- published: 13 Dec 2010
- views: 266580
Adrian is a form of the Latin given name Adrianus or Hadrianus. Its ultimate origin is most likely via the former river Adria from the Venetic and Illyrian word adur, meaning 'sea' or 'water'. The Adria was until the 8th century BC the main channel of the Po River into the Adriatic Sea but ceased to exist before the 1st century BC. Hecataeus of Miletus (c.550 - c.476 BC) asserted that both the Etruscan harbor city of Adria and the Adriatic Sea had been named after it. Emperor Hadrian's family was named after the city or region of Adria/Hadria, now Atri, in Picenum, which most likely started as an Etruscan or Greek colony of the older harbor city of the same name.
Several saints and six popes have borne this name, including the only English pope, Adrian IV, and the only Dutch pope, Adrian VI. As an English name, it has been in use since the Middle Ages though it was not popular until modern times.
Stand-up comedy is a comic style in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience, usually speaking directly to them. The performer is commonly known as a comic, stand-up comic, stand-up comedian, or simply a stand-up. In stand-up comedy, the comedian usually recites a grouping of humorous stories, jokes and one-liners typically called a monologue, routine, or act. Some stand-up comedians use props, music, or magic tricks to enhance their acts. Stand-up comedy is often performed in comedy clubs, bars, nightclubs, neo-burlesques, colleges, and theaters. Outside of live performance, stand-up is often distributed commercially via television, DVD, CD and the internet.
In stand-up comedy, the feedback of the audience is instant and crucial for the comedian's act. Audiences expect a stand-up comic to provide a steady stream of laughs, and a performer is always under pressure to deliver. Comedic actor Will Ferrell has called stand-up comedy "hard, lonely, and vicious".
Adrian Vancica - Stand-up comedy - Femeia ne e superioara
Tara mea - Celentano (o poezie de 1 Decembrie Ziua Nationala) - Vancica Stand-up Comedy
Ce ar vrea Mihai Bobonete si Adrian Vancica de la Mos Craciun
Adrian Vancica si Gheorghe Ifrim despre "America, Venim!"
Vancica Stand-up Comedy
Adrian Vancica - Stand-up comedy - Tragedia poloneza
Bobonete - La Vremuri Noi, Glume Noi (Sala Palatului 2015)
Mihai Bobonete si Adrian Vancica va colinda
Văncică-La coada la vama in Grecia se lupta cu căldura
Comedy Boys stand up comedy
Poezia e din finalul episodului special de 1 Decembrie 2016. Nu sunt poet asa ca daca nu se potriveste ceva ...in mine sa dati cu pietre ca eu am scris-o! ...Romanie, te iubesc! (C) & (P) Vancica Adrian Nicolae 2016 All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.
Adrian Vãncicã-One man show! "Angajati-l pe claun"- monolog dupa "Angajare de claun" de Matei Visniec. Filmarea e din 2006.
Venim in turneu: TULCEA 26 Octombrie, GALATI 27 Octombrie, BRASOV 1 Noiembrie, FAGARAS 2 Noiembrie, BACAU 6 Noiembrie, PLOIESTI 7 Noiembrie, SIBIU 27 Noiembrie, RM.VALCEA 28 Noiembrie, PITESTI 29 Noiembrie, CONSTANTA 5 Decembrie, TIMISOARA 10 si 11 Decembrie. REZERVARI: 0723 531 330 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154160441988710&set;=a.489055743709.267109.676353709&type;=3&theater; Fii la curent cu noutatile! Aboneaza-te!/Subscribe! Show: "La vremuri noi, Glume noi" 2015 la Sala Palatului Spectacol tinut de 3 ori cu casa inchisa in 2015 13.500 de bilete vandute si un urias impact pe piata de entertainment din Romania. Cel mai bun show de stand up comedy la ora actuala si il puteti vedea Live atat prin tara dar si prin Europa si U.K., iar in curand si in U.S.A si Canada. Cei p...
În preajma Crăciunului, Mihai Bobonete și Adrian Văncică au venit în studioul Europa FM pentru a-i colinda pe ascultătorii matinali. Cei doi au ales un colind pe care îl fredonau pe la casele vecinilor, în copilărie. Mihai Bobonete a povestit, pentru ascultătorii Europa FM, cea mai pregnantă amintire din copilărie legată de Crăciun. „Plecam cu colindul şi aveam nişte cizme de femeie care aveau toc din gumă, dar erau mici. […] Vorbeam cu gaşca şi ne strângeam undeva pe la ora cinci după-masa ca să plecăm. Şi aveam o hartă, când luai blocurile, apartamentele; ştiai cine nu dă, cine dă, şi aşa mai departe”, și-a amintit Mihai Bobonete în Deșteptarea. După ce mergeam cu colindul, cu desaga plină, mergeam spre casă, şi scârţâia zăpada sub cizmele mele cu toc. Dar eram atât de fericit, mi s...
Comedy Boys is about the most wanted comedy show of Romania.It's about a stand up comedy show made by four extremly talented guys who are also the protagonist of the most succesful tv comedy series that was ever produced in Romania. Constantin /dita aka Giani from Las Fierbinti,Mihai Rait also know as Dorel in the same series,Mihai Bobonete alias Bobita of Las Fierbinti and the forth element ,Adrian Vancica ,know from the series as Celentano. You are most welcomed to our show! contact: comedybois@gmail.com Tel. +44 7595 589485
Romania, tara mea! Adrian Vancica 1 Decembrie 2016
Detalii pe: http://www.europafm.ro/
Directed by Mihai Sofronea Short Film Director of Photography Toni Cartu Cast: Costina Cheyrouze, Adrian Vancica
Short Film Directed by Mihai Sofronea Director of Photography Toni Cartu Cast: Elena Popa, Adrian Vancica
Short Film Directed by Mihai Sofronea Director of Photography Silviu Stavila Cast: Adrian Vancica, Emil Hossu, Mihai Constantin
Venim in turneu: TULCEA 26 Octombrie, GALATI 27 Octombrie, BRASOV 1 Noiembrie, FAGARAS 2 Noiembrie, BACAU 6 Noiembrie, PLOIESTI 7 Noiembrie, SIBIU 27 Noiembrie, RM.VALCEA 28 Noiembrie, PITESTI 29 Noiembrie, CONSTANTA 5 Decembrie, TIMISOARA 10 si 11 Decembrie. REZERVARI: 0723 531 330 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154160441988710&set;=a.489055743709.267109.676353709&type;=3&theater; Fii la curent cu noutatile! Aboneaza-te!/Subscribe! Show: "La vremuri noi, Glume noi" 2015 la Sala Palatului Spectacol tinut de 3 ori cu casa inchisa in 2015 13.500 de bilete vandute si un urias impact pe piata de entertainment din Romania. Cel mai bun show de stand up comedy la ora actuala si il puteti vedea Live atat prin tara dar si prin Europa si U.K., iar in curand si in U.S.A si Canada. Cei p...
Magicianul Robert Tudor la Jocuri de celebritate cu Celentano (Adrian Vancica) Giani din Las fierbinti (Costi Dita) Dorel din las fierbinti (Mihai Rait Dragomir), Bobonete, Strunila si Ipate Da si tu, te rog, un SHARE! ==================================================== Ma mai poti urmari pe Facebook Magicianul Robert Tudor: https://www.facebook.com/MagicianulRobertTudorOfficial/ Youtube pentru mai multe filmulete: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO2UMyeXwQe4hb2mk0K1m8A Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magicianul_... Kuende: https://kuende.com/#profile/roberttud... Site Official: http://magicianul.com ======================================================= Poti sa-mi scrii mai jos ce parere ai despre acest filmulet sau ce numere de magie ai vrea sa vezi in urmatoarele mele aparitii t...
Bordea - Stund up Comedy -- 2016 - 2 Bordea - Stund up Comedy -- 2016 - 2 Bordea - Stund up Comedy -- 2016 - 2. Stand Up Comedy - Bordea - Old School Pub | Cristi Coman | Video events Cameraman nunta Pitesti- Fotograf nunta . Bordea, Dan Badea _ Others - Stand-Up Comedy Romania - Cinema Patria - 2015 - FULL SHOW: Stand-up and Stand Up . Vio, Bordea, Bobo, Adrian Vancica, Teo, Costel, Cosmin Nantanticu, Sorin Parcalab, Micutzu, Dan Badea, Mihai Rait Dragomir, practic o mânā de comedianti, .
Adrian Vãncicã-One man show! "Angajati-l pe claun"- monolog dupa "Angajare de claun" de Matei Visniec. Filmarea e din 2006.
Cum a intrat Magicianul Robert Tudor in 2016, vezi la Maruta! NUMERE INCREDIBILE DE MAGIE! contact@magicianul.com Magic Entertainment! Pune magie in evenimentul tau! Spectacole de magie interactive sustinute de magicianul Robert Tudor. Daca inca nu il cunost de la Romanii au talent unde a ajuns pana in finala sau din emisiunile tv in care apare si aduce culoare prin numerele sale de magie la Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Maruta ori dintr-un filmulet in care face magie pe youtube ori facebook pe pagina Magicianul Robert Tudor, atunci trebuie sa urmaresti un filmulet cu el sa-ti dai seama despre ce este vorba. Robert Tudor este un magician profesionist avand numeroase spectacole de magie atat in tara cat si afara. Spectacolele de magie pe care le sustine sunt bazate atat pe magie, comedie, ...
Documentary: Die Deutschen (The Germans) "Wilhelm und die Welt" (Ger&Eng; Subs) Production: ZDF Subtitles/Translation: Jerry Sa Subtitles revision: Alan Robinson Genre: Documentary, history Starring: Hans Mittermüller David C. Bunners Mickey Hardt Gabriel Spahiu Guntbernt Warns Bernd Gnann Georg Prang Stefan Jürgens Ulrich Wiggers Yasmina Djaballah Adrian Vancica Hansjürgen Hürrig Cristian Motiu Steffen Münster Susann Uplegger Mircea Caraman Vlad Radescu Constantin Draganescu Udo Schenk Benjamin Morik Michael Pink "Die Deutschen" ("The Germans") is a German television documentary produced for ZDF that first aired from October to November 2008. Each episode recounts a selected epoch of German History, beginning (first season) with the reign of Otto the Great and ending with the collapse...
Documentary: Die Deutschen (The Germans) S01E09 'Bismarck und das Deutsche Reich' (Ger&Eng; Subs) Production: ZDF Subtitles/Translation: Jerry Sa Genre: Documentary, history Starring: Hans Mittermüller David C. Bunners Mickey Hardt Gabriel Spahiu Guntbernt Warns Bernd Gnann Georg Prang Stefan Jürgens Ulrich Wiggers Yasmina Djaballah Adrian Vancica Hansjürgen Hürrig Cristian Motiu Steffen Münster Susann Uplegger Mircea Caraman Vlad Radescu Constantin Draganescu Udo Schenk Benjamin Morik Michael Pink "Die Deutschen" ("The Germans") is a German television documentary produced for ZDF that first aired from October to November 2008. Each episode recounts a selected epoch of German History, beginning (first season) with the reign of Otto the Great and ending with the collapse of the German ...