30 October, 2009

"Macleans" Retracts Hacked WiFi Allegation

Remember how Lemire, Fromm, Levant, JayCurrie, Levant, Steyn, the Fourniers and, of course, "Macleans" magazine have alleged that the Canadian Human Rights Commission, "hacked" a private citizen's wifi to access and post messages on hate sites? Well, it looks like "Macleans" has had second thoughts:

29 October, 2009

Bandidos Murder Trial: The "White Nationalist" Connection.

Today, three men were convicted in the Bandido murder trial. Wayne Kellestine, Michael Sandham, and Dwight Mushey were all found guilty on eight counts of first degree murder. Two other men, Frank Mather and Marcelo Aravena were found guilty of one count each of manslaughter and seven counts of first-degree murder each. The final suspect, Brett Gardiner, was found guilty of two counts of manslaughter and six counts of first-degree murder.

The 2006 massacre is considered to be the largest mass murder in Ontario history.

We at the ARC Collective have been following this case since before there was an ARC Collective because of the links to the Canadian, "White Nationalist" movement. The first link became apparent to us when the father of one Bandito associate was interviewed in April 2006 by the media ("Winnipeg Sun") soon after the murders took place:

LONDON, Ont. -- A local Bandidos associate who recently moved to Winnipeg should "disappear" for a while following last week's massacre, his worried, white-supremacist father says.

David Weiche, described by one London biker as "the right-hand man" of Bandidos massacre murder suspect Wayne Kellestine, should keep a low profile, his father Martin Weiche, a well-known London neo-Nazi, warned.

"If I was David ... I'd go and hide," Martin Weiche told Sun Media, adding his son moved to Winnipeg about three months ago.

"I would quickly disappear for a few weeks. The murderers are still out there."

Martin Weiche's history in the Canadian racist movement goes back for decades. Born in Germany, Martin Weiche was a member of the Hitler Youth and fought for Germany during World War II. In 1968, he ran for for Parliament as a "National Socialist." He was an early associate of John Beattie, the founder of the Canadian Nazi Party. In 1981, Weiche was implicated in a failed coup called, "Operation Red Dog" which included Stormfront owner Don Black and the founder of the Heritage Front, the late Wolfgang Droege. Weiche is also believed to have been an early funder of Paul Fromm before some sort of falling out occurred between the two men.

Another more direct, and very interesting, link to the Canadian, "White Nationalist" movement occurred on July 10, 2005. On that day, the Canadian hate group the Northern Alliance was protesting, as they had done in the past and would do so in the future, the Gay Pride Parade in London, Ontario. Many of the regulars, including Fromm, participated in the protest:

Jason Ouwendyk, the then leader of the Northern Alliance (along with Tara Dribnenki in the white shorts).

Tomasz Winnicki.

Nathan Touchette, a former roommate of Kyle McKee of the Aryan Guard.

And David Ruud ("For Honour" on Stormfront).

There was also another group that showed up:

Dave Ruud was the first over to welcome the bikers, and ran quickly to them to shake hands as they were giving sieg heil (nazi) salutes.

Included among the bikers was Wayne Kellestine (right photo) who would later go on to face eight charges of first-degree murder in the shooting deaths of eight men on April 8, 2006. Kellestine, also known as "Wiener," once served as the leader of both the Annihilators and St. Thomas Loners, two biker gangs that are now defunct.

According to the Toronto Star, Kellestine loved to pose for photographs in front of his collection of Nazi memorabilia at his London-area farmhouse.

And, of course today Kellestine and six others were convicted of several counts of murder and manslaughter.

At the time of the gay pride parade protest, the bikers were viewed differently:

26 October, 2009

Confirmation: Jeff Hughes (nishinexile) Involved In Fatal Encounter With RCMP

The mainstream media has now confirmed what we reported on that it was Jeff Hughes who was shot by the RCMP:

Investigation into B.C. police shooting widens

Last Updated: Monday, October 26, 2009
CBC News

An independent observer from the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP and a member of the force's office of investigative standards and practices were in Nanaimo, B.C., on the weekend in the aftermath of a fatal shooting by police of a purported white supremacist.

The Vancouver Island Integrated Major Crime Unit says its officers continue their investigation into the death Friday of 48-year-old Jeffrey Hughes.

Hughes was fatally shot following a standoff with RCMP officers responding to a noise complaint. He was shot after he came out with what police say appeared to be a weapon.

An inspector from the Victoria Police Department is also monitoring the investigation.

Hughes was a member of a white supremacist group called Northwest Front Canada, according to the Vancouver Sun.

Some online postings from related organizations accused the police of killing Hughes because of his political affiliations, a charge denied by police.

RCMP spokesman Sgt. Peter Thiessen said the man's death was "no execution and when all the facts are made public it will become apparent what happened."

Last month, the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police asked the province to create an independent unit to investigate deaths involving police and serious allegations against officers, in order to ensure public confidence in such investigations.

The province did not commit to creating such a unit.

With files from The Canadian Press

Those, "online postings from related organizations" accusing the police of a politically motivated assassination refer primarily, though not exclusively, to Stormfront where there is not one, but two threads concerning the incident. Some of the posters of Stormfront are referring to the shooting of an, "act of war":

Perhaps this is as good a time as any to remind our readers, and any Alberta law enforcement officer, that Bill Noble (Leto Atreides II) is in violation of the terms of his release and has been since the day he was released from prison.

The racists on Stormfront are painting Hughes as a mild, passive and non-violent individual. And certainly not someone who had a firearm. OdinPatrick, the moderator of the Canadian forum on Stormfront and who had been with Hughes on October 16, makes the following claim when he was still uncertain that it was Hughes who had been shot:

I hope you have your information wrong NHV, and it was some indian they shot. If it's Jeff, then I just lost a friend and my condolences to his family. Last time I talked to him he was just telling me he lives in a Ghetto, and that his building is full of indians and blacks and they play their music all night long. I don't understand this, he doesn't have any guns, and doesn't even carry a knife or pepper spray, and when I was in Vancouver, he discouraged me from carrying "dog/bear/pepper" spray because he doesn't believe in using weapons for defence or something like that. Obviously the RCMP female officer who shot him believes in weapons, it sounds like he may slapped her and he was shot 10 times for that offence.

However, in another news article concerning Mr. Hughes, a neighbour claimed that he did possess weapons:
She did see a Nazi flag on his apartment wall and several guns. She didn't take his neo-Nazi interests seriously and wasn't concerned about in his guns.
The same woman made the following statement concerning the shooting itself:

David had no doubt that the officer who shot Hughes had no choice.

"They couldn't stop Jeff, he went off his rocker. This is just this one night. It was an ongoing thing for months here."

Now this woman isn't someone with a grudge against Hughes. In fact it appears she believed he was harmless, and even liked him in spite of his neo-Nazi beliefs which she claims he never tried to force on her. That being said she also believes, based upon how Mr. Hughes was acting, that the shooting was justified. She's not happy about Hughes' death and has no agenda that she's trying to promote unlike the folks on Stormfront or, for that matter, us.

That there needs to be a police statement about this incident is a given. We hope for a statement in the coming days. Such a statement will not mollify the extremists who have already made up their own minds concerning the shooting of Jeff Hughes, though Bill Noble does suggest that allowing the people who have already prejudged the police as political murderers to take over the investigation:

We're not entirely certain if Noble was being serious here.

Again, violating terms of his release for almost two years now. We're just say'n.....

We don't really know what transpired. We hope to know soon.

25 October, 2009

White Supremacist Believed to Have Been Killed By Police in Nanaimo

Jeff Hughes, better known on Stormfront as "nish in exile" is reported to have been shot and killed by R.C.M.P. officers in Nanaimo, B.C.:

Neighbours not surprised by fatal gunplay
Man dies after "police-involved" shooting
Danielle Bell, Nanaimo Daily News

Published: Friday, October 23, 2009

The fatal shooting of a 48-year-old man by Nanaimo police outside a Selby Street apartment on Friday morning came as little surprise to some neighbourhood residents.

The 6 a.m. RCMP response to a noise complaint at the property was not an unusual occurrence according to neighbours, some of whom reported hearing multiple gunshots. Drug-related problems are common in the area, they said.

Nanaimo RCMP officials turned over the shooting investigation to the Vancouver Island Integrated Major Crime Unit and said they have previously visited the building from disturbance and noise complaints. In June, RCMP investigated a complaint of two men shooting at each other in the area.

Friday's incident began when officers called to 531 Selby St. encountered a 48-year-old man. Police called in the emergency response team and a police dog, "given the nature of the subject's response to police." Officials would not elaborate.

Police said multiple shots were fired after the man came outside the residence and confronted officers, who were waiting for the arrival of the specialized teams. Witnesses report hearing as many as 10 gunshots. Several residents who looked outside saw several officers crouched with guns drawn and heard police yell "drop your weapon."

RCMP officials will not say if the man was armed, how many shots were fired or if more than one officer shot at the man.

The victim died outside, where his body was blocked from view by sheets strung along property fences. It was removed about nine hours later. His identity was withheld pending notification of next of kin. No one else was injured.

"If our officers used lethal force, they're faced with death or grievous bodily harm," said RCMP E-Division spokesman Sgt. Rob Vermeulen late Friday. "The RCMP regrets this tragic loss of life and is co-operating fully in this investigation."

Police continue to gather and confirm details and have not determined who shot the man. They would not say if other use of force options, such as a Taser, were used.

Vermeulen said the event was "very traumatic" for officers involved, who are being offered counselling and other support.

The area is often plagued with a transient population and police said it is not uncommon to respond to drug or prostitution-related problems or disturbances.

Andrea Roy, who recently moved to the area, was not surprised.

It's the reality of the area, said Roy, whose backyard overlooked the fatal scene.

One woman who lives in the building told media the shooting "reminds me of the old days" and was unsettled by the violence. She reported she heard door-slamming and swearing in the hours before the shooting.

John Bosch, who has managed a nearby building for nearly a decade, said he was not shocked that shots were fired only metres away from his downtown home.

Several residents brought up the subject of gang warfare in the Lower Mainland and said they were not surprised violence has spilled over.

"These days it happens quite often," said Bosch.

Sisters Tanya and Cyndi Touchie have lived in the area their entire lives and neither was surprised by the shooting.

"It's where all the action is," said Tanya.

Earlier this year, Nanaimo RCMP responded to the same building after reports that two men where shooting each other. Police said at the time that the gunfire was believed to be linked to the drug trade. No one was injured in that incident.

"It's really sad that nobody is surprised," said neighbour William Overnes, 41, who recently moved into the neighbourhood. "You look at the desperation of people around drugs. A lot of people don't realize what happens in the underworld."

Victoria Police investigators with VIIMCU will lead the investigation, which will be monitored by a senior officer, in the interest of impartiality, said officials. An independent observer with The Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP will also be involved.

It is the third police-involved shooting on Vancouver Island this year.

Last month, a 40-year-old Chemainus man was injured after he was shot by police after a traffic stop.

In March, a 39-year-old Duncan man was shot and killed in his trailer home after police said other efforts to subdue him failed.

The last time police in Nanaimo shot and killed a person was in 1996, involving a man armed with a knife near the Departure Bay B.C. Ferries terminal.

We're still waiting on reports to confirm that it was Hughes who was shot and the circumstances behind the incident. Reports of Hughes' death came to light when Harold Covington, announced on his blog that it was Hughes who was involved in the incident. Covington himself is a well-known American neo-Nazi.

Hughes was an infrequent poster on Stormfront though he had been a member since 2003 and had begun posting more frequently on the hate site. He was also a relatively well known individual within the White Supremacist movement in Canada. He is known to have attended the CHRT hearing against Jessica Beaumont in Vancouver in Dec. 2006. He also attended the Volksfront Canada anniversary where Paul Fromm spoke on October 16 as well as the "George Orwell Free Speech Dinner" attended by Fromm, Lemire, the Fourniers and hosted by Doug Christie. Hughes also had a profile on a number of social networking sites, including the hate site MySpace knockoff, Nazi Space.

Hughes' apartment

In recent months Hughes has been involved in a movement he referred to as the "Northwest Imparative." This movement was linked to Covington's efforts to create an, "Aryan Homeland" in the Pacific Northwest and was to include Idaho, Oregon, Washington and, presumably, British Columbia in whole or in part. Covington and Hughes appear to have a history that goes back at least a few years.

It's unlikely that Hughes had any appreciable support for his efforts to create a Canadian branch of Covington's movement (which in itself seems to be little more than a web fantasy) as the Canadian website administered by Hughes was shut down in 2006, though Hughes was until recently promoting the movement on a Facebook page.

This wasn't Hughes' first run-in with law enforcement:

Hughes had been posting messages on Stormfront since 2003 (though he appears to have started posting on Stormfront while it was a BBS in the 1990s and had returned after a few years) , however he was never a prolific poster. His output had picked up in 2009 with his last posted message on October 19, 2009. Many of his posts upon his return to Stormfront were laments about the loneliness of his then current existence:

Towards the end he was promoting his failed movement and discredited Holocaust denial:

As we said we still aren't sure of the circumstances behind Hughes' death, however that hasn't stopped the boneheads from calling it a police murder (and what a surprise that it would be Bill Noble who would be among the first to suggest murder by floating the idea of Hughes' death being the result of a, "revenge killing" by the police):

Add Hughes as another example of a sad and pathetic wasted life. We take no pleasure in learning of his death, but it does serve to illustrate the emptiness of the life he led.

23 October, 2009

Add Another to the List of, "Why Not to Have Paul Fromm Represent You" Decisions

When the the Lemire decision came down in which Section 13 of the Human Rights Act was ruled to be unconstitutional by Athanasios Hadjis (a decision now being appealed) the boneheads got very excited. They also figured that this decision would reverse previous decisions made by the CHRT. In fact, Paul Fromm made demands that the penalties resulting from the Jessica Beaumont decision be reversed and that all monies paid be returned to Beaumont with interest.


September 4, 2009

Dear Mr. Hadjis:

Re: Richard Warman v. Jessica Beaumont

Dear Mr. Hadjis:

You were the Member seized of this complaint; that is, Richard Warman v. Jessica Beaumont. Hearings were held in Vancouver in December of 2006. I was Miss Beaumont's agent throughout these proceedings.

You found her guilty of a discriminatory practice, contrary to the controversial Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act and, in your decision, delivered October 26, 2007, assessed certain penalties:

[94] In assessing the appropriateness of such an order, the only messages in issue are those that reference Mr. Warman, and not the entirety of the material that has been found to be in breach of s. 13. Ms. Beaumont knew or should have known that the language she was using to attack and ridicule Mr. Warman was likely to expose him to hatred and contempt in conjunction with his identification as a Jew. The reference to "Dead Warman Society" accompanied by images of swastikas is particularly troubling. Words suggesting that harm should come to another cannot be taken lightly, even if they were made in jest. Others viewing this material on the Internet may not see it as such and take the message more seriously. Mr. Warman also points out that Message 30, for instance, was posted after Ms. Beaumont was served with the human rights complaint. Thus, rather than halting the hate messages, she continued them and began to include references to Mr. Warman by name.

[95] In the circumstances, I therefore order Ms. Beaumont to pay the sum of $3,000 in special compensation, pursuant to s. 54(1)(b) of the Act.

104] Taking all of these factors into account, I order Ms. Beaumont to pay a penalty of $1,500. Payment of the penalty shall be made by certified cheque or money order payable to the "Receiver General for Canada", and must be received by the Tribunal within 120 days of the date on which this decision is served on Ms. Beaumont.

[80] I therefore see no reason to deny the order. Ms. Beaumont is ordered to cease and desist from communicating or causing to be communicated, by the means described in s. 13 of the Act, and particularly the Internet, any matter of the type contained in the messages at issue in this case that is likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt by reason of the fact that the person or persons are identifiable on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination.

On September 2, you rendered your decision in Richard Warman v. Marc Lemire and declared Sec. 13 to be unconstitutional:

I have also concluded that s. 13(1) in conjunction with ss. 54(1) and (1.1) are inconsistent with s. 2(b) of the Charter, which guarantees the freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression. The restriction imposed by these provisions is not a reasonable limit within the meaning of s. 1 of the Charter.

Miss Beaumont complied with your orders and paid her fine in full and the $3,000 awarded to Richard Warman. Ironically, Mr. Warman obtained a court order and a further $3,000 was removed from Miss Beaumont's account after she had purchased a draft to pay him. It was some weeks before this money was returned to her.

In light of your decision in Warman v. Lemire, I seek:

1. that you rescind the "cease and desist" order. This is especially vital, as it is a legal burden hanging over Miss Beaumont for life, an obligation to silence under a law you hold is a violation of the Charter! Your "cease and desist" order is doubly onerous, as Miss Beaumont, who is not a lawyer, is enjoined not to communicate messages of |"the type contained in the messages at issue in this case." Yet, in your ruling, you found that "many," but not all, the impugned messages in the complaint violated Sec. 13.

[74] In sum, I find that in most of the impugned messages, Ms. Beaumont engaged in the communication of matter that was likely to expose persons identifiable on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination (namely race, religion, national or ethnic origin, and sexual orientation), to hatred or contempt.

Thus, Miss Beaumont has no guidance as to which messages were deemed acceptable.

2. that you cancel the $3,000 award to Mr. Warman and order that he return these monies, plus interest back to the date of the decision, to Miss Beaumont.

3. that you cancel the $1,500 fine imposed on Miss Beaumont and order that these monies, plus interest back to the date of the decision, be returned to Miss Beaumont.

Sincerely yours,

Paul Fromm

So how did that go?

One would think that Paulie would be used to failing by now.

Graveyard Vandalized

Ottawa Jewish cemetery defaced by vandals
Last Updated: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:09 AM ET

Swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans were spray-painted in red across headstones, walls and a sign at a Jewish cemetery in Ottawa's south end this week.

Staff at Jewish Memorial Gardens in the village of Herbert Corners, south of Greely, said Friday that they were shocked when they arrived Thursday morning to find the damage to the entrance walls and eight headstones.

The staff, who had arrived to prepare for a burial later in the day, said it was the first time the cemetery has been vandalized in this way.

Ottawa police confirmed they are investigating the incident as a hate crime.

As of Friday morning, staff had cleaned up most of the damage, and only a few remnants of the paint could be seen on the marble entrance sign.

A different Jewish cemetery at the south end of Bank Street was vandalized twice two years ago.


22 October, 2009

Terry Tremaine Update

Not much to say about it, other than a desire to keep our readership in the loop:

Preliminary hearing begins for former university lecturer facing charge of promoting hatred

By Heather Polischuk, Leader-Post
October 20, 2009

REGINA — The lawyer for former university lecturer, Terrence Cecil Tremaine, referenced author George Orwell’s famed 1984 while railing against Canada’s hate laws.

Monday marked the start of Tremaine’s preliminary hearing at Regina Provincial Court on a charge of promoting hatred.

A preliminary hearing is held to determine whether the Crown has sufficient evidence to proceed to trial. Should the matter go to trial, Tremaine wishes to be tried by Court of Queen’s Bench judge and jury.

Details from the preliminary hearing can’t be reported because of a publication ban.

Outside of court, defence lawyer Doug Christie criticized anti-hate legislation when he spoke to media.

“I think (the laws are) a massive waste of police resources,” he said. “I think that they’re kind of like preventing crime by stopping people from thinking, because if you can stop people from talking, you should be able to stop them from thinking as well. As soon as we can find out what you’re thinking, we’ll be able to regulate that too. If anyone’s read 1984, you can see where that leads, and this is kind of a precursor of things to come.”

Christie called the sections “a vehicle for police to waste public money chasing political enemies.”
“Ultimately, I don’t think the state should be deciding what people say,” he said. “That should be, in a free and democratic society, open to people to decide for themselves.”

Christie said he worried Canada is becoming a police state under the pretense of combatting terrorism and that it should be up to individuals to decide what to think about statements made.

The Victoria-based lawyer previously defended former First Nations leader David Ahenakew on his hate crime charge, which was inevitably thrown out.

Crown prosecutor John Stoesser declined comment outside of court.

The hearing continues today before Judge Bruce Henning.

© Copyright (c) The Regina Leader-Post

We're not sure that Eric Arthur Blair would appreciate his novel being used to justify the very fascism he sought to condemn in 1984 by the kind of people whom he fought in Spain.

21 October, 2009

Heritage Front Blast From the Past: Christopher Newhook

Not long ago we posted two of a planned series of three articles concerning former Heritage Front member and eventually leader Marc Lemire (here and here). We will be getting to that third article soon enough, but life has a tendency to get in the way of one's plans.

However, we learned today about another former Heritage Front member and his, well, rather significant legal issues of late:

Defendant erupts into tirade at prosecutor
Crown attorney calls police after dangerous offender hearing outburst

A Halifax Crown attorney filed a complaint with police after a man she is trying to have declared a dangerous offender lost his cool and shouted at her in a courtroom Tuesday morning.

"I hate your (expletive) guts," Christopher Edward Newhook yelled at prosecutor Catherine Cogswell during a profanity-filled outburst in Halifax provincial court.

"I wish I could cut your (expletive) head off with a rusty hacksaw blade."

The Chronicle Herald was the only media outlet to have a reporter in the courtroom at the time.

Mr. Newhook, who is being sentenced for stabbing a man in the head two years ago in Halifax, also called Ms. Cogswell a maggot, parasite and goof and said her mother was a goof for having her.

Judge Bill Digby called for a recess and the two sheriff’s deputies assigned to the courtroom took Mr. Newhook downstairs to the courthouse holding cells.

When the dangerous offender hearing resumed 35 minutes later, a police officer had been posted in the spectators gallery and a third sheriff’s deputy stood guard over Mr. Newhook.

The defendant, who sat about three metres away from Ms. Cogs-well, maintained his composure for the rest of the day.

Outside court, Ms. Cogswell told reporters that she felt threatened by Mr. Newhook’s behaviour and would be giving a statement to police.

"Mr. Newhook has had violent, aggressive and very profane outbursts during the course of the proceedings, but today it became more extreme," Ms. Cogswell said.

"He was looking right at me as he was hollering the threats. As a result, I left the courtroom and made a phone call to the police department and indicated that I refused to go back into the courtroom until I had a police escort with me.

"Halifax Regional Police, no questions asked, sent down a police officer right away. And Judge Digby asked for and received an extra sheriff, and they’ll be in attendance for the rest of the hearing."

Police later charged Mr. Newhook with uttering threats and intimidation of a justice system participant.

Mr. Newhook, 40, has served four federal prison terms for violent offences in Ontario and has spent almost half his life behind bars. He has associated with skinheads and white supremacists and has committed many of his crimes against visible minorities.

An attack on a Vietnamese shopkeeper in Toronto in April 1989 left the man blind in one eye. Mr. Newhook also assaulted two black women on a bus in Toronto in September 1995 and an aboriginal man in Hamilton, Ont. in May 2000.

The evidence shows Mr. Newhook is a racist and a psychopath with alcohol-abuse issues whose risk of reoffending is so high that he must be locked up indefinitely to protect the public, the Crown argued during the hearing.

"Mr. Newhook is a threat to cause violence to anybody, anytime, anywhere and for any reason," Ms. Cogswell told the court.

On April 3, 2007, Mr. Newhook stabbed a man just above his right eye during a dispute in a North Street rooming house where he was living. Mr. Newhook thought the man had ratted him out to the landlord for making too much noise. He pleaded guilty that June to aggravated assault and possession of a knife and the Crown launched a dangerous offender application. The hearing sat for five days last May and two days this week.

Ms. Cogswell pointed out Tuesday that the stabbing in Halifax took place less than six months after Mr. Newhook was released from prison after serving an entire two-year sentence for a September 2004 assault with a weapon in Kingston, Ont. In that case, a rent disagreement led him to attack a man with a piece of wood and throw him through a plate glass window.

The defence wants Mr. New-hook declared a long-term offender, meaning he would receive a determinate prison sentence followed by up to 10 years of strict supervision in the community.

Lawyer Jean Morris said her client would be willing to complete programming and treatment in prison that would help him cope in the community while under supervision.

Judge Digby reserved his decision on the dangerous offender application until March 1.

Ms. Cogswell said she didn’t let Mr. Newhook’s outburst distract her from the job at hand.

"I felt scared and intimidated but at the same time I wasn’t going to back down from my legal position, which I needed to put forward," she said.

Crown attorneys have been pressing the province to install secure prisoner docks in courtrooms. Mr. Newhook was sitting on an open bench, with a sheriff on either side of him, when he went on his tirade.

"This is a circumstance that rears its head every day," Ms. Cogswell said. "I’m not very far removed from him in terms of where I sit. . . It’s a very dangerous situation that we work in.

"This is something that Crown attorneys across Canada have been saying for years, that we’re not safe enough in the buildings and in the courtrooms. This is a prime example. This is an old building and it’s not very safe, not very secure."

Justice Department spokeswoman Jennifer Gavin said precautionary measures were taken by adding the third sheriff to the courtroom.

She said the department would not be able to comment further on courtroom security Tuesday.

With Davene Jeffrey, staff reporter

We haven't heard much about, "the Tongue" in a few years, and we didn't even have a recent photo of him to post until the CBC article was published (the one on the left is from the early 1990s) but he does have quite a history and for a while was one of the more visible of the early Heritage Front membership. In addition to his most recent antics, Mr. Newhook is also infamous for his involvement in the following:

  • Heritage Front member in 1990s who engaged in assaults with Wolfgang Droege and Pete Mitrevski on anti-racists.
  • Subsequently convicted of assaulting police and possession of a dangerous weapon (a baseball bat with "SS" carved into it) and was sentenced to twelve months.
  • "Heritage Front tough guy, Chris "the Tongue" Newhook, is back in jail for violating his probation. Convicted after the June 1993 brawl with anti- racists, and was paroled at the end of 1994. Despite his brief freedom and a grim birthday party hosted by Ernst Zundel, "the Tongue" was picked up by the cops on Yonge Street for possession of weapons and narcotics."
  • Sentenced to three years for various assaults in May 1997.
However, he was a bit of a hero, at least to some in the White Nationalist movement. Bob Smith (a member of Don Andrew's Nationalist Party) even wrote a poem (which is God awful, by the way) in which Newhook is mentioned among the luminaries of the Canadian racist movement:

This Canada Week, just for a change, instead of the usual fare
I thought I'd reflect on our progress up here
And the good people who got us there.
"The only thing needed for evil to win,
is for good men to do nothing (at all),"
Those were the words of Edmund Burke,
and his namesake's Society's call;
Always our rock, always our leader, who led us from Day One
Till racial awareness was a household word
Don Andrews got the job done.
From the EBS to the Western Guard, to the Nationalist Party's epoch,
He was there to man the trenches in front
He talked the talked and he walked the walk.
In a hotel, he, and music teacher Leigh Smith,
and Paul Fromm were the original three
laid the EBS groundwork, for a group that would fight
For a Canada independent and free;

And later, in Ottawa, clad in green
Donna Upson caused quite a stir,
Running for Mayor in the nation's capital
Was the one they called Baby Hitler.
Let us pause in respect for fallen Wolfgang Droege,
Led the Heritage Front, then was gone
And the HF's Jim Dawson, and Ken Barker,
They was a big men in more ways than one.
Young Geza Matrai, from Hungary,
and his daring feat, 'twas quite grand
Jumping onto commie Kosygin's back,
and cried freedom for all captive lands.
And John Ross Taylor, wise to the enemy's ways, of their deeds and cunning he'd preach;
Longtime enemy of the reds and the Zionists,
to them, quite a lesson he'd teach;
He cornered them in the courtroom, with the truth that glowed like light;
"Truth cannot be a defense" said these weasels;
To his last hour he'd not relinquish the fight;
There's the man of Allan Gardens,
William John Beattie by name
When first he hung out the swastika here,
free speech would ne'er be the same.

And the Latvian gent Armand Siksna, who would tolerate none who were rude
Jim McQuirter, budding Klansman, quite famous
As a racist and a Sunshine Dude.
Hats off to all the early stalwarts,
serious Joe Genovese and Jaanus Proos;
And to the ones who came later like Max French, who was
alternately staid and footloose;
Mel McCready, from the Isle of Erin, irrepressible iron-willed boy
Pete Metrewski and the crew of young skinheads
Who made the reds and ARA holler "oy!"
There was stoic and wary Jim Simpson,
Bob Ruminski, with a grin ear to ear
Leo Jutting, the Australian adventurer,
who knew the good life, good art and good beer;
Gerry "Mad Dog" Doyle, a great friend
A hero to the White Nationalist cause,
Limey Stephen Hammond, now known as "Andrea"
He's just not the man he once was.


And let's pause to also mention George Burdi
An activist and reverend too,
In the flesh, and online and in print
He remained a white racist guru.
There was Rod Young, who was there from the earliest days,
Henrich Van Windt, also along
Captain David Astle, a movement pioneer,
Newshound David Sloan too, did belong,
And from the sun-drenched British Columbia coast
Fred Woodward sent occasional dispatch,
And in typing and spelling and clerical finnesse
Janice Solary was truly unmatched.


There was a master of metals, Horst Gobbels,
With a blowtorch, created beauty,
There was young and sarcastic Tom Druery and
Romana Andrewchuk, a Ukrainian cutie
There was Janice Arsenault, the Acadian,
The HF's Chris Newhook, tough as can be,
Dawyd Zarshansky, A.K.A. "Tarzan",
His tough guy image fitted him to a "T";


From Canada's London, there is Martin K. Weiche
A man we would occasionally come see,
And Al Overfield, the only one of our band
Who could trace his line back to Tecumseh;
There was Jeff Goodall, civil servant
And the electronics whiz Michael Doyle,
There was Donna Elliott and husband Wayne, a tree surgeon,
made his living with saw, and in soil;
And baseball-capped Jimmy Spearin, with a vision he would apply,
A white traffic signal man, his idea;
"White man says go" was his cry.


There was wrestling's Masked Marvel, Mr. Jack Prins,
A kind man, and who always was heard
And his spirited wife, Sabina,
Who went sky-diving and soared like a bird;
Gary Schipper, who played axe and railed
of "hippie-crites", his passion would burn,
And Gerry Lincoln, eclectically interested
In cats, computers and in Howard Stern;
And while we are talking performers,
There's Rob Livingston and Janice and more
Flamenco guitarist John Thomas, who knew
Classic Spanish music down to its core:
There was Peter ("The Actor") Herod;
Actor and male model Bob Mann contributed, too;
There was Ilmar Kitsas and Urmas Toming
Proud Europeans both, through and through.


Imprisoned Brad Love, and Ernst Zündel,
Caged men whose spirits are still free;
Our Dale Gribble, John Morgan and also Russ Varey,
Who amused with his flim-flammery.
Let us not forget, let us mention honorably
Other stalwarts who should not be missed,
Mr. George Barkhouse and Mr. Verner Cinis,
the Latvian and anti-Communist.


There was the charming Marian McGuire,
Who gave our image more polish and class
George Keeping and his brother, always ready for action
And willing to kick commie ass;
Let us also remember Jack Morrison,
From Social Credit's Ontario days
And the "Chosen One" novelist Eric Thomson;
Was he really in the CIA's pay?

And let us include in this list Marc Lemire
and Barbara Kulaszka, here, too
Who hung in against Orwellian tribunals and
Would not flee at the enemy's first 'boo';

And let's give a few lines in salute here,
To the western heroes who had fought the good fight:
Alberta's James Keegstra, Battling barrister Doug Christie,
Who knew telling the truth was just right;
Joining them, persecuted Bill Noble,
To the tyrants a dangerous brain,
Professor Terry Tremaine, the "Mathdoktor"
Targeted in tolerance's name.
Tom Winnicki, four years ago sentenced,
To four months in the dungeons for "hate"
And Chris Kemperling, against gay agendas,
Lost his livelihood, a punishment great;
Also we honor here Melissa Guile;
Al Kulbashian, Peter Kouba, Glen Bahr,
Ciaran Donnelly, were more of the many the law said
Carried Freedom of Speech way too far.
There was Jessica Beaumont, Bob Wilkinson,
Alexandro di Civita, and
Craig Harrison whose names we also add to
The hounded of the so-called fair land.

We cannot forget comrade Terry Long,
Fought for freedom and truth without fear,
Stared down JDL thugs, defied federal bugs,
After starting Aryan Nations here.


As we pause now to dwell of the good in this land
Let us all in unison celebrate
What they all did to make our race proud, make it wise, just and good
What they all did to make our race great.

Every one is a flag for our racial identity
A credit to our race and our nation,
And each one of these heroes truly deserves
a "Real Order of Canada" commendation.

Let us raise a one-handed salute to them all,
Each, a woman or man of the hour
For all, in one way or another helped uphold
White survival, white pride
and White Power!

We added the links. Makes for interesting reading.

13 October, 2009

Talk About the Company He Keeps Part II

Related to the article we published a few days ago:

Conservative Website Hosts Mark and Connie Fournier Win 2009 George Orwell Free Speech Award

VICTORIA, October 10. While many Canadians travelled to see friends and relatives for the Thanksgiving weekend, over 125 free speechers from as far away as Hawaii jammed a hall for food, fellowship and the 24th Annual George Orwell Free Speech Awards.

This year's recipients were Mark and Connie Fournier, the former owners of [Free Dominion], a conservative website in existance [sic] since 2001. They have the unique distinction of being the victims of no fewer than three defamation suits at the hands of the ultra litigious Richard Warman, the chronic Canadian human rights complaints filer. For the past three years, the Fourniers and many of their posters have fought a staunch battle for free speech and found themselves being spied on by blind Canadian human rights investigator (don't ask how -- we don't know and he won't tell), even before a complaint was filed against their site.

One of their libel suits in currently stalled as the Fournier's are appealing a court decision forcing them to divulge the names of eight John Doe's, or anonymous posters of their website, to Richard Warman. The Fournier's are standing four square for privacy of people on their site. Their lawyer Barbara Kulaszka, calling from Ontario, warned: "This appeal is very important for freedom of speech and people posting anonymously on the Internet." She also praised Marc Lemire for "his tremendous stamina and sacrifice over the past six years to overturn Sec. 13. It always falls to individuals to carry the heavy burden," she said.

Hosted by Douglas Christie and his Canadian Free Speech League, the Orwell dinner featured webmaster Marc Lemire. Marc gave a powerful power point presentation of the struggle against Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act and his recent victory, when Member Athanasios Hadjis ruled the Internet cewnsorship section unconstitutional. The CHRC is appealing (seeking judicial review) of this decision. Marc revealed further CHRC dirty tricks, including a cozy relationship with Canada Post which resulted in the closing of at least one person's post office box on nothing more than the allegation that he'd run afoul of Sec. 13.

Mr. Christie warned: "The fight for free speech is not the fight of a generation or even a lifetime."

Also present was webmaster Arthur Topham of Quesnel who is being victimized by Harry Abrams, a Victoria B'nai Brith operative, and B'nai Brith in a Sec. 143 complaint about his criticism of Zionism and Israel. Both the CFSL and CAFE have "interested party" or intervenor status in this upcoming battle,. scheduled to open in Victoria, December 14.

Representing the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Paul Fromm, the 1994 George Orwell Award winner, explained the travails of math lecturer Terry Tremaine, another Warman victim, who faces a preliminary hearing in Regina, October 19 on Warman-instigation Sec. 319 "hate law" charges about postings Mr. Tremaine made about Jews and national socialism. He was prosecuted under Sec. 13 on another Warman complaint and fined $4,000 and gagged for life (a "cease and desist" order) in 2006. Warman's complaints led to his losing his job at the University of Saskatchewan. CAFE has been raising money for Mr. Tremaine's defence.

Good. Perhaps they did get to ask Paulie about his views on "Zionism" after all?

11 October, 2009

Talk About the Company He Keeps

Certain readers -- our biggest fans given the attention paid to us by them -- have claimed we engage in, "guilt by association" attacks. Of course, that hasn't stopped them from engaging in the very tactics they decry. Case in point the pro-Palestinian protests that were crashed by some members of the neo-Nazi Aryan Guard:

Heartwarming, isn't it? The Aryan Guard and Anti-Racist Action, putting aside their differences to show their outrage at Israel.

You know what, idiots? I will shake anyone's hand that I damn well please...but, unlike you guys, you will NEVER find me attending any rallies against Israel.

If you want to find anti-Semites, perhaps you should start by looking in your own freaky little organization.

That the presence of the Aryan Guard at the protest was unwelcome and the members told to leave matters little to Mrs. Fournier. That, and as we've mentioned a few times, we aren't the ARA.

Well Mr. and Mrs. Fournier recently appear to have attended Doug Christie's annual George Orwell Free Speech Award dinner in Victoria (UPDATE: Attendance of Mr. and Mr. Fournier at the dinner is now confirmed by Paulie). Among the participant in the event was none other than Paul Fromm.

Paulie has a few more events taking place in British Columbia. For example, on Friday he'll be the speaker (again) at Volksfront Canada's 15th Anniversary celebration:

And what are some of the things that Volksfront Canada stands for?

We wonder if Mr. and Mrs. Fournier had an opportunity to talk to Fromm about his association with Volksfront or, for that matter, with the Aryan Guard with whom he marched with on March 21, 2009, and of whom he paid such lovely compliments to:

Maybe these staunch supporters of Israel had the chance to discuss their concern with his views on the following subjects:
An interesting series, not started by Paulie but engaged in with gusto!
We somehow doubt the conversation was brought up.

To be clear, the ARC Collective don't believe Mr. and Mrs. Fournier are antisemetic. We just think they're hypocrites. Somehow, we think they'll manage to overcome our criticism though.

Despite the Cold, Anti-fascist Rally Deemed a Success

And no one from the Aryan Guard or W.E.B. showed up. Seems that while they're really brave when it's dark and no one is watching, they get a little skittish in broad daylight.

Anti-racist activists rally against intimidation

Last Updated: 11th October 2009, 3:29am

CALGARY -- Sparked by what they called a recent incident of intimidation by the Aryan Guard, members of Anti-Racist Action Calgary rallied in the city's Bridgeland neighbourhood yesterday.

"We had a couple members out here who were putting up posters just alerting the community and they were approached by members of the Aryan Guard, had their pictures taken and then all the posters were ripped down," said Jason Devine, a spokesman for ARA Calgary.

"I don't believe (Aryan Guard members) were just per chance rolling through and happened to see all the posters."

Devine said he has personally been the victim of violent attacks by members of the Aryan Guard.

About a dozen members of ARA Calgary chanted anti-Nazi messages before marching yesterday. Despite the low number, Devine said he was happy with the turnout.

"It's kind of screwed up because we're on Thanksgiving and the weather is horrible," he said.

UPDATE: And the average, "White Nationalist" turnout when they call events?

People who live in glass houses.......

6 October, 2009

Responding to Antisemitism

A brief interlude before we get to our third part of the Marc Lemire series of articles we're working on:

Save the Date

Canadian Jewish Congress – Pacific Region, Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver and

Temple Sholom Present:


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Temple Sholom Synagogue

7190 Oak Street, Vancouver , BC

Featuring addresses by:

Mark Freiman, National President

Canadian Jewish Congress

Rabbi Robert Daum, Director

Iona Pacific: Inter-Religious Centre and

Associate Professor of Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Thought

Vancouver School of Theology

Panel Discussion featuring:

Bernie Farber, CEO

Canadian Jewish Congress

Robert Matas, National Correspondent

Globe and Mail

Barbara Yaffe, Columnist

Vancouver Sun

Moderated by Rabbi Philip Bregman

5 October, 2009

An Examination of Marc Lemire: Part II

Gee, we let our resident conservative Sparky write an article for the blog and he gets all polite and crap. Bad Sparky! We're known in part for our dry wit and sarcasm! We can't disappoint our readers! Back to the spice mines for you!

In our last posts we discussed some of Lemire's posts that were, shall we say, not necessarily fit for the dinner table. But that isn't all to the Fournier challenge. They also want proof that Lemire was a member of the Heritage Front (other than when he was in his teens or early 20s) of if he was ever the leader:

An Examination of Marc Lemire: Part I

In our previous article we accepted a challenge laid out by Mr. and Mrs. Fournier of Free Dominion. That challenge was to prove that Marc Lemire was a bigot, a member of the Heritage Front, the leader of the Heritage Front and that he had a close working relationship with Ernst Zundel.

Today we will deal with the first part. Is Mr. Lemire a bigot? We won't use the term "Nazi" or even "racist" because the two words are loaded and tend to be used inappropriately. In general, we refer to people as being Nazis or neo-Nazis if they adhere to the tenents of National Socialism. In that regard, Terry Tremaine (who calls himself a National Socialist) and most members of the Calgary-based Aryan Guard would fit the bill.