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Hours for Palestine

To European leaders and all UN member states:

We urge you to endorse the legitimate bid for recognition of the state of Palestine and the reaffirmation of the rights of the Palestinian people. It is time to turn the tide on decades of failed peace talks, end the occupation and move towards peace based on two states.

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Hours for Palestine

If you have already signed the petition, now send a message to the UK Prime Minister by email or social media.

In hours, the Palestinians will take a bid for statehood to the UN -- it could be the best chance for peace in decades, but the UK is still on the fence and our push could turn the tide.

Most of the world supports the bid and polls say 72% of Brits want a Palestinian state. But so far Cameron is bowing to US pressure to abstain and our voices are the only weapon that have a chance to beat back their bullying. If the Palestinians win their UN bid, it could begin to end the 40 years of occupation, and pave the way for two states.

  Number 10 has not yet pronounced its position and is deciding right now. Let's make sure the UK commits to freedom and peace in the Middle East now. Join this massive campaign:
UK (Prime Minister) + 44 (0) 20 7270 3000
Please send an email: PScorrespondence@cabinet-office.gsi.gov.uk

Here are some talking points on why the Palestinian bid at the UN General Assembly is our best chance for peace. Please use them as a guide when you write your message:

  • there has already been decades of occupation and repression by Israel of the Palestinian people
  • for years the US and Israel have held peace hostage to processes that have only led to more illegal colonisation of palestinian lands
  • the US and Israel should not get away with bullying the rest of the world to vote 'no' to what is morally and strategically right
  • currently there is not even a peace process in play
  • this is a new chance to balance the equation and kick start a new path towards freedom and peace
  • if the bid fails, we may have decades more of violence and extremists will win more ground
  • it is time for Palestine - this is a legitimate, non-violent, diplomatic proposal that deserves Europe's full support
  • the UN, World Bank and IMF say that the Palestinians are ready to run their own state
  • majorities of people across Europe and 2/3rds of world leaders already support Palestine statehood
Remember to be polite -- we'll be far more convincing if we are reasonable and courteous.

Please lobby your MP to support the recognition of the State of Palestine by asking her/him to sign EDM 502 supporting recognition. Make sure to tell the MP that 72% of people polled in the UK last week support a Palestinian state:

Click here to find your MP

The UK are still on the fence. Use the talking points above to help you write a message on the UK Foreign Secretary's facebook page. Or copy the message below and click on the links below to paste it on his page: 

Click to reach PM Cameron's page

Click below to send a tweet to the PM Cameron and DPM Clegg:


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