- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 1708
The Commodore MAX Machine, also known as Ultimax in the United States and VC-10 in Germany, was a home computer designed and sold by Commodore International in Japan, beginning in early 1982, a predecessor to the popular Commodore 64. The Commodore 64 manual mentions the machine by name, suggesting that Commodore intended to sell the machine internationally; however, it is unclear whether the machine was ever actually sold outside Japan. It is considered a rarity.
Software was loaded from plug-in cartridges and the unit had a membrane keyboard and 2.0 KiB of RAM internally and 0.5 KiB of color RAM (1024*4bit). It used a television set for a display. It used the same chipset and 6510 CPU as the Commodore 64, the same SID sound chip, and compatible ROM cartridge architecture so that MAX cartridges will work in the C-64. The MAX compatibility mode in C-64 was later frequently used for "freezer" cartridges (such as the Action Replay), as a convenient way to take control of the currently running program. It was possible to use a tape drive for storage, but it lacked the serial and user ports necessary to connect a disk drive, printer, or modem.
Commodore generally refers to Commodore (rank), a naval rank. It may also refer to:
The Commodore (published 1945) is a Horatio Hornblower novel written by C. S. Forester. It was published in the United States under the title Commodore Hornblower.
Having achieved fame and financial security, Captain Sir Horatio Hornblower has married Lady Barbara Leighton (née Wellesley) and is preparing to settle down to unaccustomed life as the squire of Smallbridge in Kent. He still yearns to serve at sea and accepts with alacrity when the Admiralty appoints him a commodore, puts him in command of a squadron and sends him on a diplomatic and military mission to the Baltic. His primary aim is to bring Russia into the war against Napoleon.
Hornblower is shown dealing with the problems of squadron command, and using naval mortars (carried on special ships known as bomb vessels) to destroy a French prize. This leads to the French invasion of Swedish Pomerania. Later his squadron calls at Kronstadt, where he meets with Russian officials, including Tsar Alexander I, who is favourably impressed by Hornblower and his squadron.
A machine is a tool containing one or more parts that uses energy to perform an intended action. Machines are usually powered by mechanical, chemical, thermal, or electrical means, and are often motorized. Historically, a power tool also required moving parts to classify as a machine. However, the advent of electronics has led to the development of power tools without moving parts that are considered machines.
A simple machine is a device that simply transforms the direction or magnitude of a force, but a large number of more complex machines exist. Examples include vehicles, electronic systems, molecular machines, computers, television, and radio.
The word machine derives from the Latin word machina, which in turn derives from the Greek (Doric μαχανά makhana, Ionic μηχανή mekhane "contrivance, machine, engine", a derivation from μῆχος mekhos "means, expedient, remedy").
A wider meaning of "fabric, structure" is found in classical Latin, but not in Greek usage.
This meaning is found in late medieval French, and is adopted from the French into English in the mid-16th century.
Lunar Lander is an arcade game released by Atari, Inc. in 1979, which uses a vector monitor to display vector graphics. Although not particularly successful, the vector-graphics generator of the arcade game was the impetus for Atari's most successful coin-operated game, Asteroids. The object of the Lunar Lander game is to pilot a lunar landing module to a safe touchdown on the moon. Released in August 1979, approximately 4,830 units were produced.
The objective of Lunar Lander is to pilot a lunar landing module as it prepares to touch down on the moon. The terrain is very jagged and has only a few flat areas appropriate for landing. These areas are highlighted with a flashing bonus multiplier, which is higher for smaller areas. If the player successfully lands the module, he or she is awarded points based on how good the landing was and the difficulty of the landing site. If he or she crashes, points are awarded based on the severity of the crash and sometimes the player receives a fuel penalty. In either case, the game starts another round with a different set of terrain and the player's remaining fuel. The game is over when the player has run out of fuel and crashes onto the moon's surface.
Commodore Max Machine / Ultimax / VC-10
Commodore MAX Machine / VC-10 / Ultimax
Hyperspin Commodore MAX Machine
Hyperspin Commodore Max Machine
Commodore MAX Machine
Commodore MAX Machine
Commodore Max Machine / Ultimax / VC-10 - demo
Repair-A-Thon #1 (Commodore MAX Machine, Saba Videoplay, Master System uvm.)
Jupiter Lander (World, v.02) - VIC-10 / Max Machine / UltiMax (NTSC) [MESS] [shortplay]
1982 Commodore MAX - JP
The Commodore Max Machine (1982) is basically a cut down C-64 with less memory (only 4KB), bad keyboard and less connectors. It has not even a ROM / Basic included. The Maxmachine was only realease 1982 in Japan; in Germany it would have been the VC-10 and in US the Ultimax. The machine needs a cartridge - in the video I show the popular games "Mole Attack" - yes, I'm a bad player! I just wanted to show that the machine is working ;-) The Commodore Max is a highly sought machine nowadays.
The Commodore Max Machine is basically a cut down C-64 with less memory (only 4KB), bad keyboard and less connectors. It has not even a ROM / Basic included. The Maxmachine was only realease 1982 in Japan; in Germany it would have been the VC-10 and in US the Ultimax. The machine needs a cartridge - in the video I show the popular game "Mole Attack". The Commodore Max is a highly sought machine nowadays.
Link below https://mega.nz/#!JAskkDYR!JIrI5YwsF27EsHZdyJXMD3-McTlktmXbnK9OZD8flCE
Commodore MAX Machine / Ultimax / VC 10 playing Mole Attack
The Commodore Max Machine is basically a cut down C-64 with less memory (only 4KB), bad keyboard and less connectors. It has not even a ROM / Basic included. The Maxmachine was only realease 1982 in Japan; in Germany it would have been the VC-10 and in US the Ultimax. The machine needs a cartridge - in the video I show the popular games "Mole Attack" and "Jupiter Lander". I also booted the Mini Basic cardridge: this basic version was not even capable of storing to a cassette drive! The Commodore Max is a highly sought machine nowadays.
Willkommen beim ersten Kjell baut Repair-A-Thon. Morgens anfangen, abends aufhören. Was kann gerettet werden? Das alles und nicht viel mehr hier! ------------------------------- Verwendete Musik: Electro-Light - Throwback (KB extended Mix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXLadJlS_nA https://soundcloud.com/maskedacoustic https://twitter.com/ElectroLightEDM https://www.youtube.com/user/ElectroLightOfficial bereitgestellt durch No Copyright Sounds https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aEa8K-EOJ3D6gOs7HcyNg
AUTHOR: Progetto VideoSnaps by motoschifo & AntoPISA [gameplay by adolfo69] GENRE: MAME video preview (shortplay) COMMENTS: Created with: Mame version 0.169 Played by: adolfo69 Game name: jlander - Jupiter Lander (World, v.02) System name: vic10 - VIC-10 / Max Machine / UltiMax (NTSC) Software list: vic10 - Commodore VIC-10 / Max Machine / UltiMax cartridges Date game played: 30 gennaio 2016 Date video creation: 31 gennaio 2016 Type: shortplay single-screen Manufacturer: Commodore Business Machines Publisher: Commodore / HAL Laboratory Link for info: http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mess=jlander&list;=vic10 Copyright (C) - All rights reserved - Tutti i marchi e loghi appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari
Commodore MAX Machine / Ultimax / VC 10 playing Mole Attack
Link below https://mega.nz/#!JAskkDYR!JIrI5YwsF27EsHZdyJXMD3-McTlktmXbnK9OZD8flCE
Commodore Max Machine (Commodore International/1982)
The Commodore Max Machine (1982) is basically a cut down C-64 with less memory (only 4KB), bad keyboard and less connectors. It has not even a ROM / Basic included. The Maxmachine was only realease 1982 in Japan; in Germany it would have been the VC-10 and in US the Ultimax. The machine needs a cartridge - in the video I show the popular games "Mole Attack" - yes, I'm a bad player! I just wanted to show that the machine is working ;-) The Commodore Max is a highly sought machine nowadays.
The Commodore Max Machine is basically a cut down C-64 with less memory (only 4KB), bad keyboard and less connectors. It has not even a ROM / Basic included. The Maxmachine was only realease 1982 in Japan; in Germany it would have been the VC-10 and in US the Ultimax. The machine needs a cartridge - in the video I show the popular game "Mole Attack". The Commodore Max is a highly sought machine nowadays.
MAX Machine aka Commodore ultimax aka Vic-10 commercial
Willkommen beim ersten Kjell baut Repair-A-Thon. Morgens anfangen, abends aufhören. Was kann gerettet werden? Das alles und nicht viel mehr hier! ------------------------------- Verwendete Musik: Electro-Light - Throwback (KB extended Mix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXLadJlS_nA https://soundcloud.com/maskedacoustic https://twitter.com/ElectroLightEDM https://www.youtube.com/user/ElectroLightOfficial bereitgestellt durch No Copyright Sounds https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aEa8K-EOJ3D6gOs7HcyNg
The Commodore Max Machine is basically a cut down C-64 with less memory (only 4KB), bad keyboard and less connectors. It has not even a ROM / Basic included. The Maxmachine was only realease 1982 in Japan; in Germany it would have been the VC-10 and in US the Ultimax. The machine needs a cartridge - in the video I show the popular games "Mole Attack" and "Jupiter Lander". I also booted the Mini Basic cardridge: this basic version was not even capable of storing to a cassette drive! The Commodore Max is a highly sought machine nowadays.
Nuevo Hyperspin actulizado con todos los sistemas funcionales. En total casi 3TB de grandes joyas del retrogaming. Lista de sistemas incluidos (236 en total): -MAME -Mame All -HB Mame -Mame Beat Em Up -Mature Mame Games -Double Dragon Collection -Fatal Fury Collection -Final Fight Collection -Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection -Street Fighter Collection -Shootemup -Driving Games -Atlus -Atari Classics -CAPCOM -Data East Classics -BANPRESTO -Irem Classics -Jaleco -Kaneko -Konami -Midway -Midway Classics -Mitchell Corporation -Namco Classics -Nintendo Classics -Psikyo -Sega Classics -Seibu Kaihatsu -Seibu SPI -SNK Classics -Taito Classics -Taito G-Net -Tecmo -Toaplan -Visco -Williams Classics -AAE -Aamber Pegasus -...