "bad" and ἀστήρ (aster), "star". The root of the word disaster ("bad star" in Greek) comes from an astrological sense of a calamity blamed on the position of planets.
Top 15 Natural Disasters Caught On Tape
Natural Disasters - 'Most Terrifying Natural Disasters In The World !!!'
10 Deadly Natural Disasters Caught on Video
JoJo - Disaster
Deadly disaster at Work !!! Epic Fail Compilation-Part 3
MOST BRUTAL Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters Caught on Camera
Mega Disaster Tsunami 2006 - HD
Mega Disaters 2014 Kobe Earthquake Disaster S02E06
These natural disasters caught on camera led to millions of dollars in damages and took innocent lives. Subscribe Here: https://www.youtube.com/Top15s?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Top15s_ Edited by: Kenneth Castano Written by: Jonah Petruic The list of natural disasters caught on tape: 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami 2011 Joplin Tornado Hurricane Sandy Slave Lake Wildfires Hurricane Katrina 2011 Christchurch Earthquake Armero Tragedy 2013 Southern Alberta Floods 1992 Hurricane Andrew 1987 Edmonton Tornado Tornado Outbreak of December 23-25, 2015 2015 Washington Wildfires Mount St. Helens eruption 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake Music: "Controlled Chaos" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3...
http://bit.ly/2f9qXC4 Video about natural disasters in the world 2015, types of natural disasters in the world, natural disasters in the world 2014, top 10 natural disasters in the world, recent natural disasters in the world 2012, worst natural disasters in the world, scariest natural disasters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The phenomenon of the scariest natural disasters Heavy rain triggered flash floods in a number of areas. Forests that are supposed to hold rain water, now can not be them. This video contains a collection of flash floods that occurred in various countries. The world's most intense natural disasters can arouse our level of awareness will be the preservation of nature. The WORLD'S MOST INTENSE ...
Top 10 horrible natural disasters that affected the world. These terrible acts of nature that were caught on camera claimed a vast amount of lives and cost millions in damage. Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg Other Videos You Might Like 10 Most Dangerous Roads In The World: https://youtu.be/VdoAFK3FD1Y 10 Most Dangerous Selfies Ever Taken: https://youtu.be/vbINDVqaQic Description: Nature can be described in a number of different ways - awesome, breath-taking, spectacular and incredible, among them. Sometimes, though, simple adjectives don’t quite do they trick. We’ve all seen footage of natural disasters that go well beyond those descriptors and seem better suited to bold, superlative exclamations like “HOLY CRAP!” and “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??”. That’s because few sights ...
Music video by JoJo performing Disaster. (C) 2011 Blackground-Interscope. LLC
CONTACT AND STORE: http://www.iamjohnhill.com/ XARNDA CRUSHES!: https://xarndaxarnda.bandcamp.com ASHTON'S VIDEO!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cN6r_Y8ZMc What an insanely productive session, thanks for the inspo Ashton, thanks for the views people, and THANKS FOR SMASHING THE MOTHER FUDGING LIKE BUTTON! See you guys tomorrow for another video (: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/johnhilltube FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/johnhilltube SNAPCHAT: @john249hill INSTAGRAM: @john249hill
support paranormal world, donate any amount send via : Paypal at: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=QTPKMACCXMQUE For business please contact me at : salahsheytan@yahoo.com
Click here to see more videos: http://tsunamichanel.blogspot.com Click here to subcriber: https://goo.gl/nRAapX The term tsunami, meaning "harbor wave" in literal translation, comes from the Japanese 津波, composed of the two kanji 津 (tsu) meaning "harbour" and 波 (nami), meaning "wave". (For the plural, one can either follow ordinary English practice and add an s, or use an invariable plural as in the Japanese.[7]) There are only a few other languages that have an equivalent native word. In Acehnese language, the words are ië beuna[8] or alôn buluëk[9] (depending on the dialect). In Tamil language, it is aazhi peralai. On Simeulue island, off the western coast of Sumatra in Indonesia, in Devayan language the word is smong, while in Sigulai language it is emong.[10] In Singkil (in Aceh prov...
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the disaster event has begin once again, games like survive disasters and all disaster games. but this one can be another Challenging task, for the survival of taking cover and going up or down...
Quem nunca passou por uma situação de desastre em ambientes corporativos, não sabe o que significa Disaster Recovery Plan. No próximo dia 08/11, às 21:00, Sidney R. Modenesi abordará os desafios que um DBA enfrenta para recuperar os bancos de dados de uma organização, com o mínimo de perda de dados e em intervalos de tempo cada vez menores e com o menor custo, de forma a atender as necessidades das áreas de negócio.
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use this link : ++http://bit.ly/2dlEGzE +-+ for more information! ---------------------------------- FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ign TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ign INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/igndotcom/?hl=en WEBSITE: http://www.ign.com/ GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/+IGN
Aired as Blueprint For Disaster S01E05 The Mystery of the Derbyshire A ship vanishes without any trace. The investigation took 20 years before the cause of the tragedy was determined beyond doubt. SUBSCRIBE! And Follow these links to keep up to date with more documentary uploads! :) My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Misses_Razberry My Google + : https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MrsRavishingRickRude My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/laineybear82/
Mayday Air Crash Investigation Season 12 Episode 9 Lokomotiv Hockey Team Disaster (Russia's Ice Hockey Disaster) (Hockey Team Tragedy) 2011 Lokomotiv Yaroslavl Air Disaster *SPOILERS BELOW* ▶WIKI DESCRIPTION: On 7 September 2011, an aircraft carrying the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl professional ice hockey team crashes shortly after takeoff at Yaroslavl, Russia, killing all but one of the 45 occupants. The investigation found that the pilots were not properly trained on the aircraft type and mishandled the aircraft during the takeoff. ▶LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRb-rPT4i_6-iHaO1PxdOxA New videos uploading coming soon for Air Crash Investigation. Feel free to comment and to like my video! ▶DISCLAIMER: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Co...
At the Quecreek Mine in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, coal miners accidentally dug into the poorly documented Saxman Mine, causing 500 million tonnes of underground water to flood the Quecreek mine. All nine miners trapped by the water were eventually rescued.
Watch Full Episodes of Blueprint for Disaster, a precursor of sorts for Seconds to Disaster. This is Season 1 Episode 3. Scroll down for further information on this disaster. SUBSCRIBE! And Follow these links to keep up to date with more documentary uploads! :) My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Misses_Razberry Collapse of Big Blue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Blue_(crane)
In this episode: 1. Rock butter 2. Bad Dad 3. Ranch Please 4. Lost Why 5. Help Yourself
Engineering Disaster Documentary 3 Shortcuts in engineering design can lead to engineering disasters. Engineering is the science and technology used to meet the needs and demands of society.[1] These demands include buildings, aircraft, vessels, and computer software. In order to meet society’s demands, the creation of newer technology and infrastructure must be met efficiently and cost-effectively. To accomplish this, managers and engineers have to have a mutual approach to the specified demand at hand. This can lead to shortcuts in engineering design to reduce costs of construction and fabrication. Occasionally, these shortcuts can lead to unexpected design failures. Read more : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineering_disasters May you find this video informative and be thrilled to ...
Join Little Carly and Cassie the Cat in this Fancy Dress disaster! What will happen to the pair in this awesome Minecraft Roleplay? ♥Cassie The Cat: http://bit.ly/CassieTheCat♥ ♥The Little Club ♥ ============= ♥Little Lizard - http://bit.ly/LittleLizardG♥ ♥Tiny Turtle - http://bit.ly/TinyTurtleYT♥ ♥Little Kelly - http://bit.ly/LittleKellyMc♥ ♥Little Carly - http://bit.ly/LittleCarly♥ ♥Little Donny - http://bit.ly/LittlePrinceDonny♥ ♥The Minevengers - http://bit.ly/TheMineVengers♥ ♥Sharky Adventures - http://bit.ly/SharkyChannel♥ ♥Donut The Dog - http://bit.ly/DonutTheDog♥ ♥Max The Monkey - http://bit.ly/MaxTheMonkey♥ ♥Baby Duck - http://bit.ly/BabyDuck ♥ ♥Little Club - http://bit.ly/TheLittleClub ♥ ♥Little Ally - http://bit.ly/LittleAlly ♥ ♥Baby Leah - http://bit.ly/BabyLeah♥ ♥Baby Max ...
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