Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan lead on Christmas hospitality

Bennelong will host JPMorgan's favourite clients (actual and prospective) on Wednesday night.
Bennelong will host JPMorgan's favourite clients (actual and prospective) on Wednesday night. Supplied

The sense in investment banking land is that deal flow is starting to, well, flow. Here's hoping (for the blinking cursors on our empty page each day, if for nothing else). Christmas is nigh.

Perfect timing, because the big advisory houses are in the season to be jolly with clients, real and prospective.

We hear Goldman Sachs had its annual client dinner for 100-odd corporate chieftains on Thursday night at Sydney's Carriageworks (the same evening Gilbert + Tobin's top deal partner Peter Cook hosted spring drinks and the annual fundie awards were held at Justin Hemmes' ivy complex), its guests including Transurban chief executive Scott Charlton, Bank of Queensland chairman Roger Davis, Myer chairman Paul McClintock, Fairfax chairman Nick Falloon and Ardent Leisure CEO Deborah Thomas.

JPMorgan's IB boss Paul Uren will follow suit on Wednesday evening at Sydney Opera House, reserving the Fink Group's Bennelong restaurant (Peter Gilmore included) for the shindig of the high and mighty (once they arrive home from Chanticleer's lunch in Melbourne).

Unluckily, Opera Australia has erected 50-foot scaffolding for its imminent "silent opera" (ed: spare me). Uren can't help bad luck obscuring his pricey view. And you won't need a headset to hear the reaction from Castlereagh Street…