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Victoria's first McGrath Foundation-funded metastatic breast cancer nurse, Jenny Macindoe.
media_cameraVictoria's first McGrath Foundation-funded metastatic breast cancer nurse, Jenny Macindoe.

Victoria’s first McGrath Foundation-funded metastatic breast care nurse

VICTORIA now has its first McGrath Foundation-funded nurse to specialise in caring for people with advanced breast cancer.

With decades of nursing experience, Jenny Macindoe has seen first-hand the need for dedicated nurses to support women with cancer that had spread beyond their breasts.

She said the sheer number of early diagnosis breast cancer patients meant advanced stage, or metastatic, patients could often fall through the gaps.

With a focus on prolonging life, and maintaining a high quality of life, these people were often on multiple medications and required specialised care.

“These women are often treated as outpatients so they might not have the same face-to-face contact and ongoing support,” Ms Macindoe said.

“I will be able to provide that support, as well as link them with other important services they might not be aware of.”

Dedicated metastatic breast care nursing is a relatively new concept, and Ms Macindoe is among the first in Victoria to take it on.

She is the third metastatic breast care nurse in Australia to be funded by the McGrath Foundation.

Ms Macindoe will be based at Frankston Hospital but can provide support to advanced breast cancer patients from throughout Melbourne.

For more information about the service phone Jenny Macindoe on 9788 1754 or email