23 November 2009

We've Learned Who Was Targetted By the Aryan Guard

We once said that if you're a racist who is afraid that you'll be victimized by someone of a different ethnicity and you join a racist gang for support and protection, that you are far more likely to be victimized by the members of the racist gang than you are any member of a minority group you happen upon on the street.

This is a case in point.

Already the media has suggested that the target of the attack was someone known to the Aryan Guard members and shared their beliefs. Today, we learned who the male and female targets were. And while we will not share the name of the woman, we have no problem sharing the name of the male.

Tyler Sturrup (in the profile picture to the left of Robert Reitmeier) states that he was the one who was targeted on his Facebook profile.

What concerns us is the statement by the first person to comment who suggested that he take reprisals. That individual, Dustyn Johnson, was marching publicly with the Aryan Guard as recently as their unwelcome involvement in the pro-Gaza rally in January. He was also photographed sieg heiling with Kyle McKee on a number of occasions.

Sturrup, who marched along side the Aryan Guard on March 21, 2008, is a member of the Aryan Guard splinter group, W.E.B. Apparently the split occurred because some Aryan Guard members felt that not enough "proactive" (read: violent) actions were being taken. In most of the pictures of the last "White Pride" march from spring 2009 where racists were seen attacking people, the individuals committing the violent acts are members of W.E.B.

Well, it looks like the Aryan Guard has taken some direct action itself.

Sturrup himself is no stranger to law enforcement having been arrested on numerous occasions. In fact, and only as of a few months ago, Sturrup was serving a sentence for what we've been led to believe was B&E.

Now, the question is will the police nip what could be the beginnings of another gang war in Calgary?

Ironically, the person who Sturrup is photographed with in this article, Robert Reitmeier, was himself charged with attempted murder in 2006.

As of the publishing of this article. we don't yet know where McKee is and the police are still looking. We noticed that McKee's girlfriend, "Natalie Sonne" who had subscribed to our blog and was writing, poorly, a blog in opposition to our own has blocked her blog from being accessed by anyone other than invited guests (gee, we wonder why?). By the way Nat, we know your real name now. You might be getting a call from the Dean of Arts soon, but we don't want to ruin the surprise.

Sadly, we also suspect we know the name of the minor who is being sought in connection to the crime. We hope that it's not him, but regardless of who it is and as we discussed with another individual, whoever it is he made a really poor choice as a youth which may now follow him the rest of his life.

As people are currently searching for Kyle McKee, we'll post some images of him to help in that search:

Oh, and to our new friend Affliction D, thanks for the message. We really enjoyed it. ;)

Investigative Update:

Investigators are now able to release the following details
with regards to the IED incident over the weekend.

- the victims in this case know the offenders and share
similar beliefs and values.
- there is no indication this incident is a hate crime or
- McKee is known to the Calgary Police Service, however, no
further details will be released.

Aryan Guard Founder Kyle McKee Wanted For Attempted Murder

Confirmation that Kyle McKee and an unidentified minor are being sought by the police for attempted murder and other crimes based on the IED incident that took place on Saturday:


The Calgary Police Service is seeking public assistance inlocating two men wanted for attempted murder, in connectionwith an explosives call over the weekend.

On Saturday, Nov. 21, 2009, at approximately 7:15 a.m.,police responded to a complaint of gunshots in the 5300 blockof Rundlehorn Drive N.E. When officers arrived, they weredirected to a suspicious device in a large parking lotbetween two apartment complexes. The device appeared to be anImprovised Explosive Device (IED) that had detonated.

Tactical Unit officers were called to assist at the scene.During the evidence-gathering phase, all of the apartmentunits facing the parking lot were evacuated. A second devicewas located close to the scene and this device had also detonated. The occupants of the apartment suite where the devices werefirst observed have being questioned by police. Investigatorsbelieve this was a targeted attack.

Kyle Robert MCKEE, 24, and a 17-year-old male, who cannot be named under provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, are each wanted on warrants for attempted murder, possessing,making or controlling explosives, and possession of a weapon or imitation for a dangerous purpose.

MCKEE is a Caucasian man, 5’9” tall, 140 pounds, with a slimbuild. He has blue eyes and has a shaved head. A photo ofMCKEE will be sent to the media via e-mail.

Investigators are asking anyone with information on thewhereabouts of MCKEE to call police at 403-266-1234, or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

District 5 GIU Staff Sgt. Keith Cain will be available tospeak to the media about this case. This availability will take place today, Monday, Nov. 23, 2009, at 12:30 p.m., atthe District 5 office, 5401 Temple Drive N.E.

We're not sure, given the escalation, that the police will be able to ignore the threat posed by the Aryan Guard to the Calgary public.

And to the people who have questioned our intel, let us remind you that we made the connection to the Aryan Guard days before the mainstream media.

UPDATE: If anyone is aware of who the male and/or female target of the attack were, we would be interested in hearing from you. We have our guesses, but we aren't really sure.

22 November 2009

IED Explosion Update

Yesterday we reported on the explosive devices that went off in Rundlehorn. We had received word that some members of the Aryan Guard may have been involved in the attack and that the person targeted was, as put by one of our sources, "one of their own."

Basically, it appears to have been a domestic dispute involving a romantic relationship that went very sour.

Today we received information from an additional source which tells us that some members of the Aryan Guard have been questioned by the police and that some may have been charged with the crime. We haven't been able to confirm whether or not this is true at this point but we will continue to work on digging up information so we can verify the facts of the story.

As we have yet to verify the facts of the case, we will not be publishing the detailed information provided by our sources so as not to jeopardize any investigation which might be occurring by the police. As well, we don't yet know with 100% certainty that any member of the Aryan Guard was involved. We will say however that our sources have provided us with very accurate information in the past and we have absolutely no reason to doubt them in this case.

UPDATE 1: We have purposely not provided the name of one of the individuals who was named to us as a suspect today. However, it looks like that person is reading our blog as he felt the need to comment on our article so we feel that we can name that individual:

John [Richard] Marleau: I was investigated with attempted Murder, then arrest for Assault with conspiracy to Murder. All charges have been dropped.

Further confirmation that the Aryan Guard is, at the very least, suspected of committing the crime. We note that Marleau has only commented on his own involvement, but not on the others who are suspected of having been arrested as well.

UPDATE 2: We've received information from another reliable source that Kyle McKee's residence may have been raided by the police. Details still a bit vague.

21 November 2009

IED Explosion: Aryan Guard Related?

We receive a number of messages this morning concerning a bombing of a residential building today. The IEDs (there were two) were not big, but they were enough to seriously injure and perhaps even kill an individual handling either package.

We did some checking and discovered that there was an incident on Rundlehorn Dr. this morning. The media is now covering the incident:

2 explosive devices detonate in northeast Calgary

Last Updated: Saturday, November 21, 2009

Two explosive devices were detonated in a parking lot between two apartment buildings in northeast Calgary early Saturday morning in an attack police say was targeted.

Police say they were called to reports of what sounded like gunshots just after 7 a.m. in the 5300 block of Rundlehorn Drive N.E.

Officers arriving on scene found the first exploded device, and residents of about 25 apartment suites were told to leave their homes as a precaution.

Officers sweeping the area discovered a second device, which had also exploded.

Duty Insp. Frank Reuser said the two devices were placed next door to an apartment suite, and it appears the attack was targeted.

"It's very evident to me that the person who threw the devices away was probably within seconds of being injured or killed," he said.

Explosives not 'bombs,' police say

Ashley Hotchkiss, the manager of the apartment building, said she has never had any major issues with any of the building's tenants.

"I've never heard of anything about anyone being targeted in my complex," she said.

Hotchkiss said she doesn't know the tenants who were targeted.

Police wouldn't use the word "bombs" to describe the explosive devices, and said investigators are still working to determine what they were made of.

No suspects have been identified.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Calgary police at 403-266-1234 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

The individual who provided us with the information suggested that at least one member of the Aryan Guard was involved. At this point we have no reason to believe our source is wrong given the accuracy of information provided in the past that we were able to independently verify, though we don't have concrete evidence. We were also provided with a reason for the attack; not a racial attack, but a domestic issue.

We won't provide any more details yet, but is anyone has any information feel free to send it our way.

20 November 2009

November 2009 Bits and Bites

Well it looks like we may (or may not) have some copycats in Calgary now:

Police probe more anti-Semitic graffiti

Last Updated: Thursday, November 19, 2009

For the second time in less than a week, anti-Semitic graffiti has been spray-painted on several locations in Calgary.

Swastikas and racist messages were among the graffiti found on multiple locations in the southeast neighbourhood of Sundance, including the walls of Sundance Elementary School and MidSun junior high.

Fences and vehicles on Sunvale Crescent S.E. were also vandalized.

Police believe the vandalism happened between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.

Investigators believe these incidents are not related to the vandalism of several Jewish properties, including synagogues and a Holocaust memorial, in the southwest part of the city over the weekend.

"This one seemed a lot more broader," said Calgary police spokesman Kevin Brookwell on Thursday. "Some of the words were spelled wrong. Some of the symbols were wrong. They were backwards.

"They talk about school and make reference to how school sucks and 'Down with school' and they also talk about 'Down with institutions' in general. There is also a reference to some sexual anatomy that is mixed in with it. So, it really is all over the map."

A can of spray paint recovered in the area has been sent for analysis. Police are also looking for witnesses or surveillance video.

Bylaw officers removed the graffiti within an hour of it being reported, said Brookwell.

"I don't want to discount or minimize the damage what was done and what was written. Some of it is definitely very hurtful," he said. "Some of it was directed at the Jewish culture again, with reference to killing again. So, certainly, this is serious."

Tips sought in hate crime

Meanwhile, police and Crime Stoppers filmed a re-enactment on Thursday hoping it will generate new tips in finding the vandals behind the anti-Semitic slogans over the weekend.

Police are now calling the incidents a hate crime.

"It is a crime to commit mischief to a religious property, and that's what happened on two of the incidents — they were synagogues," said Const. Brian Denison.

Earlier this week, police released images from a surveillance camera that show a man in front of the Chabad Lubavitch centre in the Woodbine neighbourhood on Saturday around 10 p.m.

A separate charge can be laid for each location that was defaced, which could mean a sentence of up to 10 years in prison if someone is convicted.

While the police may be correct and that this most recent act of vandalism might not be related to that which occurred on November 15, we're not so ready to dismiss the possibility of a connection totally out of hand. One part sort of struck us as significant:

"This one seemed a lot more broader," said Calgary police spokesman Kevin Brookwell on Thursday. "Some of the words were spelled wrong...

We note this because Kyle McKee has a significant problem when it comes to his command of the Queen's English, both oral and written. This is what he posted on Stormfront as a way of deflecting blame from his group:

And he thinks that people like him are being held back by the Jews. Too funny.

Now we really don't know if the most recent act of vandalism had anything to do with the Aryan Guard, but any opportunity to make fun of Kyle McKee (shooting fish in a barrel to be honest) is an opportunity that we will not pass up.

Speaking of losers, John Marleau is finding it difficult to find work in these hard economic times. Of course, the Jews must be to blame. Or perhaps, like McKee, Marleau is also an idiot:

Wow. Who'd have thought getting Nazi tats on one's face might limit one's options in the labor market? And Marleau is such a respectable man as evidenced by the following photo:

You have to respect John's quiet, unassuming dignity.

Continuing on our discussion concerning vandalism, some Edmonton prospective members of the Aryan Guard have been flyering in the city. However, they've run into problems with their posters being removed soon after being put up:

A proposal to mitigate this problem is offered by, "Mr. Stryker":

We do so love the cute little code names they've given to each other. However, it's going to get pretty old. While we don't yet know who, "Derek Stryker" (aryan1488) is, we're happy to let our Edmonton readers know who the other two are.

Should the police wish to contact the individuals who vandalized public and/or private property with their Aryan Guard posters in Edmonton, you might want to consider contacting Daniel Brulotte (NSDAPdefender):

You might also consider contacting E.K. (Pwnage21) who could very well have information concerning any cleanup bills. (NOTE: E.K. may be a minor. Did the Aryan Guard ever deal with adults?).

Back to the original act of vandalism that took place on November 15, at least one bonehead who contacted us took umbrage with some of our comments:

Yehuda never said anything about hating Jews parsay. I don't like to speak for others, but it seems that he is simply referring to the fact that the majority of anti-Jewish sentiment is the product of the ways of the Jew themselves, hence the quote "anti-semitism is a disease...you catch it from jews". Considering the actions of Israel over recent decades and some of the words spoken in the Talmud, this notion is not entirely unjustified.

Clumsy attempt to claim that a clearly hateful statement was not actually hateful aside, we are struck by the number of individuals who have sent comments about this incident, as well as those who try to justify the act. Interestingly, they almost all appear to originate in one city with a few exceptions.

And on the topic of hate, we suppose that, "say cheese" is to mundane and cliche for the Aryan Guard group photo:

Oh, and thanks for the add Natalie (who we're to understand may be a student at the University of Calgary). Now, try to guess which one.

Hey, wait. Was that Paulie commenting on the group picture? Why yes! Yes it was! One would think that a seasoned "White Nationalist" like Paulie might caution his younger acolytes to use a more moderate tone. However, Paulie seems to be becoming a little more overt in his own views and whom he supports. We already know that he's buddies with the folks running the Council of Conservative Citizens down south:

Well now Paulie is branching out and meeting new friends, such as Evan Thomas' new group, Vox Nationale....

.... and other more, "in your face" associations:

But Paulie's not a Nazi. No, of course not.

17 November 2009

Photos Have Been Released

The Calgary City Police have released stills from the survaliance camera that caught the vandalism of the Jewish Centre in progress:

Not too much to go from based on these particular stills, but perhaps there's something that will jog someone's memory.

On a related note, McKee's little Eva Braun, "Natalie Sonne" has decided to get her two cents in now:

Which led to a post by another Canadian member:

Remember this whenever they claim they don't hate anyone. And given the skulking around in the dead of night, there doesn't seem to be a hell of a lot of pride either, white or otherwise.

Incidentally does anyone, when examining the vandalism that occurred this weekend and compares it to the vandalism done to Jason and Bonnie Devine's residence, note any similarity in style?

November 15, 2009:

October 2009 (Devine residence):

Interesting, eh?

16 November 2009

Jewish Facilities Targeted in Calgary

Over the weekend, vandals defaced a Jewish facility, a memorial to Holocaust victims and at least one mailbox in Calgary:
Calgary police probe anti-Semitic vandalismLast Updated: Monday, November 16, 2009 | 4:12 PM MT
CBC News
Police are reviewing surveillance footage in their effort to locate vandals who defaced at least three Jewish centres and other nearby property in southwest Calgary. 
Swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans were spray-painted on the Jewish Community Centre, near 90th Avenue and Jerusalem Road S.W., the Holocaust memorial in front of it and the House of Jacob synagogue a block away. 
Graffiti was also found on a community mailbox, a private home and a wall in the same Pump Hill neighbourhood. 
Vandals also struck another synagogue, a bus shelter and a community mailbox in the Woodbine neighbourhood. 
"It appears to be the same people," Judy Shapiro, community relations director for the Calgary Jewish Community Council, said Monday. "It's the same style of graffiti and the same ugly messaging." 
Police say the incidents, which they described as serious, occurred late Saturday or early Sunday. 
The graffiti in Pump Hill included a swastika and the words "Kill Jews" spray-painted on a community mailbox. 
"I would view it as an attack upon the Jewish community, inciting hatred, or leading down that road. So we want to get to the bottom of it if we can. We want to find the answers out," said Insp. John McReynolds, from the police diversity resource unit. 
"But we're not considering this as a death threat at that level or anything like that. We have to do a lot more investigations before we cross that threshold." 
Shapiro said she was most shocked by the messages painted across the centre's Holocaust memorial. 
"For the people whose family's names are recorded on that monument, that is their grave," she said. "It's beyond graffiti; it's real hate." 
Sarah McCartney, who lives near the community centre, called the vandalism "disgusting." 
"I guess there are people like that still out there," McCartney said. "Hopefully, it was a bunch of kids being stupid … as opposed to someone who really knows what it means." 
"I think [it was] a bunch of idiots who are ignorant and who creep around three o'clock in the morning. How brave are they?" said Murray Robins outside the centre. 
Shapiro said there have been small incidents of graffiti at Jewish centres in Calgary before but nothing of this scope. She said education is the only way to end such ugly messages. 
"It's very important that young people understand that racism still exists and that we have to battle it," she said.
There's been a number of other reports as well:
Some of the graffiti, in addition to the swastikas, included statements such as, "6 million more" in reference to the Holocaust and "Kill Jews."

Kill Jews? Now where have we seen that before? Oh yes! On Kyle McKee's shins:

Now at this point it's only speculation to state our belief that someone within the Aryan Guard or W.E.B. was involved, but we don't really think we're going out on a limb in our speculation. We also find it interesting that McKee, who hasn't been all that active on Stormfront lately (his last post was on June 1, 2009), decided to post this message this past Sunday:

Well, not a Jewish holiday, but November 9 was the 71st anniversary of the Kristallnacht pogrom in Germany.

There appears to be video evidence of the vandalism taking place. We would very much be interested in seeing those videos, or at least the stills.

13 November 2009

An Examination of Marc Lemire: Part III

After the second part of our examination of Marc Lemire, we thought that adding a third article might be a bit of overkill. Sort of like taking candy from a baby in a stroller and then punching said baby in the face.

But then again, we do enjoy candy......

Oh, what the hell! We haven't published anything in a while this month and we do have the screenshots kicking around so we might as well use them. We'll make this one short though.

We have already talked about Mr. Lemire's bigotry in our first article and his active involvement in the Heritage Front in our second article. Now for his relationship with Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel.

We could provide our leaders with the numerous links to Stormfront where Lemire reposts letters sent to Zundel supporters, but we won't bother boring you. We can also talk about how he believed that Ernst Zundel, who was never a Canadian citizen, should be voted as the Greatest Canadian:

9 November 2009

Levant v. Moon: Who Is the Liar?

On October 23, Ezra Levant went after professor Richard Moon who, while actually agreeing that he had significant concerns about section 13 of the Human Rights act and believes is should be removed, had the temerity to call out Levant and the other speechies on their rhetoric and personal attacks on members of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

The title of Levant's screed, "Richard Moon: liar for hire" is exactly the over the top discourse we've come to expect from Levant when even people, who might agree with his position but not his conduct, find themselves on the receiving end of his temper tantrums.

One of the websites we read actually took time to responded to Levant's screed. We thought we would share it with you now:

Ezra Levant v. Richard Moon: What are the facts?

On October 24, 2009 Ezra Levant posted on his blog "Richard Moon: liar for hire". I thought the posting so outrageous that it required a response.

Ezra Levant has been a vociferous critic of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) and staff as well as former staff. Levant is a friend of the powerful and frequent contributor to Canwest publications, authoring opinion pieces about his problem with the the CHRC. He has even written a book detailing his complaints about human rights commissions. Levant first drew attention as a political advisor to the Reform Party, which subsequently became the Canadian Reform Alliance Party (CRAP). Levant then ran for a federal riding in Alberta and following that became a publisher who drew national attention for re-publishing the infamous Danish cartoons that caused riots throughout Western Europe. Levant was then brought before the Alberta Human Rights Commission which Levant video taped for broadcast on Youttube.

Richard Moon is a Professor of Law at the University of Windsor who authored a report commissioned by the federal government on section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act and the regulation of hate speech on the Internet. Moon has written of Levant that:

“I [Moon] have felt deeply disturbed by the way in which certain claims made on rightwing blogs like Levant’s have seeped into mainstream discourse, many of which are grotesque exaggerations — or, in some cases, outright fabrications of the circumstances....” (Moon quoted in the National Post)

Further, Moon devoted some of his October 23, 2009 Saskatchewan Law Review Annual Lecture, "The Attack on Human Rights Commissions", to the unfair and inaccurate criticisms leveled at the Canadian Human Rights Commission and staff by Levant and others. According to Moon:

"I am sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that there are Internet blogs that post things about the CHRC that are false and malicious. The problem is that these claims have seeped into mainstream discourse – they have been taken up by members of Parliament, they have been adopted in editorials in the National Post and columns in the Globe and Mail and Maclean’s magazine and in a host of other publications, and they have been repeated on radio and television current affairs programming. They have created in the larger public – or a significant element of the public -- a “feeling” that there is a serious problem with human rights commissions, and in particular the Canadian commission, that needs to be addressed. (Moon: Saskatchewan Law Review Annual Lecture)

And the Lecture does that. My purpose here is to examine the claims in Levant's subsequent "Richard Moon: liar for hire", avoiding specific comment on the many potentially libelous statements about Moon, a so-called "corrupt cop" at the CHRC, or the charge that Richard Warman, previously of the CHRC, of using CHRC computers when he was not authorized to do so, etc..

The Facts

1. According to Levant: "Moon claims the CHRC does not have a 100% conviction rate for censorship prosecutions. He weasels around this point a bit, but that's what he means."

Not true: The fact is that Moon does not deny that all the cases sent to Tribunal for hearing by the CHRC were decided against the respondents. Moon points out that the CHRC brought only the most egregious cases to Tribunal for decision and that is why all the twenty or so cases under s. 13 were successfully decided against the respondents. Just read the complaints and/or judgments against people like Guille, Ouwendyk, etc. to find out why the Tribunals ruled against them. No one in their right mind could have found that the respondents were not broadcasting the most virulent forms of hate. What does Levant not understand? If anything, the CHRC should be commended for acting on the side of caution, thereby saving taxpayer dollars.

I will not quarrel here with Levant's choice of words like "conviction rate" and "censorship prosecutions". Those terms more accurately describe criminal prosecution, not the human rights process, which relies on mediation before a Tribunal hearing. These criminal prosecutorial terms are used by Levant to suggest that the CHRC has strayed from a human rights process to a criminal one.

2. According to Levant: "Until the Warman v. Lemire case last month, no-one had beat a prosecution."

Not true: The fact is that the Tribunal struck only the penalty provision in the Lemire case. This is a serious matter that must be appealed. However, the Tribunal found in Warman v. Lemire that, based on the evidence, Lemire was responsible for online hate. Levant slips in the phrase that Lemire "beat a prosecution." Again, Levant wants to suggest that the CHRC behaves as a criminal court.

3. According to Levant: "The reason why section 13 was declared unconstitutional last month in the Warman v. Lemire case was precisely because section 13 had become like a criminal charge."

Not true: Section 13 of the Human Rights Act was not "declared unconstitutional." Nor has s. 13 become "like a criminal charge." No Tribunal member has the power to declare anything "unconstitutional." The Supreme Court must rule on the constitutionality of any law or Act of Parliament. And the CHRC can still help mediate complaints unlike criminal proceedings.

4. According to Levant: "Moon claims that there is no evidence whatsoever that CHRC staffer Dean Steacy made bigoted comments on neo-Nazi websites...."

Fact: Despite all the sound and fury, Levant doesn't once show that Steacy made "bigoted comments" on Nazi websites. Levant can only offer that Stacey made statements about "white supremacists" and "gave them encouragement". This is a far cry from making bigoted or racist comments. However, even if Stacey had made a racist or homophobic comment to gain access to a Nazi website, it would be entirely justified to gain evidence. Every person, including police and national security agencies, forced to gather information about a potentially violent, criminal, or domestic terrorist group by infiltration must use some of the groups language to gain entry. Without seeming to be part of the group, little background information like addresses, activities and contacts, on Nazis would be possible. Despite Levant's extravagant claims, he offers absolutely no evidence of racist statements, no evidence of advocating violence, and no evidence what so ever that Stacey broke any Canadian law.

5. According to Levant: "Moon claims that Richard Warman, the serial complainant-of-fortune in almost all section 13 cases, didn't work on censorship investigations."

Fact: Levant fails to show that Moon lied about Warman. Levant does not show that Warman influenced or worked on any of the complaints he made as a private person while employed by the CHRC. The only thing Levant can complain of is that Warman "trained" co-workers. But Levant fails to explain what "training" involved. Presumably, "training" was on how to do online research, how to find the address of owners of websites and where websites are located, etc. In addition, Levant's description of Warman as a "serial complainant-of-fortune" is gratuitous, inaccurate, unfair and malicious. It implies that Warman is someone less than respectable and sincere in what he tried to do; that is, to use the available tools to stop online racism.

6. Levant objects to some of Warman's online statements in neo-Nazi forums.

Fact: I do not know what, if anything, Warman wrote in Nazi forums. I do know from experience researching domestic terrorist groups that it is usually necessary to make controversial statements in order to infiltrate, expose and gather information about hate groups as many police agencies and CSIS has been forced to do. It obviously irritates and undermines Levant's complaint that the Canadian Jewish Congress gave Warman an award for his online human rights work, despite anything he might, or might not, have said.

7. According to Levant: "[Moon's Law lecture is] not a case of falsehoods vs. facts; it's just a measure of how skewed Moon's judgment is. He actually defends the crazy case of the McDonald's employee who won the human right not to have to wash her hands -- plus $50,000 tax-free for her troubles."

Fact: Datt vs McDonalds is simply a case of an employer not valuing a 23 year employee - an employee who suffered a disability as a result of employment with McDonalds. As the B.C. Tribunal ruled: "She [Ms Datt] was prepared to perform any duties that would accommodate her disability. Despite this commitment, she was terminated by someone she barely knew, had never worked with, and who did not investigate any job opportunities that might have been available. Ms. Datt expected better from her employer, an employer known for its charitable works." (Datt v. McDonald’s Restaurants (No. 3), 2007 BCHRT 324, August 3, 2007).

Ms Datt did not refuse to wash her hands, she could not wash her hands continuously because of a skin condition caused by work and she simply wanted a transfer to another position where hand-washing would not be so frequent. But Levant can't help but throw in a reference to Datt being a woman and a Muslim on his blog. However, Datt's status as both a woman and a Moslem has absolutely nothing to do with the case.

Summary and Conclusion

Levant fails miserably to deliver the facts to prove that Moon is a liar, that the CHRC and former employees are corrupt. Levant simply makes exaggerated claims, but does not prove any of his charges of corruption, malfeasance, et cetera.

To prove his case, Levant must not only show that Moon lied in some substantial way (which Levant does not show) but also that Moon lies for money; that Richard Moon is willing to compromise his integrity as a legal scholar and lie for money. That is what "liar for hire" means and this is a most serious charge. I can't read Levant's mind, but the extreme vitriol of his posting points to a personal reaction to Moon's Law Lecture, rather than just a professional interest in the CHRC and s. 13.

In addition, to prove wrong doing by Warman, Levant must show that he had a direct influence, and Levant does not even show any indirect influence, in the CHRC's handling of his complaints against Nazis and hate mongers. But that is not enough: The crucial stage for any complaint is at the level of the Tribunal and Levant does not present any evidence at all of any backroom influence by Warman on the Tribunal.

To prove wrong doing by any other former staff, or present staff, of the CHRC, Levant must provide direct evidence, but he fails to deliver.

In the end, Levant's blog is just a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.

I have resisted commenting on what I think of the merit of potential liable suits for the spurious allegations contained in Levant's blog. Not being a lawyer, I can only speculate that Levant would be at risk of several libel suits and a complaint to the professional body over seeing lawyers.

We'll let Professor Moon get in the last word:

“I’m deeply disturbed by the…smear campaign against the people who support Section 13 and the people at the Commission who are, for the most part, simply carrying out their statutory duties,” Moon says. “You can have a problem with the statute and call for its repeal without attacking civil servants who are generally implementing the law as it stands.”

1 November 2009

Paul Fromm: Traveling Man

Paulie has been a busy, busy boy lately, traveling all over Canada to talk about the Lemire case and to raise money for Terry Tremaine.

There has been some speculation in the Canadian anti-racist movement concerning where Paulie, a disgraced former teacher who after having been fired from his teaching position was later stripped of his teaching certification, gets the money to go gallivanting all over North America. In the past, it seems that at least some of that funding may have come from Martin Weiche, however Weiche seems to have soured on Paulie. And we're sure that the nickles and dimes that his supporters from Canada and the United States send CAFE have enabled Paulie to continue to indulge in the red wine he seems to appreciate so much while the same supporters wallow in poverty (his description of his supporters which we've paraphrased). But lately, Paulie has become quite the jet setter.

Why is that?

Could it be the result of a substantial inheritance left to Paulie as a result of papa Fromm's demise?

FREDERICK WILLIAM FROMM, C.A. October 11, 1918 - May 29, 2009 Died suddenly, May 29th in his 91st year, returning from an Elderhostel, having pursued his lifelong love of learning. He did it 'his way'. Survived by his loving son Paul (Diane) of Port Credit and daughter Mary Theresa of Timmins, and beloved grandsons Travis and Logan and granddaughter Emily. Proud Veteran of the Royal Canadian Navy. Chartered Accountant, retired from the Ministry of Highways, Government of Ontario. Doting husband of Marguerite (Michaud), died, 1998 'the love of his life'. Devout Catholic, 'Fred' was a founding member (1959) of Transfiguration of Our Lord Parish (Etobicoke). He was also a founding member (1967), past president and staunch supporter of the Serra Club (Toronto, West). These were his pals: the organization his passion. A world traveller, Fred returned again and again to his beloved Ireland. Fred loved Canada and had travelled in his retirement years to every province. He had a special soft spot for Les Iles-de-la-Madeleine. His son and grandsons remember an 'awesome' boys' vacation when he was 86 to the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Fromm will be resting at NEWEDIUK FUNERAL HOME, KIPLING CHAPEL, 2058 Kipling Ave. (north of Rexdale Blvd.) on Thursday, June 4 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Funeral Mass will be celebrated from Transfiguration of Our Lord Church, 45 Ludstone Dr., Etobicoke on Friday, June 5, at 10:30 a.m. Cremation to follow. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Serra Foundation of Canada (Suite 1006, 2010 Islington Ave., Toronto, ON, M9P 3S8) are welcomed.

We've been led to believe that the late Mr. Fromm's house, in the Toronto real estate market, could have been sold for at least half a million.

So, as Paulie travels across Canada begging his, "impoverished" supporters to donate to the Terry Tremaine legal fund, we would ask our readers the following questions: