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Anonymous Anonymous said...

A number of years ago the Canadian Jewish Congress published a study for what was then the "Metro Toronto" entitled "From Marches to Modems:A Report on Organized Hate in Metro Toronto"

It is to this day one of the best compendiums of historical info on people like Lemire, Fromm, Zundel, Droege and many more.


6 October 2009 at 06:10

Blogger nos200 said...

To the anonymous poster who left the link (not the one that we published here, but a second one), thank you. We are aware of it, but we're not letting that out so that the person operating the site doesn't block access (which is possible). Know though that the resource has been utilized.

6 October 2009 at 21:50

Anonymous Anonymous said...

super work, team awesome!

10 October 2009 at 23:46

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