- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 2652
Al Mukalla (Arabic: المكلا Al Mukallā) is a main sea port and the capital city of the Hadhramaut coastal region in Yemen in the southern part of Arabia on the Gulf of Aden close to the Arabian Sea. It is located 480 km (300 mi) east of Aden and is the most important port in the Governorate of Hadramaut, the largest governorate in Yemen.
Al Mukalla is the fifth largest city in Yemen with a population of approximately 300,000. The city is served by the nearby Riyan Airport.
Al Mukalla is situated not far from "Cane" or "Qana'", the ancient principal Hadrami trading post between India and Africa, with incense producing areas in its hinterland.
Al Mukalla was founded in 1035 as a fishing settlement. This area was included in Oman state until middle of the 11th century, and later this area was included in Yemen states.
It was the capital of the Qu'aiti State of Hadhramaut until 1967 when it became a part of South Yemen. The Qu'aiti State was part of the Eastern Aden Protectorate until that merger. A British Resident Advisor was stationed at Al Mukalla.
المكلا أرض وبساطة حياة - AL Mukalla Land And Simplicity life
Al-Mukalla-Sterben um zu Leben
Al Mukalla, city of Yemen at the Arabian Sea, before it was hit by hurricane Chapala
Al-Mukalla - Mutter bleibe standhaft
Al-Mukalla. Bandagoni Allahim (Wir sind Diener Allahs) Farsi/German
Al-Mukalla - Es lebe Bin Laden (Long live Bin Laden)
Al-Qaida's Yemeni Affiliate Loses al-Mukalla to Coalition Forces
Nasheed Al Mukalla - Sterven om te leven
Al Mukalla - Dying to Live (German Nasheed)
المكلا أرض وبساطة حياة / إخراج نسيم سعيد بن حمده AL Mukalla Land And Simplicity life يحكي عن بساطة الحياة بمدينة المكلا وطبيعة حياة الناس في الاسواق وفي المساجد وحياة الصيادين من إنتاج مركز وسائل ميديا الإعلامي بالقطن طاقم العمل :: من التصوير نسيـم سعـيد بن حمـده عبدالرحمن محمد بارباع علـي ســعــيد بــازهيــر :: الجرافيك:: خميس عمر باسباع ::المونتاج والإخراج :: نسيــم سعيد بن حمــده :: شكر خاص لــ :: ماجد سعيد بن حمده محمد سالم بافرج عزيز عايد أسعد المخزومي
Al Mukalla, city of Yemen at the Arabian Sea, before it was hit by hurricane Chapala Al Mukalla, city of Yemen,city,Yemen,Arabian Sea,hurricane Chapala ,hurricane, Chapala,winds,precipitation,monsoon,floods,landslides,rainfall,buildings, green, history, women, nature, traffic, car, train, station, architecture, wealth, trade, business, goods, sustainable engineering, renewable energy, progress, infrastructure, shops, downtown, heat, hospitality, catering, tourism hotel, camping, tourism, Over the Arabian Sea is active hurricane Chapala. That is quite remarkable in this region. The hurricane is on its way to Yemen and Oman. The 1 second heaviest hurricane Chapala is at time of writing, with winds of 220 kilometers per hour and involved is a category 4 hurricane. The hurricane season i...
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On April 25, Saudi media reported the recapture of the port city of al-Mukalla from al-Qaida's Yemeni affiliate
Al Mukalla is the capital of the Hadramaut coastal region in the southern part of Yemen on the Gulf of Aden. It is the most important port in the province of Al Shahr. Ibb is a governorate of Yemen. Its capital is Ibb, which, along with Jibla, are extremely significant historic cities.
Bismillaah-ir Rahmaan-ir Rahiem Duitse Anasheed van Al Mukalla - Sterben um zu leben Hieronder vind u de Duitse songtekst terug: Wir haben uns entschieden. Wir haben uns schon längst entschieden für Allah und Seinen Gesandten und das Leben nach dem Tod. (2x) Geschaffen um zu dienen. Gekommen um zu siegen. Sterben um zu Leben. Hayya 3ala Jihad. (2x) Hayya 3ala Jihad. (4x) Wenn wir zum Kampfe ziehen ein Gefühl in unseren Herzen von Geborgenheit und Ruhe sendet Er auf uns herab. Mit dem Wunsch Ihn anzutreffen Sein Angesicht zu sehen halten wir an Seinen Seil fest und kämpfen bis zum Tod. (2x) Wir haben uns entschieden. Wir haben uns schon längst entschieden für Allah und Seinen Gesandten und das Leben nach dem Tod. Geschaffen um zu dienen. Gekommen um z...
اورينت نيوز غرافيكس : عبد المعطي بلشة Abdulmoti Balsheh
"Al Mukalla -Yemen" - "Аль Мукалла - Йемен" 2000
Für alle Glaubigen die in Deutschland unterdückt werden. spielt das Lied und zeigt das ihr zu Allah betet.
تراك هادف يتحدث عن يئس المواطن اليمني و الهم و الحزن الذي يعيش البلاد و الكآبة الذي سببتها الحروب في المناطق اليمنية اسم التراك : يائس Rapper : Don hamid aka AL-HATHRMY Video lyrics by : طارق خيرالله (Black T ) Poster by : 3ZzAM هندسة صوتية : Dj.FAND حقوق : me-rap.com http://me-rap.com/showthread.php?t=54723 Mp3 : https://www.4shared.com/mp3/aCbiLgS8ba/__online.html Rap mukalla city
Jemen: zamach bombowy na południu kraju, co najmniej dziewięciu zabitych. oto: Mohamed al-Sayaghi/Reuters
Mukalla, 2015 Abu Hajar al-Hadrami (may Allah be merciful to him) He was martyred in the same year by an american drone strike. مكلا عام 2015 اذان بصوت ابي هاجر الحضرمي رحمه الله استشهد في نفس السنة بغارة امريكية الله أكبر ، الله أكبر الله أكبر ، الله أكبر أشهد ألا إله إلا الله أشهد ألا إله إلا الله أشهد أن محمداً رسول الله أشهد أن محمداً رسول الله حي على الصلاة، حي على الصلاة حي على الفلاح، حي على الفلاح الله أكبر ، الله أكبر لا إله إلا الله I bear witness that there is no god except the One God. (said two times) Ashadu anna Muhammadan Rasool Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God. (said two times) Hayya 'ala-s-Salah Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer) (said two times) Hayya 'ala-l-Falah Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation) (said two times) ...
The exact number of casualties is not yet known but witnesses say several people have been killed and wounded. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. On Sunday, two suicide bombings in Mukalla, claimed by ISIL left nearly 50 people dead. Mukalla was a hub of al-Qaeda in the past. But the group was pushed out in a military offensive by forces loyal to ousted Yemeni president Hadi last month. Watch Live: http://www.presstv.ir/live.html Twitter: http://twitter.com/PressTV LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/PressTV Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PRESSTV Google+: http://plus.google.com/+VideosPTV Instagram: http://instagram.com/presstvchannel SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/videosptv
أبرز العناوين: - معارك محتدمة في سوريا قبيل مفاوضات جنيف. - دور الإعلام في تصويب الصورة الحقيقية للمسلمين. - التمرد الحوثي في اليمن يتسبب في تمدد القاعدة بالمكلا. ---- Read more at http://www.alaan.tv/programs/news-and-info/studio-alaan/152258/fighting-syria-geneva-negotiations-media-muslims-huthis-yemen-qaeda-mukalla-iraq-iran-russia
Syekh Muhammad Bin Ali Ba'athiyah ( Rektor Universitas Imam Syafi'i Mukalla Yaman ) Pada Hari Ahad, 23 Agustus 2015 Mengisi Tausiyah di Majelis Al-Bahjah Cirebon Dengan Penerjemah Ustadz Rifki Fauzi ( Keponakan dari BUYA YAHYA )
ZAPRASZAM WSZYSTKICH ZAFASCYNOWANYCH ŚWIATEM OMAN --- http://adf.ly/1D6qw5 CYKLADY --- http://adf.ly/1D6qey WIEDEŃ --- http://adf.ly/1D6qKO KANADA CZ. 2 --- http://adf.ly/1D6pw2 ROSJA --- http://adf.ly/1D6pcg PROWANSJA --- http://adf.ly/1D6pJd BIRMA --- http://adf.ly/1D6nD8 FLORYDA --- http://adf.ly/1D6oq9 ETIOPIA --- http://adf.ly/1D6oUR PORTUGALIA --- http://adf.ly/1D6oDa BERLIN --- http://adf.ly/1D6npa SZKOCJA --- http://adf.ly/1D6nXq IZRAEL --- http://adf.ly/1D6ms9 KUBA --- http://adf.ly/1D6mW6 DOMINIKANA --- http://adf.ly/1D6mB6 TURCJA --- http://adf.ly/1D6Ykg KOSTARYKA --- http://adf.ly/1D6YRz ANGLIA I WALIA --- http://adf.ly/1D6Y78 SYRIA --- http://adf.ly/1D6XoP NORWESKIE FIORDY --- http://adf.ly/1D6XVt PERU --- http://adf.ly/1D6X9t TAJLANDIA --- http://adf.ly/1D6WsX CHORWACJA --...
Im 3. Teil starten wir wieder in Sanaa. Die erste Station ist Baraqisch. von dort aus zu den Stelen des Mondtempels in Marib. Wir durchqueren die Wüste Rub al-Khali mit einem Zwischen-aufenthalt in einem Beduinenlager. Weiter geht`s zum Mahatten der Wüste, der Stadt Schibam, weiter nach Sayun und Tarim. Im Wadi Hadramaut sehen wir wie einfach Lehmziegekl hergestellt werden. Im Wadi Doan stehen indischen Paläste und sogenannte Wasserhäuser. Über das Djol-Pateu gelangen wir nach Al Mukalla. Von dort fahren wir vorbei an den Resten des Bürgerkrieges zum Meer um dort zu campen. Danach fahren wir westwärts nach Sana. Mohamed lädt uns in seine Familie ein und wir erleben dort ein authentisches Familienleben.
18. June 2015 - 10:00 to 13:00 Danish Institute for Human Rights, Wilder Plads, 8K, 1403 Copenhagen K. Meeting room: Nordskov Public seminar about Yemen by The Danish Institute for Human Rights, International Media Support and Kvinfo. The humanitarian situation in Yemen continues to deteriorate. The country’s Minister for Human Rights has said that nine million Yemenis are in pressing need of humanitarian aid, with the southern cities of Aden, Taez and Dhale lacking electricity, water, fuel, medical supplies and food. These cities have been the location of continued fighting between Houthis and Saleh loyalists against pro-government armed groups. Al Qaeda has also recently expanded its reach in southern Yemen, taking control of a major airport and an oil export terminal two weeks after it...
"Allora, qual è il vostro prossimo viaggio?" Era l'immancabile domanda e alla risposta in Yemen ma è un paese arabo, lì rapiscono i turisti e, poi, c’è la guerra in Iraq, il terrorismo" era l'allibita reazione. Siamo quindi partiti per una stupefacente terra con sinistri auspici da parte di familiari e amici, ma al di là delle preoccupazioni più o meno reali che ci portavamo appresso, ancora oggi un viaggio nello Yemen significa vivere avventure che stanno tra passato e presente. Anche se sta poco a poco recependo le inevitabili ed incontrollabili avvisaglie che il turismo (comunque, non ancora di massa) sta portando, lo Yemen è tuttora l’Arabia Felix del tempo della regina di Saba. Una volta tornati a casa, con un po’ di presunzione e sarcasmo, rispondiamo metaforicamente a familiari ed a...
rektor universitas al ahgaff yaman memberikan tausiah pada acara Haflatul Wada' di mukalla duf'ah 18