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2 January 2019
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Author: Plumas Libres (México)

“Rechazan cafetaleros planta Nestlé en Coatepec, dañará al medio ambiente y explotará a productores” , 19 de diciembre de 2018...

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6 December 2018
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Author: All News (Suisse)

« 4 entreprises sur 10 « échouent» en matière de droits de l'homme», 13 novembre 2018...

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19 November 2018
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Author: Sonia Broyart, Fashion Network

« Des entreprises de mode épinglées pour le non-respect des droits de l'Homme », 13 novembre 2018...

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12 November 2018

Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Key Findings Report 2018

Author: Corporate Human Rights Benchmark

Since its inception, the CHRB has been aiming to answer a deceptively simple question; which companies perform best on human rights issues? [...] [T]his document [...] rank[s] 101 of the world’s largest companies in high human-rights-risk sectors and...

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12 November 2018

Prada, Starbucks and Kraft censured over human rights transparency

Author: Financial Times

Prada, Starbucks and Kraft Heinz are among companies criticised for a lack of transparency on human rights in their businesses and supply chains, despite pressure from governments and an investor-backed group....

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24 September 2018

USA: Former Microsoft executive argues for cos. to urgently act to advance opportunity for all, in time of deep distress

Author: Jeff Raikes (Raikes Foundation & former Microsoft)

"We Need Corporate America in the Fight for Justice", 05 Sep 2018...

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Company response
11 September 2018
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Author: O Globo/New York Times (Brazil/US)

"Lego busca alternativas ao plástico, apostando em materiais biodegradáveis-Empresa dinamarquesa pretende substituir o material proveniente do petróleo por fibras vegetais ou garrafas recicladas", 10 de setembro de 2018...

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4 September 2018

Brazil: Conectas & union ADERE-MG file OECD complaint accusing 6 companies of forced labour in their supply chains

On 21 August, Conectas and ADERE-MG filed a complaint to to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development accusing Nestlé, Jacobs Douwe Egberts, Starbucks, McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts and Illy of failing to ensure that their coffee is sourc...

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29 August 2018

New guidance for companies encourages action to support civic freedoms & human rights defenders & explores opportunities for engagement

Author: Bennett Freeman with Sif Thorgeirsson, Adele Barzelay & Brooks Reed

"Shared space under pressure: Business support for civic freedoms and human rights defenders," 29 August 2018 ...

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29 August 2018
+ Français - Hide

Author: Fanny Marlier, Les Inrocks

« Gentrification, évasion fiscale, exploitation et fausse écologie : un documentaire révèle la face cachée de Starbucks », 24 août 2018...

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