7 April 2010

A Look Back at the Jean-Sébastien Presseault Case

Back in 2007, Jean-Sébastien Presseault was given a 6 month prison term for violating Canada's hate crime laws. At the time, the usual suspects on Stormfront were bitching about a man being put in prison for, "thought crimes." In fact, Tomasz Winnicki includes Presseault among the, "free speech" martyrs who have been, "persecuted" by the evil government.

The reality, of course, is very different than the fiction created by the boneheads.

A few days ago we were sent a message containing a link to ruling in Presseault's criminal case. We are treated to a profile of a man who wasn't exactly pure as the driven snow before this particular criminal conviction:

Presseault, in fact, had a pretty extensive criminal record:

(1) Breaking and entering
(2) Possession of property obtained by crime
(3) Conspiracy
Suspended sentence with two years’ probation and 100 hours of community work to be done within six months
(1) Extortion
(2) Forcible confinement
(3) Conspiracy
(1-3) 10 months for each count and two years’ probation and mandatory prohibition order (s. 109 Cr. C.)
Failure to comply with an undertaking (two counts)
$200 fine for each count
Obstructing a peace officer
$150 fine
(1) Possession of a prohibited or restricted firearm and ammunition
(2) Uttering threats
(3) Possession of a weapon during a prohibition order
(4) Breaking and entering and committing
(5) Possession of break-in instruments
(1-3) 60 days and two years’ probation
(4-5) Eight days for each count served concurrently and two years’ probation

The trial itself pointed to a man with deep-seated hatred, as indicated by his online language, activity and tattoos:

We would invite our readers to check out the case against Presseault in the link found here to determine whether a 6 month prison sentence was too long.


Anonymous said...

here's one for ya:

http://www.vancouversun.com/Victim fears Nazi link suspected bombing Abbotsford home/2770549/story.html


AuntieFa said...

hey you guys, I recieved word this morning that an ARA members house was either bombed, or set afire in Abbotsford BC....


Apparently the vancouver sun has the story too....