- published: 21 Feb 2009
- views: 428176
Jin Au-Yeung (born 4 June 1982), who performs under the stage name MC Jin, is an American rapper, songwriter, and actor of Hong Kong Hakka descent. Born in Miami, Florida, and later living in New York City, he decided to reside permanently in Hong Kong before returning to New York to reside permanently in the summer of 2012. He speaks both Cantonese and English fluently, although he is not literate in Chinese. In the United States, he was both the first American solo rapper of East Asian and Hong Kong descent to be signed to a major hip hop record label.
Jin Au-Yeung was born on June 4, 1982, in Miami, Florida, to Hong Kong immigrants of Hakka descent. He was raised in the general Miami area, where his parents owned a Chinese restaurant, and where Jin attended school. While a student at John F. Kennedy Middle School in North Miami Beach, Jin participated in many rap battles with his peers. After graduating from high school in 2000, Jin decided to forgo college, and in 2001 he moved with his parents to Queens, New York City.
中文字幕!欧阳靖与黑人决战RAP. app
20150616中視【改變的起點】 歐陽靖「跑」離憂鬱人生 (完整版)
Jin 歐陽靖 'ABC' MV
天天向上-动漫爷爷携葫芦娃登台 "rap界传奇"欧阳靖MCjin引爆全场-【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20140509
ABC - 歐陽靖 [ABC]
星期日大班第8集嘉賓︰歐陽靖 (MC Jin)
歐陽靖 真正 Hip Hop
歐陽靖返大陸Rap Battle (MC Jin in Freestyle Friday 翻0黎啦)
欧阳靖2nd 7th
【2013 udn talks聯合大講堂】歐陽靖:我與我的42.195公里
MC jin用Hip-Hop罵老外,一炮而紅
「妳是明星的小孩,吃得飽穿得暖,還會得憂鬱症?這些罵我的人不知道,我從小吃不飽也穿不暖!」資深藝人譚艾珍的女兒歐陽靖,眼泛淚光、嘴角卻笑著,矛盾又尷尬的吐露童年不為人知的辛酸。「小時候家住山上鐵皮屋,因為沒有自來水,晚上就到鄰居家提山泉水回來煮成熱水,然後全家用一桶水洗澡」,因為父母致力於收養流浪動物,幾乎花光家裡所有積蓄,歐陽靖回憶,不僅生活過的困苦,家裡更沒有一個人可以陪她說話,長年的壓抑、對爸媽的埋怨,童年的不健全,也埋下青春期憂鬱症的種子。 歐陽靖受邀上中視專訪節目『改變的起點』,首度披露星二代的難堪與包袱,因為媽媽是藝人譚艾珍,讓她從國小開始就倍受關注,高中更因為這樣的身分遭受排擠,連網路輿論都不放過她,自我封閉下漸漸罹患憂鬱症,嚴重時曾拿菸蒂將額頭燙得血肉模糊...自殘、暴食、厭食不斷凌遲她,也凌遲著譚艾珍。歐陽靖說她想輕生的念頭不止一次在腦中上演,更反覆問著「為什麼我要當譚艾珍的女兒?」一直到好友徐子婷跳樓身亡,她看見徐明夫婦的傷心悲慟,意識到如果她也這麼走了,媽媽譚艾珍一定活不下去,她不忍看媽媽為她傷心,決定要從陰暗中走出來。 更多精彩內容 敬請鎖定每週二晚間12點 周三下午5點 周六上午9點 中視【改變的起點】
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ABC - 歐陽靖 [ABC] ABC - MC Jin [ABC] 歌詞 | Lyrics: Yo check it check it check it out 聽住啦 First name Jin 即係我中文名 立字做個青字 睇清楚個頸 無論係後生仔或是係老餅 多謝你支持 真係唔easy 一個 ABC 要照清楚塊鏡 佢哋想知點解啲中文會咁正 係咪有個補習老師 not me 由細到大我睇慣TVB 新紮師兄 梁朝偉真係有型 歡樂今宵 何B同鄭裕玲 日頭猛做就無得停 點講都好 最緊要係你明 ABC係我係我 橫睇點睇都係我 無錯無錯 ABC係我係我 ABC係我係我 橫睇點睇都係我 無錯無錯 ABC係我係我 你駛鬼理我邊到出世 只要我有料 一張出世紙點可以做代表 我問你做竹昇有乜嘢咁失禮 就算我係 你都咪當我食塞米 唔覺唔覺喺美國住咗24年 我今年24歲真係無乜變 時間過得真係太快 好似無幾耐我先至7歲 飲緊維他奶 如果我真係扮我大晒 有怪莫怪 當我細路仔唔識世界 你根本會唔知如果我唔出聲 更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 所以我今次一定要喺度話俾你聽 ABC係我係我 橫睇點睇都係我 無錯無錯 ABC係我係我 ABC係我係我 橫睇點睇都係我 無錯無錯 ABC係我係我 你話我唔係正宗唐人 Who are you 啲鬼佬睇我又咪係黃皮膚 雖然我哋環境係兩個唔同世界 但係分別好少 你唔好踩得就踩 八月十五係唐人中秋節 舊曆新曆根本就無分別 新年流流咪又係逗吓利是 飲吓茶打幾圈 唔係嘅咪鋤 Dee 歐陽靖究竟係邊個 你真係想知 最清楚係我 簡單唻講 三個字 邊三個 ABC係我係我 橫睇點睇都係我 無錯無錯 You know that's me ABC係我係我 橫睇點睇都係我 無錯無錯 ABC係我係我 You know that's me -----...
憑著參加freestyle rapper battle而一舉成名的歐陽靖 (MC Jin),這次應邀接受大班訪問,究竟一個名嘴,一個名rapper可以擦出什麼火花呢?MC Jin更會於節目中表現其拿手的rap,觀眾密切期待﹗
走出憂鬱-「無論跑步與人生都沒有所謂失敗,只要你拒絕停下來。」 主講人:歐陽靖(作家 / 演員 / 馬拉松跑者) 歐陽靖出生於台灣台北市,母親為知名藝人譚艾珍、父親是退出江湖的黑道大哥。因父母積極投入於流浪動物保育,於是在家中飼養的數百隻流浪狗與野生動物包圍之下,渡過了貧窮的童年歲月。 兒時因省籍情結、身材豐腴、早年喪父而遭同儕霸凌,青少年時期又因特立獨行的打扮風格與紋身而受媒體輿論攻擊,往後她歷經長達6年的重度憂鬱症,於2005年痊癒,此後並積極投入「青少年憂鬱症防治宣導」的義務工作。 歐陽靖曾做過餐飲服務業、相片沖印師、模特兒等職務,2005年以《最好的時光》一片入圍金馬獎「最佳造型設計」獎項。2009年出版長篇小說著作《吃人的街》,後於2012年將過去憂鬱症時期的創作集結為《我們,都是末日殘存者》一書。近年來沉迷於長跑與馬拉松,必自詡為「馬拉松傳教士」,向年輕一輩推廣長跑帶給心靈的益處。 │2013 udntalks:http://udntalks.udn.com/2013/ │udn talks聯合大講堂官網:http://udntalks.udn.com/ │udn talks聯合大講堂FB:https://www.facebook.com/udntalks │願景工程FB:https://www.facebook.com/udn.vision.project Help us caption & translate ...
Real emcee's only on Sway In The Morning, catch Siagon, Jin and Louie V go three rounds on freestyle Friday. Subscribe to our page: http://bit.ly/SVsBQC TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RealSway http://twitter.com/TheHappyHourwHB http://twitter.com/DJWonder http://twitter.com/ItsTracyG FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SwayCalloway WEBSITE: http://swaysuniverse.com http://ishootnyc.com Sways Universe, Sway In The Morning, Rap, Hip-Hop, Freestyles, Interviews, Live, Concert, Performances, Actors, Athletes, Singers, Celebrities, Television, FIlm, Shade45, 5 Fingers of Death, i shoot nyc, ishootnyc
http://www.wadeoradio.com http://www.twitter.com/wadeoradio http://www.facebook.com/wadeoradioshow http://www.instagram.com/wadeoradio In Episode 5 of Live @ JahRock'n, MC Jin sits down with DJ Wade-O and talks about his transition from Ruff Ryders to now, the comparison of the mainstream industry with that of CHH, and doing collabs with other artists. In our interview. We spoke with MC Jin about: • Testimony - From Ruff Ryders to faith in Christ • Similarities in Christian Hip-Hop and Mainstream • Getting approached for collabs • Proper way to approach someone about collaborating • Being spirit led MC Jin's Contact: E-mail: mcjin@thegreatcompany.com I Twitter: @iammcjin Executive Produced by DJ Wade-O and JBeatz Xclusive Footage Shot By JBeatz Xclusive for T38 Creations Video Edited...
It's been three years since Jin Au-Yeung turned what was supposed to be a short promotional trip to Hong Kong into a permanent residency. But the Emcee Jin that America knew so well from his "106 & Park" and "2 Fast 2 Furious" days has been long gone. Not only has Jin taken a new direction in his career, but he has also discovered a new part of himself, complete with a brand new outlook on life. Whether you are a Jin fan or not, this interview is a must see. I will edit a shorter version of highlights later. Please visit http://myx.tv/interview-with-mc-jin/ for the complete article and interview and for more behind the scenes and shorter version please go to www.youtube.com/kristiehang for more.
MC Jin's full live set at the Lunar New Year Festival concert presented by Xian Famous Foods and Apex for Youth. *Sorry, for the water bottle obstruction about half way in, haha. Saturday, February 21st, 2015 @ The Music Hall of Williamsburg
The most humble rapper i have met. Hope you like it!
MC Jin talks about his first rap battle, his family, and his ascent. Stay tuned for new episodes by signing up for updates at http://prologue.me/ 0:50 On Miami and family 6:54 Initial exposure to hip-hop 10:09 The music he grew up on 12:05 His first rap battle 16:40 On the nature of rap and freestyling 19:33 On ethnicity and racism 21:55 His advice to his younger self 24:32 On his future
CLICK HERE FOR FUNG BROS. SHIRTS: http://gummymall.com/fungbros BUY MC Jin's Album14:59: http://www.mcjin.com/ JIN http://instagram.com/Iammcjin http://twitter.com/iammcjin LIKE: http://www.facebook.com/thefungbros FOLLOW: http://www.twitter.com/FungBros DAVID: http://www.twitter.com/DavidBFung ANDREW: http://www.twitter.com/AndrewJFung DAVID: http://www.instagram.com/DavidBFung ANDREW: http://www.instagram.com/AndrewJFung RICHIE LE http://youtube.com/RichieLe23 http://instagram.com/RichieLe23 Shot by: Stanley Chen, Kevin Zhou Edited by: Anh Ban
MC Jin and Denise Jones sit down for the first interview in The ARCHE at The Great Company. They discuss his latest album 14:59, Pledge Music, and his views on Christian Rap. If you'd like to be featured on The ARCHE Live or for more information on booking the SEED Center for an event, film or music video location, or performance venue, please visit: http://www.thegreatcompany.com/contact Camera: Neil Fernandez ARTIST INFORMATION http://www.mcjin.com http://instagram.com/iammcjin https://www.youtube.com/user/iammcjin http://twitter.com/iammcjin DENISE JONES http://instagram.com/youknowdenise © 2014. The Great Company. ------ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thegreatco Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thegreatcompany Website: http://www.thegreatcompany.com
It was a year ago when we interviewed him as the host of the show and this year he's returned hosting the third annual McDonald's B-Boy Royale 3. We get the opportunity to interview MC Jin to catch up since last year and ask what brings him back to host again. Directed by: Andrew Kao Special thank to, McDonald's, IW Group, Ronald McDonald's Charities House, & MC Jin Music Credit: "Ladies & Gentlemen" & "Welcome to the Club" by MC Jin XIV:LIX is available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/xiv-lix/id925813741 Sparx Entertainment: https://sparxentertainment.com/ https://www.facebook.com/sparxmediaz https://twitter.com/sparxmediaz https://instagram.com/sparxentertainment MC Jin: https://www.twitter.com/iammcjin https://www.facebook.com/iammcjin https://www.mcjin.com
Thank you for watching. Click "Show More" if you're awesome. ate July, I had the privilege of interviewing the one and only MC Jin but honestly I just wanted to have a talk with him. Mc Jin has easily become one of our generations most iconic idols in our Asian American community. MC Jin Instagram | iammcjin Mc Jin has easily become one of our generations biggest icons in the Asian American community. Please support his petition to bring back his character, Jimmy from the Fast and Furious franchise. thank you! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/furious8bringbackjimmy and then there was me. Main account: Drop a comment and say hi! I always say hi back. http://youtube.com/simplyyue http://instagram.com/simplyyue http://facebook.com/simplyyue
Fearless Interview on MC JIN For more info and recap on the Fearless Tour, please visit: http://www.renewtheresponse.org/event/fearless-tour/ To follow more on MC JIN: Web: http://www.mcjin.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/Mcjin Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iammcjin Twitter: https://twitter.com/iammcjin
http://www.vladtv.com - Jin expressed his views on the alarming domestic abuse bestowed upon Janay Rice by her former NFL star husband, Ray, in this clip from his exclusive interview with VladTV Battle Rap Journalist Michael Hughes. Jin made it clear that he does not cosign violence of any kind between men or women. Regarding this particular situation, he touched on some interesting topics involving the way that people have been quick to impose their own personal judgements on the situation. Jin doesn't think that anyone can honestly tell Ray Rice's wife, Janay, not to forgive him, because we can't dictate the way that other people should view and react to the actions of others. He also spoke on the response from the general public when situations like this occur, and how society has gr...
Stay tuned for part 2! Thisis50 & Young Jack Thriller recently spoke with Jin for an exclusive interview! Jin remembers telling 50 he wanted to battle him, his career, battle rap, funny DMX story & much more! Follow @iammcjin @jackthriller @thisis50
FUNG BROS GRAPHIC TEES: http://gummymall.com/FungBros http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/mcjin Twitter: www.twitter.com/iammcjin Facebook: www.facebook.com/iammcjin Instagram: www.instagram.com/iammcjin YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/Mcjin Website: www.mcjin.com LIKE: http://www.facebook.com/thefungbros FOLLOW: http://www.twitter.com/FungBros DAVID: http://www.twitter.com/DavidBFung ANDREW: http://www.twitter.com/AndrewJFung DAVID: http://www.instagram.com/DavidBFung ANDREW: http://www.instagram.com/AndrewJFung RICHIE's CHANNEL http://youtube.com/RichieLe23 http://instagram.com/RichieLe23 Shot/edited by: Jeff Wu (http://www.instagram.com/jwula) Shot/edited by: Stanley Chen Shot/edited by: Joe (http://www.instagram.com/JCovable)