- published: 07 Oct 2016
- views: 9167
Roundup, round up or round-up may refer to:
Kulisy depopulacji cz. 1. ROUNDUP i zbrodnie chemiczne.
How to apply Roundup weed killer
Using Roundup® Weed & Grass Killer Products Properly
How To Kill A Lawn With Glyphosate or "RoundUp"
The Health Dangers of Roundup (glyphosate) Herbicide. Jeffrey Smith & Stephanie Seneff
Home Made Roundup Alternative
How to spray roundup weed killer
Roundup Alternatives Testing - Permaculture: Our Urban Design: Part 11
Lobbyist Claims Monsanto's Roundup Is Safe To Drink, Freaks Out When Offered A Glass
Gift auf dem Acker - Monsanto Roundup (3sat)
Część pierwsza serii reportaży na temat zagrożenia jakie niesie z sobą żywność genetycznie modyfikowana GMO oraz pestycydy jak RoundUp. Reportaż TVN CHEMIA ZABIJA NIE TYLKO CHWASTY: http://uwaga.tvn.pl/reportaze,2671,n/chemia-zabija-nie-tylko-chwasty,138455.html
Using Roundup Weed & Grass Killer products right is key to maximizing their effectiveness and safety. Here are a few tips for making the most of them. First of all, remember that your best resource is right on the bottle. You should always read and follow the label before using any of our products. WHEN you use them is as important as HOW you use them. For best results, apply on a dry, wind-free day above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This helps minimize drift, speeds up drying, and keeps Mother Nature from washing away the product before it can be absorbed. Now it’s time for the big moment — application. Our products should be sprayed on the weed’s leaves. If you’re using a product that prevents new weeds from appearing, spray it on the entire area where you want to prevent those shifty scoun...
Step #2 is glyphosate application across the entire yard that we have termed "The Salad Bar" Here I show you what I used, why and how. If you want to get Erasure Glyphosate you can call my guys at Solutions Self Chem - ask for Sebastian and mention LCN for a discount. (985) 788-3973
It was "supposed" to be harmless to humans and animals—the perfect weed killer. Now a groundbreaking article just published in the journal Entropy points to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, and more specifically its active ingredient glyphosate, as devastating—possibly "the most important factor in the development of multiple chronic diseases and conditions that have become prevalent in Westernized societies." That's right. The herbicide sprayed on most of the world's genetically engineered crops—and which gets soaked into the food portion—is now linked to "autism ... gastrointestinal issues such as inflammatory bowel disease, chronic diarrhea, colitis and Crohn's disease, obesity, cardiovascular disease, depression, cancer, cachexia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclero...
Not as strong or lasting as Round up but effective A recipe for home made weed killer , just one variation of home made weed killers. I found this also drives off box elder beetles. zone-6b
This is how to get rid of your weeds.
Here we compare just a few of the many natural alternatives to Roundup. Great information was found on this subject at: http://www.small-farm-permaculture-and-sustainable-living.com/organic_weed_killer_formula.html One of these recipes was supplied by fellow YouTuber : Stymye As posted in this clip http://youtu.be/fRS6H2wE6ME Music: "Tea Roots" (ISRC: US-UAN-11-00472), and "Wallpaper" (ISRC: US-UAN-11-00843) by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Slide Sound Effect: "AGFA_2echo.WAV" By "fastson" @ http://www.freesound.org/people/fastson/sounds/102682/
Update: Monsanto Knew Glyphosate Cancer Link 35 Years Ago: https://youtu.be/ghtLClv1nbM SM Gibson March 26, 2015 (ANTIMEDIA) French television station Canal+ recently sat down with Dr. Patrick Moore for an upcoming documentary. Dr Moore, who claims to be an ecological expert and is currently the frontman for Ecosense Environmental, stated to the interviewer that Monsanto’s weed killer Roundup was not responsible for skyrocketing cancer rates in Argentina. This is where the interview took a turn for the surreal. Dr. Moore insisted that Roundup is safe to drink, at which point the interviewer did the only logical thing one could do in that situation. He offered the doctor a glass of the weed killer to allow him an opportunity to back up his statement. The following is the text from that...
Der Pflanzenphysiologe an der Uni Hohenheim Günter Neumann bestätigt die Forschungsergebnisse die uns der US-Pflanzenpathologe Prof. Don Huber in Weingarten vorgetragen hat. Der Wirkstoff Glyphosat reichert sich in den Wurzeln an; Das Unkrautvernichtungsmittel "Roundup" kann Pflanzenschäden und Geburtsdefekte bei Tieren auslösen. Prof. Don Huber: Erhöhte Unfruchtbarkeitsraten und spontane Fehlgeburten dank grüner Gentechnik und Glyphosat Die Bezeichnung "Grüne Gentechnik" hört sich sehr neutral an. Die Industrie suggeriert damit eine aufs Allgemeinwohl ausgelegte Notwendigkeit, die es zu fördern gilt. Dass ein solcher Begriff aber nicht zwingend die Wirklichkeit widerspiegeln muss, sondern im Gegenteil, die "Grüne Gentechnik" dazu benutzt wird, fatale Folgen für Mensch, Tier und Umwelt...