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BHP employees facing 'qualified homicide' charges after dam collapse

The dam collapse killed 19 people and is considered to be Brazil's worst environmental disaster.

​Eight present and former BHP Billiton employees are facing potentially lengthy prison terms after Brazilian prosecutors filed "qualified homicide" charges against them following the collapse of a dam at its part-owned Samarco iron ore mine last November that killed 19 people.

4 questions Nintendo needs to answer about Switch

The Switch console is pictured here in its TV dock. The left and right controller modules, pictured here attached to the ...

Nintendo unveiled its brand new games console, Switch, in a brief video overnight, and so far the reception from pundits and the internet has been overwhelmingly positive. But there are questions to be answered.

Brumbies lose Coleman to Force

Vikings' Robbie Coleman.

Queanbeyan junior Robbie Coleman has been released from the final year of his ACT Brumbies contract to move across the country to join the Western Force.

I will accept the election result 'if I win': Trump

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Ohio.

After days of suggesting the presidential election is rigged, Republican nominee Donald Trump has emerged from the third and final debate of the campaign to seemingly suggest that the debate too was rigged in his opponent's favour.

Clinton out-trumps Trump

The political skills Hillary Clinton displayed in Wednesday's debate were remarkable.

When Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton each accused the other of being a puppet during the third debate, Trump didn't see that on the night and in the campaign, she is the puppet master.