Thoughout the year Amsterdam offers variety of cultural events and festivals, many of them with an English-speaking public in mind.
Queensday Every year 30 April Queensday is officially the national celebration of the birthday of the Queen Mother, but this in reality is only an excusion to party hard. The celebrations takes place all over the Netherlands, but have a special atmosphere in big cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam or The Hague - riots are extremelly messy, with everyone dressed in orange which is a colour of the royal family. In Amsterdam, Queensday is by far the largest open-air festivity, with estimated 750-thousend people come to the city, wisely arriving by train. Places in centrum like Dam, Damrak, Rokin, Rembrandtplein, Spui, Leidsestraat and Leidseplein are burstling with crowds. On Queensday, all street trade all over the city is unregulated, so it is also the time for second-hand shopping. In Vondelpark the children show their business talents offering various attractions Holland Festival Throughout the month of June An international festival for theater, music, dance, opera, film and art. Kwakoe Festival July - August Bijlmerpark, (Saturday-Sunday, 10am – 8pm) 'Kwakoe' is a weekend event that takes place over 5 weeks. In Dutch terms, that makes for 20 days of pure dancing, eating and anything else in between. Wind down on a hot summers day with theatre, music, film, literature, sport and everything on offer at this very buzzing multicultural and family-oriented festival. Comedytrain International Festival July – August Toomler, Breitnerstraat 2, (Wednesday-Friday, 8:30pm – 11:30pm) Organised by the Toomler comedy café, the 10th edition of this annual festival features the very finest in English language stand-up comedy. With the likes of Adam Hills (Australia), Eddie Bannon (Ireland), Adam Bloom (UK), Paul Provenza (US) and Ron Vaudry (Canada), you will leave Toomler in stiches, guaranteed. Vondelpark Open Air Theater May 30th - August 29th Openluchttheatre, Vondelpark, (Various times) Are you trying to cool off this summer? Go to the open air theatre just by the fountain and let the entertainment do the work. From cabaret to drama to concerts to dance, there is something here for everyone and of all ages. Worth a visit just for the atmosphere. BlijBurg April 30th - August 30th Ijburg, (Monday-Wednesday, 10am – late) Bring a picnic and a bucket and spade to Blijburg or 'Happyville,' a man-made temporary swimming beach complete with a funky restaurant–bar, DJs and bands. A vast array of hip Dutch architecture will be on show. Just check the weather in advance! Sail Amsterdam a five-yearly event, when tall ships from all over the world can be visited. Next event 2010. Uitmarkt August 27th - August 29th Leidseplein, Museumplein (various times) Deemed by many as ‘the’ cultural event of the year, Uitmark heralds the official start of the national cultural season. Join 500,000 Amsterdammers in this mass event to celebrate the hundreds of free performances, concerts, dramas and countless workshops on offer in and around Leidseplein and Museumplein. Also, Uitmark annually welcomes 250 cultural institutions that are on hand to provide information on forthcoming cultural activities, and 100’s of publishers with their latest editions. So get down to Uitmart and get involved. Flower Parade Aalsmeer - Amsterdam September 4 A three-kilometre long ribbon of flower-bedecked floats travel through the area. About one million flowers will be used. To be spot between Aalsmeer and Amsterdam. Jordaan Festival September 17th - September 19th Jordaan (various times) A big inner city street festival celebrating the diversity of this former working class district. Features this year include drum bands, a children's festival, opera and cabaret, a boules competition, a flea market and an auction. Grachtenrace 2nd Saturday in October (Canal Race) 25km rowing race . IDFA - International Documentary Filmfestival of Amsterdam November 18th - November 28th Leidseplein, (various times) International documentary festival screens hundres of documentary films and videos. Christmas Day and Boxing Day December 25, December 26 If you find yourself there this Christmas here are a few suggestions to help you pass the time and incorporate a little Dutch culture into your holidays. New Year's Eve December 31 Besides the Queendsday, New Year is another wild celebration. The Dutch often stay home with their families until midnight, and many bars open just then. The spots that are seriously crowded include Leidseplein, Rembrandtsplein and Niewmarkt. Many vanues offer New Year parties.