Showing posts with label Kouba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kouba. Show all posts

29 June 2014

Sec. 13 Dead.... For Now

NOTE: This is a little screen shot heavy. Be forewarned.

On June 26, Sec. 13 of the Human Rights Act cease to exist. As our friend BCL noted however there is no reason why Sec. 13, which was ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court, can not be brought back by a more enlightened government in the future. In the meantime the good folks at the now moribund Free Dominion have decided to post (a now rare) comment to celebrate the demise of Sec. 13:

It it isn't surprising that Connie would give props to Marc Lemire as Free Dominion had been on the forefront of the effort to rehabilitate Lemire's reputation, characterizing him as a free speech martyr. In fact, they went beyond this and engaged in a little bit of historical revisionism. Not only did they deny his role in the leadership of the Heritage Front from 2001 to 2005, they have all but denied that he had any significant history with the hate group. We have attempted to show them the error of their ways, but it seems they have decided to believe him rather than us. But then they aren't the only ones who have tried to help Lemire cover up a very shady past. Ezra Levant, in two interviews with Lemire, asked about the Heritage Front and did not challenge this response:

Uh, the Heritage Front uh, was active back in, uh, the the 90s and I was a young kid at the time. I had some, uh, interest in some of the things that they were doing in particularly thing like uh opposition to employment equity, things like reducing immigration. So I uh, listened to some of what they were about, and uh, I went away from it. I mean I was involved with them peripherally in my teenage years.

Well, that is partially true, as these articles indicate he was active with the Heritage Front in his teen years (he would have been 18 at the time of the 1993 photo and 19 when they were published):

26 February 2012

"Why deny the Holocaust? I for one welcome it!": Rob de Chazal on Stormfront

After learning of the arrests of the three Blood & Honour members accused of a series of assaults in Vancouver, we spent some time looking at the online history of Shawn Macdonald (even though he did try to cover his tracks) but we haven't spent a lot of time looking at the other two accused. That was a mistake because at least one of those accused, Rob de Chazal, was at one time not at all shy about sharing his views.

First, a point of clarification. De Chazal has used quite a few online monikers. On Stormfront, he started as "LaundryBob" before asking it to be changed to, "Hapmaldroid" and then finally, "vonKvltvs88." On the old WCFU forums he was "Rob88." And on the Hamerskins forum, he's known as "Chernobog." We note this to both clear up any potential confusion and to indicate that Rob de Chazal appears to have had some identity issues.

Further, to answer the question, "are you sure this guy is Rob?" we offer the following proof:

It might surprise some of our readers to know just how long de Chazal has been involved in some form of organized racism. He registered on Stormfront in late 2001 while still in high school and really left nothing to the imagination when it came to his beliefs:

8 July 2010

A Look Back at the WCFU: Lessons To Consider?

We started this blog in large part due to the emergence of the Aryan Guard in Calgary, Alberta because at the time we really were concerned that this gang would be a real threat to public safety. While this has been the case far too many times, the reality is that the Aryan Guard soon became the laughing stock of the, "White Nationalist" movement in Canada. Sex scandals (including not only McKee's tryst, but allegations of underage sex from people close to the gang), drug use and rampant alcohol abuse, constant infighting with other groups, founding members leaving and other forming rival groups which are even more embarrassing, and numerous arrests, not to mention some younger groupies coming to their senses and leaving the lifestyle behind, all of which took their toll and ultimately lead to gang basically dissolving and leaving only a few to claim membership.

That the Aryan Guard had lasted from late 2006 to almost 2010 (and, if you're to believe the ghost town that is their website, still exists) is remarkable considering the incompetence of the leadership, the animosity they engendered from other WN groups, the transitory nature of the membership, and violent acts that some of the membership was involved with. Sadly, while the Aryan Guard is rightly regarded with a healthy combination of contempt and ridicule, some real damage was done to individuals victimized by the gang as well as the reputation of Calgary and the province.

It never had to be like this.

The Aryan Guard was not the first group of it's kind to come into existence in Canada. Only 2 years before the Aryan Guard was founded by McKee, Price, and Reitmeier, another group tried to make an impact in Alberta.

Western Canada For Us (WCFU) was founded in early 2004. Their leadership under Glenn Bahr was an older and more stable than the drunken idiots and teenagers who made up the Aryan Guard. Like the Aryan Guard, WCFU held a rally in March (in the WCFU case the rally was in support of Ernst Zundel, pictured on the left, and was coordinated with a rally in Toronto organized by Melissa Guille). Bahr was courted by the media and was the guest of a nationally syndicated radio show. The WCFU even had serious plans to expand into other provinces with chapters already designated in British Columbia and Manitoba (though these efforts weren't particularly successful).

Bahr (left) with Melissa Guille

The WCFU had few of the Aryan Guard's problems, at least outwardly (co-founder Peter Kouba was ousted after a disagreement regarding the direction of the WCFU) and a lot of advantages.

The Aryan Guard lasted until December 2009 and the remnants remain active.

The WCFU lasted no more than 5 months and most of the original membership has remained silent since.

So, what happened? How did one group collapse so quickly while another filled with miscreant losers hold out for three years?

The answer to that might be a tale of two hate crimes divisions.

In Calgary the Aryan Guard were able to seemingly act with impunity, at least to some observers. Even when it's members were committing crimes (some of which were on film) the division that deals with hate crimes didn't seem to be all that focused on shutting the group down. We can speculate about the reasons; manpower, limited ability to collect intelligence, complacency, budget crunch, or any other reason or combination of reasons could have been factors. The fact remains that the Aryan Guard fell apart on it's own, but before it did, there were assaults, suspected firebombs and vandalism.

By comparison, the division that deals with hate crimes in Edmonton were very quick to recognize the potential threat the WCFU posed and moved quickly to gather the appropriate intelligence and evidence. Once done, they moved to shut down the WCFU.

Three years vs. five months.

The following link provides some details about the case against the WCFU. We would ask our readers to examine the document and ask themselves if there's a great deal of difference between the evidence used to shut down the WCFU and the same kind of evidence that the Aryan Guard left for investigators on their own website and other websites:

Citation: R. v. Bahr, 2006 ABPC 360

We've taken a stance regarding support for the police that isn't always shared by other anti-racist organizations. They know our position, we know theirs and we can respect our differences in opinion. The purpose of this article isn't to beat up on the police in Calgary or to praise the police in Edmonton. What we would like to see is that police departments throughout this country take these groups seriously. We don't need the membership of these gangs to hurt someone or damage someone's property before taking action. Legislation already exists to deal with groups like the Aryan Guard and Western Canada For Us.

Let's try to think a little outside of the box.

5 October 2009

An Examination of Marc Lemire: Part I

In our previous article we accepted a challenge laid out by Mr. and Mrs. Fournier of Free Dominion. That challenge was to prove that Marc Lemire was a bigot, a member of the Heritage Front, the leader of the Heritage Front and that he had a close working relationship with Ernst Zundel.

Today we will deal with the first part. Is Mr. Lemire a bigot? We won't use the term "Nazi" or even "racist" because the two words are loaded and tend to be used inappropriately. In general, we refer to people as being Nazis or neo-Nazis if they adhere to the tenents of National Socialism. In that regard, Terry Tremaine (who calls himself a National Socialist) and most members of the Calgary-based Aryan Guard would fit the bill.

25 July 2008

Citizens Are Mobilized

We have said that we are not members of Anti-Racist Action (ARA), however we do support the aims of non-violent movements that oppose racism. In that vein, we will post the following announcement by ARA Calgary, a group that uses non-violent means to educate citizens about the dangers of the Aryan Guard and other such movements. ARA Calgary has acted within the law in their activism and have only acted in self-defense when they themselves have been attacked.

Anti-Racist Action Calgary have a proven record of success when it comes to shutting down racist groups such as the Aryan Guard. In recent years the efforts of ARA Calgary contributed to the collapse of Glenn Bahr's and Peter Kouba's racist group Western Canada For Us (WCFU) after only a few short, though active, months of existence in Alberta.