Showing posts with label KH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KH. Show all posts

18 February 2012

Bonehead Family Values

Sometimes, we wonder how the boneheads we focus on in this blog can live with the cognitive dissonance that runs throughout their lives?

Bill Noble and a case of arrested
development. How many diapers
would that guitar have purchased, Bill?
Earlier this week, Bill Noble wrote an editorial for what he claimed was a mainstream magazine. In it, he spouts off the usual claptrap about the persecution of, “White Nationalists,” anti-racism as a code for being, 'anti-white,'” and accusations of genocide. You know, the tired, old, repetitive shtick that has become all too predictable and which bares no resemblance to any objective reality.

But it was the last part of the article – the last sentence in fact – which caught our attention. Not because it says anything new. No, it’s because of the disconnect between what he claims to support and what he actually lives.

As White nationalists, we seek to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. And as Communists threaten that existence and that future, they must be defeated.

Like a lot of politicians who use the phrase, “for the children” when they want to ram some sort of regressive policy down our throats (see Minister Toews’s recent efforts), Bill here uses children as a justification for what he and other boneheads do. This led us to wonder….

Just when was the last time you visited YOUR son and the mother of your child, Bill?

4 June 2011

Reitmeier and Sturrup Updates

Information on the blog has been used by a number of media outlets, including this CBC Calgary story (they do however continue making the mistake of stating the ARA is actively involved in the blog which is not true, although we do share information extensively).

We had noted that there had been rumors about bonehead involvement in the murder of Mark Marianifor some months, however as we also noted the information that we had was limited and as such we didn't feel it was appropriate to publish anything. We did, however, continue to look into the case. Also, one of our readers made the following comment in a completely unrelated post:

Have a look at this article, and particularly the picture. I see a swastika amongst the angry graffiti. Do you see some sort of connection between this murder and the aryan nation?

Another reader made a comment regarding his or her concerns about the seriousness of the accusation. Our response was as follows:

It is a hell of an accusation, but "Cody" here isn't the first person to make the suggestion. We're of the understanding that the police might be suspicious as well given what we've been told. We don't know if it has anything to do with the swazi on the wall, but apparently there might be other details which suggest a link. 

At the time "Cody" left his comment, we thought the presence of the swastika was likely a coincidence, however as it turns out that may not have been the case after all:

11 August 2010

If the Aryan Guard and Paulie Hold a Protest in Calgary....

.... does anyone notice?

What is the use of a protest if no one pays attention?

Earlier this week, Paulie was in Calgary with McKee and whatever elements of the Aryan Guard still exist to protest in front of Jason Kenney's constituency office, as well as triumphantly announce the reorganization of the Aryan Guard:

CFIRC was helped by a strong contingent of young men and women from the White National Aryan Guard. After a year of organizational problems, the AG is reorganizing. |”The AG is back and active,” leader Kyle McKee explained.

So the AG is now the WNAG. That's certainly an acronym that we won't be able to make fun of.

Paulie and the Aryan Guard members who are currently not (a) in jail, (b) not on probation, (c) not under no contact orders, (d) actually still willing to associate their good... er.... their names with the scandal plagued gang were protesting Kenney's handling of the Tamil migrants currently on their way to Canada:

The door was abruptly locked, as an ashen face employee looked out at the protesters who chanted no slogans and were entirely peaceful. “I thought a constituency office was supposed to be open to the public,” a bemused protester observed... Twenty minutes into the protest several cruisers from the Calgary Police Service showed up. One officer inquired what the purpose of the protest was and how long it would last. Mr. Fromm indicated that he wanted to hand a letter for Mr. Kenney to the staff at his office. The officer disappeared inside the office. The door was locked. About 10 minutes later, he emerged. Apparently, Mr. Kenney’s employee would come out and accept the letter. The exchange was made under the watchful eye of the policeman. “It really shows how terrified our rulers are of the people,” Mr. Fromm observed.

Once again, Paulie makes it appear as if a bunch of concerned Sunday school teachers came out to voice their mild concerns and were treated as pariahs for their efforts. In reality, the people who did show up to this protest made a point of being intimidating:

But here's the thing we find interesting. No one knew of this protest, and we only found out a few hours ago. There was nothing announcing it to the media. There was no mention of it in the mainstream media. It's as if it didn't happen, or it might as well not have happened.

The point of a protest is sort of to get your cause known through the media, otherwise you're really not much better than the crank who used to shout sexual obscenities outside the Parliament buildings in Ottawa. No one cares.

Of course they did this because they didn't want a counter protest to confront them (and why would they, since the last protest the full Aryan Guard contingent was involved with was outnumbered by a factor of 5 to 1?). As such, their efforts were wildly successful, however it was at a bit of a cost. In reality this is the closest Paulie and McKee have come to mainstream recognition, and we are hardly mainstream ourselves.

But even though the Aryan Guard has reformed, there are a few flies in the ointment. There seems to be a bit of remaining tension between McKee and his group and the much smaller, but more crazily tattooed, WEB:

Should we start taking bets on another implosion again?

1 August 2010

Paul the Poet

One would think a former English teacher would be more creative.

14 April 2010

W.E.B. Soon To Be No More?

Tell us Rob, how stupid do you have to be to violate no contact and bail orders, then post the pictures online?

Well, we know we aren't dealing with the great thinkers of society here.

Over the last couple of months, W.E.B. members have been in and out of jail on a pretty consistent basis. The most recent are Kevin Brozny and his new Nazi pin cushion K.H. (note the great legal advice offered by Bill Noble):

Jail isn't fun K.H? You don't say?

Well, whether they all end up behind bars or not, it looks like W.E.B. may not be around much longer. While Tyler Sturrup languishes in jail, his girlfriend has made plans (which she may have changed by now) to move out of the city. And so have both Reitmeier and Brozny:

Oh W.E.B. We hardly knew ye.

31 March 2010

More Information on the W.E.B. No-show On March 21

For months, the members of W.E.B. had been trumpeting their efforts to organize they "White Pride" march and rally for March 21. They were ridiculed and mocked by erstwhile allies turned enemies (the Aryan Guard which had previously organized the event and who's membership's own legal problems have been well documented on these pages) and by anti-racists who all agreed the average W.E.B. member couldn't organize his own sock drawer, never mind an event such as which they proposed. But W.E.B. insisted, INSISTED, that there would be a march, and the continued insisting that there would be a march until 3 days before it was to have occurred.

And........... then they canceled it and said they wouldn't be able to organize it in time.

Shocked! Shocked we were!

At the time, we had speculated that it was their own legal problems that had resulted in their inability to get the ball rolling. And, as it turns out, we were correct.

On K.H.'s Facebook profile, as she brags about, "standing up for the White Race" and junk like that, others noted that the bing, strong, virile males of the movement couldn't be bothered to show up (Bertsch, Besler and "Willis" not withstanding). That's when Dustin Johnson provided a justification:

No contact orders, eh?

And the legal woes don't yet appear to be over. As far as we know, Tyler Sturrup is still in jail, and Robert Reitmeier had a court appearance today as well:

The master race. We think you need to work a little harder on that because frankly, we don't see it.

21 March 2010

Two Boneheads Identified

We received a message from the photographer who took the picture of the bonehead and who the media claim was struck in the head:

I had to give a police statement about Willis hitting my camera from my hand with his skateboard but the article says that he hit me in the head which is a complete lie. I wish I had a way to contact the author to get the article changed... Two nazis showed up near the beginning and were peaceful and did some interviews. A Nazi girl showed up later and got arrested and taken away and I have her photo as ARA surrounded her and then there are pictures of her in city hall getting frisked. Later, Willis showed up and that is where he hit my hand with his skateboard and got arrested.

We also received a number of pictures taken by the photographer. We won't post all of them now, but we will post a few of the photos relevant to the statement that was made to us:

The two men, far left (Jonathan Besler) and far right (Leyton Bertsch) on the photo, are the individuals whom the photographer wrote were the two Nazis who were peaceful and did some interviews.

This is a photograph of K.H., a bonehead originally from Ontario with whom we've had some contact with in the past. She was "dating" Robert Reitmeier for a brief period until he apparently, and unceremoniously, tossed her aside.

K.H. being frisked after being taken away by the police.

Jesus, does Willis own a shirt? Yep, Willis again. He was the one who, after this photograph was taken, took a swing at the photographer with a skateboard, knocking the camera from his hand. Willis was arrested soon after this photo was taken because of the incident.

If you have pictures for us, you can send us your email and we will get in contact with you. Just post your email as a comment. We will not allow your email to be posted and when we contact you, we'll provide you with our contact information.

Anti-Racists Rally in Support of Diversity; Boneheads Mostly a No-Show

We had predicted after the collapse of the Aryan Guard that there would likely not be a rally. W.E.B. had suggested they were organizing the march, but they called it off less than a week before it was scheduled. While this could have been a red herring to throw off anti-racists, those opposed to the Aryan Guard and W.E.B. still held a rally.

Yesterday, anti-racists spoke about the events that would be occurring today:

Anti-racists wary over white supremacists cancelling march

Even though a march by members of Calgary white supremacist groups appears to be cancelled, anti-racism activists vow they’ll still show up in force at a City Hall rally Sunday.
Members of the Aryan Guard and White European Bloodlines were expected to march through downtown for the third straight year Sunday, however organizers said through an Internet posting that it is now cancelled.

4 March 2009

Richard Martin's Friends Aren't Happy

While Mr. Martin seems tickled pink to be included on this blog, it seems that some of his friends are somewhat less pleased. We received the following message from K.H. (pictured between Andrew Benson on the left and Richard Martin on the right) who appears to have returned to Toronto after an extended stay in New Brunswick:

honestly you fucking morons have no fucking lifes. you want to ruin other people's lifes and careers just because they have diffeent views. we don't have sites to targetyou and your little buddies because its childish and RIDICULES!!!!!!!! your lifes is us! you have nothing better and more important for you low lifes to do so you go outthere targeting people who are looking out for their race. most of you idiots are white its not like we're out to get your race. you're fucking scum, if I had the bullets and chance I would shot each and everyone of you scum bags. stop all the bullshit. if you want some sence knocked into your thick heads then fucking message me. I have facebook. fucking pieces of shit. you know shit al about any of us! FUCK ALL OF YOU AND YOUR GAY Mr. CHE!!!!!! FUCK COMMUNISM!!!!! -K.H.

Well then. There's a great deal to address here. Why don't we take this semi-literate response apart sentence by sentence.