- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 108382
Airbus Group SE is a European multinational aerospace and defence corporation. Headquartered in Toulouse, France, the group consists of the three business divisions Airbus, Airbus Defence and Space, and Airbus Helicopters. The company was originally formed as the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company NV (EADS) on 10 July 2000 by the merger of Aérospatiale-Matra, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG (DASA), and Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA). In January 2014, EADS was reorganised as Airbus Group NV, combining the divisions for development and marketing of civil and military aircraft, as well as communications systems, missiles, space rockets, helicopters, satellites, and related systems. On 27 May 2015 the company became the ninth component of Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index to adopt the corporate form of the European Union (EU), becoming a societas Europaea (SE; Latin: European company).
The following (incomplete) chart illustrates the consolidation of the European aerospatial industry, in terms of corporate mergers and acquisitions, that preceded the establishment of the present Airbus Group SE:
More infos: http://www.technologicvehicles.com/en/actualite-mobilite-verte/2725/video-eads-e-fan-vol-inaugural-a-bordeaux-pou
Der Militärflugzeugbereich von EADS arbeitet seit Jahren an einem Versuchsträger für unbemannte Aufklärer und Kampfjets. Type UAV technology demonstrator (unbemanntes Fluggerät) Manufacturer (Hersteller) EADS Military Air Systems Rechlinerstraße 1 85077 Manching Germany Internet: www.eads.net Customers (Kunden) None. The demonstrators were built with funding from EADS and its partners. Costs (Kosten) The cost of the Barracuda programme was estimated at 40 million Euros. Remarks (Bemerkungen) Barracuda is a UAV technology demonstrator. Main features are: fuselage of carbonfibre composite construction, with large upper and lower outer shells produced with the VAP method (Vacuum Assisted Process) carbonfibre wings with metal substructure, detachable triplex fly-by-wire syste...
More infos: http://www.technologicvehicles.com/en/actualite-mobilite-verte/2725/video-eads-e-fan-vol-inaugural-a-bordeaux-pou
Am EADS-Standort in Manching ist in den letzten Jahren das größte militärische Luftfahrtszentrum Europas entstanden. Bei seinem Besuch am 18. Juni kündigt Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer Unterstützung für Arbeitnehmer und bayerische Wehrtechnikunternehmen an: "Gerade auch im Wehrtechnikbereich gilt: Sparen ja, aber intelligent und nicht auf Kosten von Innovation, Forschung und Technik. Ich werde mich bei den Verantwortlichen in Berlin für die Belange der Branche und ihre zukunftsfähigen Arbeitsplätze mit allem Nachdruck einsetzen." Besuchen Sie uns auch auf http://www.aufbruch.bayern.de, http://www.bayern.de und http://www.facebook.com/bayern
siehe auch: Deutsche Politik ohne Moral http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXehmUd-sJo Fakt, 30.05.2011 Heikles Know-How aus Deutschland für Saudi-Arabien Nach wochenlangen Recherchen liegen dem MDR neue Belege dafür vor, dass deutsche Beamte in Saudi-Arabien für den Rüstungskonzern EADS arbeiten. Aus internen Unterlagen geht außerdem hervor, dass die Bundespolizisten saudische Sicherheitskräfte für Situationen wie Demonstrationen und Unruhen fit machen. Dem MDR liegen neue Belege dafür vor, dass Bundespolizisten im Auftrag des Rüstungskonzerns EADS in Saudi-Arabien arbeiten. Dabei handelt es sich um interne Projektpapiere, Verträge und Bilder. Wie das ARD-Magazin FAKT berichtet, geht daraus hervor, dass die deutschen Beamten saudische Grenzpolizisten nicht nur im Umgang mit den modernen EADS...
Well, I was standing in line at the city bus stop
Soaked to the skin from every rain drop
I see you driving by just like a Phantom Jet
With your arm around some little Brunette
You say you won't be home because you're working late
Honey, I'm no fool, you've been out on a date
The lipstick on your collar gives your game away
It's strawberry red and mine's pink roses
Have mercy on me
You treat me so bad I'm in misery
It's breaking my heart, can't you see
Baby, baby, have mercy on me
Well, I called you up on the telephone
I could hear you was playin' 'Haggard and Jones'
I knew right then that there was something wrong
There's only one reason you play cheatin' songs
Have mercy on me
You treat me so bad I'm in misery
It's breaking my heart, can't you see
Baby, baby, have mercy on me
Well, I went up to the bank with my little check book
The cashier he gave me the strangest look
He said you ain't got no money 'cause you're over drawn
Your man took it all and he's a done gone
Have mercy on me
You treat me so bad I'm in misery
It's breaking my heart, can't you see
Baby, baby, have mercy on me
Have mercy on me
You treat me so bad I'm in misery
It's breaking my heart, can't you see
Baby, baby, have mercy on me
Have mercy
Have mercy on me
You treat me so bad I'm in misery
It's breaking my heart, honey, can't you see