All Eyes And Ears

My photo and music blog, now in its third incarnation since it started in 2006. First Blogger, then Wordpress, now Tumblr.

I am a hobbyist photographer, based in Columbus, Ohio. I love music, all different kinds, but mostly classic rock and jazz. I love design and art and Ohio and England and food and science fiction and all sorts of things, but mostly only take pictures of things in Ohio.

Sunlight through the leaves of a croton.
© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved


Sunlight through the leaves of a croton.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Blooms and Butterflies 

The same two butterflies; their wings are brown (as above) on the outside and a beautiful blue on the inside.

Franklin Park Conservatory is having the 20th anniversary of their Blooms and Butterflies exhibit through September 28th.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Lemon Blueberry Layer Cake

I went for a sort of rustic look for my birthday cake. I think I just managed to hit “crappy-looking.” Fortunately, it’s for me and I’m not that picky. I’d love to step up my presentation game, though.

I may take the blueberry jam I used in both the batter and cream cheese frosting (along with lemon juice and zest in both) and swirl it along the top of the cake in the frosting.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Candy Apples
At the Ohio State Fair
© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Candy Apples

At the Ohio State Fair

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

The Return
Been an uneventful summer, partly cozy and rainy (making for bad photography) and partly, strangely beset by anxiety, keeping me from wanting to go out and shoot anyway.
I’ve taken up reading again after a long hiatus. Started another...

The Return

Been an uneventful summer, partly cozy and rainy (making for bad photography) and partly, strangely beset by anxiety, keeping me from wanting to go out and shoot anyway.

I’ve taken up reading again after a long hiatus. Started another re-read of the Sherlocks in January or February. Just started The Return last night. It’s been slow as I’ve been reading other things at the same time, but I never give up on Sherlock.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Orchid Kokodama
Remember my post about the hanging string garden (“kokodama”)? The roots of the plant are wrapped in a ball of soil, then covered with moss and tied up with string to keep it together (and hang it too).
These are orchids done that...

Orchid Kokodama

Remember my post about the hanging string garden (“kokodama”)? The roots of the plant are wrapped in a ball of soil, then covered with moss and tied up with string to keep it together (and hang it too).

These are orchids done that way! The root balls are enormous. It has to take several staff members to arrange these.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

The Koi in the ponds of the Conservatory are getting big.
© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

The Koi in the ponds of the Conservatory are getting big.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Staghorn Ferns

There are huge and impressive Staghorns throughout the Conservatory.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved 

Crassula argentea cv. Gollum
© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Crassula argentea cv. Gollum

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Silver Vase Bromeliad
(Again, sorry about the stupid datestamp.)
© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Silver Vase Bromeliad

(Again, sorry about the stupid datestamp.) 

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Franklin Park Conservatory Botanica Plant & Gift Shop
I love this little space where they sell lush, beautifully cared for plants. There’s a fountain behind the Buddha, so it’s basically my dream space - lots of plants, Buddhas, and a water feature....

Franklin Park Conservatory Botanica Plant & Gift Shop

I love this little space where they sell lush, beautifully cared for plants. There’s a fountain behind the Buddha, so it’s basically my dream space - lots of plants, Buddhas, and a water feature. The new age store my best friend and I visited later has a similar area - fountains, Buddhas, tons of plants - but they demurred when I asked if I could take a picture, so I didn’t.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

I haven’t posted much in part because my DSLR, lens, camera bag, etc. has seemed too unwieldy for me to want to get it out much - it’s a great setup and I’m lucky to have it, but I am getting tired of dragging it out, fussing with lenses, etc., and it’s just not practical to keep on me for shots I want to get while I’m out going about my life.

To that end, I’ve bought a small point and shoot to keep in my purse. I took it out for a spin today at the Conservatory, and while I’m overall pleased with it, it definitely proved that I need to download and read the manual.

Also, i stupidly set the time and date and turned the date stamp on, so the pictures I took today all have a big old date on them. Duh. So, sorry - there will be a few shots posted with it. try not to laugh too hard. 

Strawberry Rose Champagne Oolong
From Teavana. Love the rosebuds.
© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Strawberry Rose Champagne Oolong

From Teavana. Love the rosebuds.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Best Friend’s Christmas Gift
Finally done! I made the pattern, which is not something I do often, so i was glad it turned out to be doable.
© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

Best Friend’s Christmas Gift

Finally done! I made the pattern, which is not something I do often, so i was glad it turned out to be doable.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved

A Little Bit of New Year’s Zen
The holidays are over, the cookies and candy nearly gone, the decorations put away (or soon to be) … the quiet calm of winter, and more ascetic lives, are ahead. I am looking forward to this time of year.
© Dania...

A Little Bit of New Year’s Zen

The holidays are over, the cookies and candy nearly gone, the decorations put away (or soon to be) … the quiet calm of winter, and more ascetic lives, are ahead. I am looking forward to this time of year.

© Dania Hurley, All Rights Reserved