30 December 2009

GermBrit Comments on ARC

Looks like another of the Stormfront faithful have decided to give us a look over:

Losers and social outcasts? Dude, those are your fellow Stormfront members you're talking about.

Now aside from the inaccurate views on our relative economic positions and living arrangements, (we are members of a vigorous quilting bee, bird watching society and some of us had at least one date with a real member of the opposite sex and not with a World of Warcraft avatar.... we're looking at you Sparky!) we think GermBrit has a valid point here. Perhaps we should focus more on individuals more worthy of inclusion on these pages? Such as, oh, we don't know.... members of the Canadian Navy who post on Stormfront?

Meet Stormfront member GermBrit. Birthname Kevin Stewart. Having lived the majority of his life in British Columbia, Kevin is now in Halifax, Nova Scotia training to become a member of the Canadian navy.

Now isn't only a Stormfront member. He's also close to members of Volksfront based in B.C.:

While it might be a bit outdated, here's a picture with some labels:

Kevin Stewart has some interesting beliefs, many of which may very well put him at odds with military protocols:

First, slavery wasn't such a bad gig, though he himself doesn't condone it.

He seems to be a big fan of eugenics and the creation of a "true master race."

Europeans have more of a right to this land than even the original inhabitants.

"Pakis" Kevin?

Remember when you read this next one that Kevin is now a member of the Canadian military.

Africans are "primitive."

While he doesn't condone the actions of the man who assaulted the Muslim cleric, perhaps it's not so bad (you'll see a trend in which Kevin, "doesn't condone" an action but tacitly approves).

Kevin discusses his membership in the racist British National Party.

Churchill, not Hitler, to blame for World War II.

Antisemitic comments regarding Jewish control of, well, everything.

Not much of an Obama fan. That in and of itself isn't a big deal, but we think Obama's ethnicity shouldn't really be a factor.

Has no problem with being labeled as a Nazi or racist.

Complains about other ethnic groups getting "handouts" from the government, but has no problem when he's the recipient.

Hey, guess what? More violence committed by racists that Kevin doesn't condone, but then goes on to see the silver lining.

Remember the Aryan Guard? Kevin was an early supporter.

Writes David Duke about his book, Jewish Supremacism.

Not very inclusive of a person who is supposed to be serving all Canadians, don't you all think?

Sure, one African-American youth might be able to finish a Rubiks Cube, but most aren't as smart as whites so it's meaningless.

More on ethnic relations. Jews are, "natural born supremacists" and Blacks hate whites.

Uhm...... steroids are illegal for recreational use Kevin.

Sure this is overkill, but it's a small portion of the more than 1500 posts Kevin has made on an infamously racist website; most of his posts seem to focus on "proving" that people of African heritage are genetically predisposed to violence and are less intelligent than Europeans based on discredited pseudoscience contained in, The Bell Curve and the works of Philippe Rushton.

We think we would like to make this a continuing feature on this blog. There are other Canadian racists who now members of the Canadian military. Perhaps we would do the armed forces a service by helping to identify them?

In the meantime if any of our readers would like to contact the navy and voice concerns about Kevin's current participation on a known hate website and a known hate group, we would suggest contacting the following:

The Honourable Peter MacKay
Minister of National Defence
National Defence Headquarters
Major-General George R. Pearkes Building
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0K2

E-Mail: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca

Phone: 613-996-3100
Facsimile: 613-995-8189

TTY/TDD* : 1 800 467-9877


Public Inquiries
Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)
Department of National Defence
National Defence Headquarters
Major-General George R. Pearkes Building
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0K2

Phone: 613-995-2534

Facsimile: 613-992-4739

TTY/TDD*: 1 800 467-9877


CFRC Halifax
Duke Street Towers, 5251 Duke St, Suite 502
B3J 1P3

McKee Update #2: Court Appearance and Claims of Innocence

Looks like there's not much love lost between Kyle "Rat Face" McKee and his former friends, now members of W.E.B.:

But more to the point, McKee made his first court appearance where we learned that a special prosecutor has been assigned to the case:

Special prosecutor appointed to Aryan Guard case

Updated: Tue Dec. 29 2009 18:36:13


The province has appointed a special prosecutor to the trial of Kyle Robert McKee.

McKee made his first court appearance Tuesday morning.

He is a white supremacist accused of two counts of attempted murder after an improvised explosive device was detonated in northeast Calgary earlier this month.

The 24-year-old is a veteran member of the Aryan Guard, a controversial group that has staged a number of marches and rallies in Calgary.

His lawyer will seek bail for his client.

McKee will be back in court January 5.

A special prosecutor usually deals with cases that are particularly sensitive and complex.

The revelation that a special prosecutor has been assigned the case is especially interesting and, at this point, we won't speculate as to the reasons why.

Not that he doesn't have his supporters. John Marleau has referred to McKee as a, "prisoner of war" on the Blood & Honour forums, much to the confusion of the other members of the forum:

Of course one would have to discount the evidence such as bomb making materials allegedly found in McKee's residence. Then again, if McKee didn't commit the act, then perhaps someone with more of a motive did do it. Such as the individual spurned by a woman who was targeted (along with Sturrup) with the pipe bombs.

Like, oh, we don't know, John Marleau:

For all we know the status update could be the lyrics to a bad RAC song, but we think it's quite telling about Marleau's character and perhaps knowledge concerning the attempted murder.

We're so looking forward to the trial.

29 December 2009

Jeff Hughes: "They'll Never Take Me Alive"

The boneheads on Stormfront have painted Jeff Hughes (the neo-Nazi killed in Nanaimo lthis past October) as at best, a victim of overzealous police officers and, at worst, the victim of a calculated murder by the RCMP bent on taking out a White Nationalist activist. Even Paulie, whom Hughes had heard speak not long before his death, has gotten into the act.

Well, perhaps, just perhaps, Mr. Hughes was not the harmless man he's being portrayed as by the boneheads:

Man involved with neo-Nazi groups said police wouldn't take him alive
Danielle Bell, Canwest News Service
Thursday, December 24, 2009

The week before he died, Jeff Hughes told a former employer that if the police visited again they would not take him alive.

"He told me he had a gun. I never saw it. I believed him," recalled Tyler Madison, 54, onTuesday. "He told me, 'If they come to arrest me, they won't take me out of here in handcuffs.'"

Hughes was shot and killed by police outside his downtown Nanaimo apartment on Oct. 23.

Madison considered himself to be Hughes's mentor and friend, despite his strong opposition to Hughes's involvement with neo-Nazi groups. He last saw Hughes briefly a week before his death, and says the man he describes as intelligent, charming and funny seemed depressed and agitated, and concerned about disputes with neighbours about noise. Madison feared at the time that Hughes was suicidal.

"I think that might have been him crying out for help," said Madison. "The social system failed him. People fall through the cracks."

After his death, almost no one came forward to talk about Hughes, 48, and relatively little was known about the man whose life would end in a rare police shooting.

Madison, who met Hughes when they both worked at a small Nanaimo information technology firm, said Hughes was lonely, financially strapped and suffering from a lot of pain due to arthritis. He took painkillers and was on lifelong disability payments. He did not have a driver's license and fixed the odd computer for a fee.

Hughes shared with Madison stories of a troubled life, including a struggle with drugs and alcohol while living on Toronto streets as a teenager, a brief jail stint, a stay in a psych ward.

He bounced from job to job and community to community, working as a chef and with computers.

He never married, had no children and no close family relationships, said Madison, adding Hughes was devastated two years ago when his cherished dog was put down.

His involvement with neo-Nazi groups brought Hughes to the attention of police. Madison said Hughes was unhappy about being visited by an RCMP anti-hate crime unit, who were reportedly looking into his alleged distribution of hate propaganda.

Police have yet to release much information about the shooting including how many officers were involved, how many times Hughes was shot and whether he had a weapon.

The Vancouver Island Integrated Major Crime Unit is leading the investigation, which includes an independent observer with the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP. The inquiry could take up to a year.

So, did did Hughes meet the RCMP with a weapon? Perhaps time will tell?

27 December 2009

AWPW: Update

Certain claims are being made by the woman we stated was the "leader" of the Alberta White Pride Warriors:

This site no longer works. It was created by a 15 year old child who had internet access from my home. That access has been denied, and as such, this site is no longer operational
I would shut it right down, except I don't know how to do that. If anyone can tell me, please email me directly at **********@live.ca
If you are visiting this site via a link found at www.anti-racistcanada.blogspot.com, let me say that first off, I, Cherissa ***** am NOT a racist, I did NOT start a white pride group, and lastly, I am NOT, I repeat, NOT married to a sex offender. My husband is a good and decent man named Charles, NOT Charleton. I do not live in Brooks, Alberta and this whole thing is the fault of a teenager I allowed to use my computer.
The author of said blog should be ashamed of himself, as should some of the people who commented on his "story." Ever try verifying your information? Maybe contacting people directly? Or do you only specialize in Slander? At least a few of the people who follow that blog were smart enough to ask questions. Like why if I am so racist, my facebook friends list looks like the united nations? Or why I would rant about freedom of speech, when I am not American? We in Canada don't have that "right."

The last line is especially telling, as it is a complaint made commonly heard made by our opponents when we call them on their racism.

You know in the spirit of the season, we'll bite. We will assume for the sake of discussion that you are telling the truth Cherissa and that you have been made the victim of a terrible fraud. And we will archive the article dealing with the AWPW so that no one need see it.

But you see, we still have some concerns. Such as who the person is who has posted on Stormfront and who knows so much of your life. Or the membership you and your husband have on a number of racist Facebook groups (we didn't by the way, "hack" into your account). And who posted a picture of yourself and three of your children on Stormfront. And why the people tied to the Winnipeg White Pride Warriors are saying the person leading the AWPW is a woman named Cherissa. And, well, so many questions to answer.

In other words, we would like clarification. For example, the 15 year old you accuse of having access to your computer and thus created the website. Well, just how did that person have access to your computer? And perhaps you might consider dealing with the other concerns too?

We await your response.

26 December 2009

Winnipeg White Pride Warriors: More Toothless Tigers

Another "group" that is trying to fill what they perceive as the void left but the implosion of the Aryan Guard is going by the name, "Winnipeg White Pride Warriors." As the name suggests, it's based in Winnipeg although the founder (who claims the group has 20 to 30 members and has been active for a few months) doesn't appear to currently live in the city:

Now, "honoryourlife" or Ryan here had made the following White Power cliche claims that no one buys anymore, if they ever did:

1. "We aren't about hatred, we're about being proud of our race."
2. "We aren't White supremacists."

You've been following this blog long enough now to know what's coming next, courtesy of Stormfront, right?

So, who is this terrifying scourge of ethnic Winnipegers?

Meet Ryan Brady, currently of Brandon Manitoba. Standing at an intimidating 5'3", Ryan also has class 1 diabetes, which means those ovens he suggest being fired up might have been used on him had he been subject to the Nazi eugenics programme.

22 December 2009

Holiday Schadenfreude

We understand that the Calgary Remand Center makes sure to provide inmates with a piece of cake on Christmas.