All articles by: James Douglas

Workers hit by Matthews pensions set-up

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Commons watchdogs have been given evidence that pensioners of the failed poultry business Bernard Matthews Ltd stand to get just 1p in the £. In a background paper written for …

Community care failing

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

A University of Manchester probe has found that suicides of people being cared for in the community are higher than among hospital in-patients. There are around 200 suicides a year …

UK at sick pay bottom

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Sick pay in Britain and Ireland lags far behind most European nations. Research collated by Ben Harrow at Vouchercloud, the Bristol-based money-saving mobile app platform has revealed that Norway, Luxembourg, …

Trump promises UK trade deal

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Donald Trump’s trade adviser Dan DiMicco has promised that Britain will be offered a free trade deal before the rest of the EU if the Republicans win the US presidential …

Passengers furious at ‘woeful’ Southern

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The transport select committee has warned that lessons must be learned from the “woeful” experience of passengers on Southern Railway. Rail passengers have been badly let down by government failure …

Reforms hit ‘exit’ payments

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The government has admitted that response to its consultation about reforms to public sector exit payments, which will see the lowest paid hit hardest, was overwhelmingly hostile.. The “reforms” will …

No Brexit talks for a year

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Former European Council president Herman Van Rompuy warned that substantive Brexit talks between the UK and the rest of the EU are unlikely to start much before the end of …

Saudi arms sales slammed

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The foreign affairs select committee has ruled that British courts should decide the legality of Government arms exports to Saudi Arabia. The MPs backed calls for the UK to suspend …

Girls suffer abuse at school

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The Women and Equalities Committee has exposed a shocking scale of sexual harassment and sexual violence that is not being tackled effectively in British schools. I ts report revealed that …

Grammars under fire

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Theresa May’s plans for a new wave of selective schools in England has began to unravel as they were condemned across the political and educational spectrum, but some councils in …

BECTU members approve Prospect merger

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The media and entertainment union BECTU is to merge with Prospect next year after its membership voted decisively in favour of joining forces with the professionals’ union. The ballot closed …

Obituary – Sir Tom McCaffrey

Published: July 28, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Sir Tom McCaffrey February 20 1922-July 8 2016 Tom McCaffrey was a decent man and a pragmatic socialist who got caught up in turbulent times as press secretary to James …

Many academies failing

Published: July 22, 2016
Written by James Douglas

James Douglas One in five established academy chains – or eight out of 39 – are performing substantially below the national average for attainment and improve­ment for disadvantaged pupils, according …

Allies put new missiles in place

Published: July 22, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The US and South Korea agreed to deploy a controversial missile defence system following intensifying threats from North Korea. The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system will be …

Justice after 20 years: jail for junta leader

Published: June 10, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Former Argentine junta leader Reynaldo Bignone was sentenced to 20 years in prison for crimes committed under Operation Condor – a 1970s’ conspiracy between South America’s dictators to murder leftists …