Results of the 2013 Blog Awards

Posted: February 23, 2014 by jkleiman in Uncategorized

And now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for!

And the award goes to…

Best Art, Crafts, Cooking and Other Creative Activities Blogs

1st: The Secret Diary of a Canning Girl
2nd: A Canadian Foodie
3rd: Lola Glitter 

Best Political Blog

2nd: Susan on the Soapbox
3rd: Anti-Racist Canada

Best Collaborative/Multi-Author Blogs

1st: Ottawa Mommy Club
2nd: Departful
3rd: Thinking Outside The Sandbox

Best Family Blog

1st: Mom Vs The Boys
2nd: Dwyer’s Farmhouse
3rd: Life With Belly Monster

Best Food and Drink Blog

1st: Life Without Lemons
2nd: A Canadian Foodie
3rd: The Messy Baker 

Honourable Mention for Family: Right Ingredient

Best Funny Blog

1st: Nerissa’s Life 
2nd: Life with Bellymonster
3rd: Janel Comeau

Best GLBT Blog
we have a tie for 3rd!

1st: Bookish Butch
2nd: 2 Moms to Be
3rd: Schmutzie

Best Health Blog 

1st: Rolling Around In My Head
2nd: 50 Good Deeds
3rd: Bon-Bons & Bootcamp

Best Law Blog
we have a tie for 2nd!

1st: Wise Law Blog
2nd: Law and Style by Precedent
2nd: InTAXicating

Best Music Blog 

1st: Turn The Record Over
2nd: The MusicSuperBlog by Supersonic Creative
3rd: Dale Speaking

Best New Blog

1st: Blue Besos
2nd: Canadian Blog House
3rd: Keep it Beautiful

Best Pet Blog

1st: Cat from Hell
2nd: Nerissa’s Life
3rd: The Hailey and Zaphod Chronicles

Best Personal Blog

1st: Rolling Around In My Head
2nd: Casey Palmer
3rd: They Call it Gumption

Best Pop Culture Blog

1st: xoxo jes
2nd: Hot On The Street
3rd: HiSciFi

Best Personal Life Blog

1st: Mrs. Klassen’s Jungle
2nd: Swag2.0

Best Blog Post

1st: Nerissa’s Life: where there’s fire, there is smoke
2nd: Nerissa’s Life: because neglect STILL isn’t workin’!
3rd: Learn to Stand on Water- The Benefits of Paddleboarding

Best Religion and Philosophy Blog
we have a tie for 3rd!

1st: Whatever He Says
2nd: Devoted To The Lamb
3rd: God and the Black River
3rd: Rageaholics Anonymous

Best Science and Technology Blog 

1st: Neurorexia
2nd: Extreme Enginerding
3rd: asdfScience

Best Sports Blog

1st: Straight From The Arse
2nd: Running on Carbs
3rd: Jordan Sequillion My Quest for Archery Olympic Gold

Best Travel and Expat Blog

1st: Roop Gill
2nd: My Sardinian Life
3rd: Foreign Sanctuary

Congratulations to all of the winners and runners up, and thanks to everybody for continuing to write for our enjoyment and collaboration!

Jonathan Kleiman, Corporate Lawyer and Small Claims Lawyer in Toronto

  1. First the gold this mornin’ for hockey and now two firsts and two seconds. I’M SO HAPPY!


  2. jkleiman says:

    If anybody wants to thank me for all of my hard work, feel free to link to with something like “toronto corporate lawyer”. Thanks!

  3. Once again, thank you so much!! I like this being in the new year, feels right. Appreciate all the work that you put into it.

    • jkleiman says:

      Thanks Dave. Maybe we’ll stick to this new timeline going forward then

      • Yeah, I really like the awards for 2013 bein’ right after 2013, too. Includes the whole year that way. Perhaps the nominations could be pushed back just a tad, too. I would have LOVED to have entered my post about how all those reporters and photographers were hangin’ out at the end my driveway ’cause of that video someone found of me enjoyin’ a biff bag full of nip but I couldn’t. It was written in 2013 but after the nominations were closed.


  4. […] that with a second-place finish among the 24 nominated in the Canadian Blog Awards’ “Best Personal Blog” category, and it’s been a pretty good […]

  5. Elyse says:

    Thank you for all your hard work arranging this. Very pleased to be at the top of my category!

  6. […] Foreign Sanctuary is Third Place in the Canadian Blog Awards ‘Best Travel and Expat Blog&#8217…. […]

  7. Thanks for all your hard work!

  8. […] to announce that thanks to your support, my blog has been voted Best Travel and Expat Blog in the 2014 Canadian Blog Awards. I was beyond humbled to even get nominated. So, this is a HUGE […]

  9. Lyne Proulx says:

    Thank you so much for organizing this award! will you be creating winning badges like in the previous years?

  10. […] Canadian Blog Awards? That was cool enough on its own but  I woke up this morning to find out that I actually wound up placing! They Call it Gumption came in third (or took home the bronze for those of us that just […]

  11. Randa @ TBK says:

    Congratulations to the winners🙂

  12. catfromhell says:

    We are so furry excited to be the BEST CANADIAN PET BLOG!!! We are going to write a big post about how honoured we are!
    Thanks for doing this!
    We KNOW it was a lot of hard work!
    Penelope The Cat From Hell!

  13. Sandy says:

    Thanks so much! Was excited to see that I won a “Silver Medal” Canadian Blog Award! Do you have any button to share that we can place on our sites?

  14. […] Our Cat’s Blog – The Thoughts and Mewsings of the Cat From Hell has won the 2013 Best Canadian Pet Blog Award!!! […]

  15. Sandy says:

    Those are great, Casey! Thanks for making them!🙂

  16. Lyne Proulx says:

    Can anyone do a 1st place button too? Many thanks.

  17. Roo says:

    A big thank you from the Dale Speaking blog! We’re proud to be ‘bronze’ in the Music Blog category…and aim for gold next year😀

  18. Lyne Proulx says:

    in colour gold and not yellow would be amazing since that’s his generic logo! thanks so much!

  19. […] placed second in my category for the Canadian Blog Awards, it doesn’t mean I couldn’t help my fellow honourees out by putting together some quick avatars for the other 2nd- and 3rd-place winners in Photoshop! […]

  20. bookishbutch says:

    thanks so much! I am honoured, truly

  21. Sandy says:

    I just noticed something…our buttons say 2013 Blog Awards but these are the 2014 Blog Awards? Which year should be on our buttons?🙂

  22. […] 2.   Canadian Blog House won a “Silver” from the Canadian Blog Awards for “Best New Blog” 2014 […]

  23. […] is blatantly true.  I mean how else could one explain STRAIGHT FROM THE ARSE being awarded as Best Sports Blog for the second year in a row from the fine folks at the Canadian Blog Awards? […]

  24. Any verdict on the year issue? We did vote on posts and blogs from the year 2013 and if we use 2014, will 2013 not be missed?

  25. I would LOVE to do the 2014 awards in early 2015. That way, the entire year would be included. Don’t know how others feel, though.


  26. […] year are blogging about politics, family, science, sports, travel, pop culture, and more. Click here for a full list of […]

  27. How exciting! I just noticed that the link to my blog is not working. It has a link before it. Any chance on fixing it, please and thank you! It’s Thanks for doing this!

  28. […] has been a unique journey for this blogger. I have met new friends, won national blogging awards, ran in student politics (and won, twice!), been featured in print, interviewed on […]

  29. I have a question for all you fellow Canadian bloggers… Anyone know if there is a Canadian Blog Hop?


  30. This article will assist the internet users for setting up new website or even a blog from start
    to end.

  31. Dave says:

    Hi, is there going to be awards again this year, I really enjoy the Canadian Blog Awards …

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