- published: 25 Aug 2012
- views: 3737
The Catalans (Catalan, French and Occitan: catalans; Italian: catalani; Spanish: catalanes) are a Romance ethnic group formed by the people from, or with origins in, Catalonia, who form a nationality in northern Spain. The inhabitants of the adjacent portion of southern France (known in Catalonia proper as Catalunya Nord and in France as the Pays Catalan) are included in this definition. Also, Catalan is sometimes used to define people from Catalan Countries, which include other areas where the Catalan language is spoken.
The other Catalan-speaking people, namely people from Andorra, Valencia, the Balearic islands, eastern Aragon, and the city of Alghero in Sardinia, are sometimes identified as a collective, distinct ethnic group. The aforementioned territories are often designated Països Catalans, "Catalan Countries", by Catalan nationalists.
Spaniards are a nation and ethnic group native to Spain that share a common Spanish culture and speak the Spanish language as a mother tongue. Within Spain there are a number of nationalisms and regionalisms, reflecting the country's complex history and diverse culture. The official language of Spain is Spanish (also known as Castilian), a standard language based on the mediaeval dialect of the Castilians of north-central Spain. There are several commonly spoken regional languages (mainly Basque, Catalan and Galician). There are substantial populations outside Spain with ancestors who emigrated from Spain; most notably in Hispanic America.
Learn more at http://www.vikingcruises.com/oceans/destinations/barcelona/index.html For centuries the people of Catalan have fiercely pursued independence. Follow their search for this elusive goal, explore the alliances and conflicts that shaped the region and learn more about the determination of the Catalan people to keep their culture alive.
English video.
The Catalan News Agency is reviewing the stereotypes, myths and ideas that foreigners have about Catalonia and is calling on experts to challenge them
Catalans have taken to the streets of five cities for rallies aimed at speeding up the process breakaway from Spain. Demonstrators carried national flags with some of them wearing traditional Catalan clothes or T-shirts bearing pro-independence slogans. RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT Listen to us on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rttv RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Uploaded in New York City, USA. Get a free Catalan lesson with italki: http://promos.italki.com/wikitongues_cat Bé, hola, jo em dic Anita. Estem aquí per parlar una mica de que és el que vol dir tenir una identitat i sobretot que és el que vol dir tenir una identitat amb una llengua. Per mi és una cosa una mica complicada perquè, bé.. mun pare és Americà, de Estats Units i mu mare és Argentina, però jo vaig crèixer a Mallorca; i per això, bé, vaig anar a escola publica, tot es temps que vaig viure a Mallorca i per això vaig aprendre Català. Encara tenc molts d'amics a Mallorca i encara tenc la sort de trobar molta gent per el mon que parla Català i per això es una petita part de la meva identitat i una cosa que estic molt orgullosa de tenir. Per mi es especial poder parlar Català perque ...
El grup Manel al Palau de la Música amb la seva versió de la cançó dels Pulp, "Common People" http://www.manelweb.com/