- published: 19 Jun 2016
- views: 155034
A sortie (from the French word meaning exit) is a deployment or dispatch of one military unit, be it an aircraft, ship, or troops, from a strongpoint. The sortie, whether by one or more aircraft or vessels, usually has a specific mission. The sortie rate is the number of sorties that a given unit can support in a given time.
In siege warfare, a sortie, or sudden issuing of troops against the enemy from a defensive position, can be launched against the besiegers by the defenders. If the sortie is through a sally port, either to sortie or to sally can be used.
In military aviation, a sortie is a combat mission of an individual aircraft, starting when the aircraft takes off and ending on its return. For example, one mission involving six aircraft would tally six sorties.
In naval terms it can also be used to describe a full-scale evacuation of a fleet of ships, their accompanying aircraft and submarines from a posting in advance to avoid a natural disaster such as a hurricane.
SORTIE SUR WALF TV : Kouthia fond en larmes et fait feu de tout bois
Warframe - Sortie Missions
SORTIE avec Me Abdoulaye BABOU
SORTIE avec Amadou Clédore SENE
Sortie in E-flat major - L. Lefébure-Wély (1817-1870)
L'entrée De La Sortie - Film camerounais callywood en français.
SORTIE du 20 septembre 2015 : Serigne Ousmane Mbacké
Mère et fille La sortie de classe - Disney Channel - YouTube
Angelo la debrouille S02E26 Privé de sortie
website http://www.gertvanhoef.nl/. Sortie in E-flat major van Louis James Alfred Lefébure-Wély (1817-1870) Uitgevoerd door Gert van Hoef in de Stephanuskerk te Hasselt.
Ceci est un film Camerounais de "SOPRODIC" merci d'appreciez et de laisser un commentaire. Aimez, partagez et surtout SVP ABONNEZ-VOUS à la chaine merci. Pour ne manquer aucune vidéo abonnez-vous gratuitement à la chaine en cliquant sur ce lien ; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClZj-9SNTOWbjJT1PUikl9g ZZTV réunir autour d'une chaine unique un grand nombre de Labels Africains Indépendants, de labels spécialisés sur les films ,vidéos et le spectacle (événementiel Africain) Offert par ZZTV Couvert Par Aforevo
The maiden sitting by her pool
Was first to hear my pleas
As she looked into the water
She recited these words to me:
Walk not down that road
I can not tell you where it goes
Ask me no more questions
Some things you weren't meant to know
The mother toiling in the fields
Her apron full of seeds
As she dropped them to the earth
She recited these words to me:
Walk not down that road
I can not tell you where it goes
Ask me no more questions
Some things you weren't meant to know
The greater mysteries
Cannot be shown
Divided by three
The are the maiden, the mother, the crone
Finally I found the crone
Walking through the trees
She looked in my eyes
As she recited these words to me:
Go before the maiden
Get down on your knees
Should you win her favor
She may tell you what she sees
The harvest is reaped
Seeds are shown
Multiplied by three