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grenzregime griechenland

Für viele Menschen führt der Fluchtweg über die Ägäis, doch in Griechenland sind sie - wie generell in der Festung Europa - nicht erwünscht.
Texte und Artikel die sich mit Migrationspolitik und ihren Auswirkungen in Griechenland auseinandersetzen.

:: clandestina. Migration and Struggle in Greece

:: Infomobile - information with, about and for refugees in Greece
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'Are you Syrious?' Special: Volunteers of the Mobile Info Team have been present in Northern Greece since April 2016 after the eviction of Idomeni and other independent camps in that part of the country. Their mission started when they realized that refugees are seeking information as much as food.


This is an individual statement after the trial that followed an action against the Orthodox Church in Thessaloniki. Although this statement doesn't represent anybody except myself and may include an uncompleted picture, i decided that it should be spread. Never trust the media!


On the 24th of July 2016 in Thessaloniki, Greece, a ten-day No Border Camp came to an end. It was one of the largest in the history of No Border Camps, and one of the most discussed in the bourgeois media. It also stands out for being followed by the most brutal and vengeful State repression.


Turkish border is now the focal point of an ideological clash which has turned into action. The clash is between those who want to push imperialist politics, and activists or migrants, who fight for the free movement of people.


On the 21st of July 2016, about 200 comrades from the No Border Camp Thessaloniki decided to mark the IOM-office. IOM, the "International Organization for Migration" is one of the dirty players, that among other things assists in the execution of so called "voluntary returns" or in other words deportations.


Thessaloniki, gelegen im Norden Griechenlands, ist Brennpunkt der Auseinander- setzungen um die Kontrolle und Verwaltung der Migration und Bewegungs- freiheit. Von 15. bis 24. Juli 2016 findet dort ein internationales No Border Camp statt.


[15. Jun 2016]

artikel Lager für Europa (I)

Beschlüsse griechischer Asylent- scheider_innen stellen in zunehmendem Maß den EU- Abschiebepakt mit Ankara in Frage. Wie die Flüchtlingsorganisation Pro Asyl berichtet, stufen griechische Stellen bei der Entscheidung, ob Flüchtlinge von den griechischen Inseln in die Türkei zurückgeschoben werden dürfen, das Nachbarland immer öfter nicht als "sicheren Drittstaat" ein.


Am 13. Juni 2016, gegen vier Uhr morgens, hat die griechische Polizei begonnen, das sich in der Nähe von Polykastro befindende Geflüchteten-Camp EKO zu räumen.


One day after the eviction of the EKO-Camp near Polykastro, Greek police forces evicted the last self-organised refugee camps, called Hara, in Northern Greece on 14th of June 2016.


2. Juni 2016: Das Camp in Idomeni an der griechisch-mazedonischen Grenze, mit über 10000 BewohnerInnen, wurde vor gut zwei Wochen geräumt. Die Medien berichteten wochenlang über die unzumutbaren Zustände im Camp und über die Räumung. Seit dem ist einiges passiert, nur scheint das Interesse in der Öffentlichkeit zu schwinden.


Am 6. Juni 2016 begann die 'Evakuierung' der Camps Hotel-Hara und BP-Station nahe der Ortschaft Evzoni bei der griechisch-mazedonischen Grenze. Bis in die Mittagsstunden stiegen dutzende Bewohner_innen des Camps in drei Busse und wurden in offizielle Camps nahe Thessaloniki gefahren.


After the demolition of Idomeni camp: From 30th of May to 5th of June 2016 we will once again raise our voices and show our outrage against the structural oppression denying freedom of movement, enforced by Europe and its allies.


Alf fährt nach Thessaloniki. Das NoBorder Camp findet dort vom 15. bis zum 24. Juli 2016 statt und ist ein selbstorganisiertes Camp, das "über horizontale und direkt-demokratische Strukturen und Prozesse abläuft" und sagt sämtlichen Unterdrückungs- und Hierarchieverhältnissen den Kampf an.


[25. May 2016]

artikel Keep quiet and eat soup

On 24th of May 2016, the Greek authorities at last started what they had long threatened: an eviction of the camp at Idomeni.


Alf is going to Thessaloniki in Greece. There the NoBorder-Camp is going to take place from 15th to 24nd of July and is a self-organized camp, which "aims to realize horizontal and direct-democratic structures and procedures." It announces the fight against all the oppressive and hierarchic settings.


On Friday the 6th of May 2016m a collective of teachers and activists established a school at the Piraeus Port near Athens.


Officially the eviction of Idomeni camp has started today, the 24. May 2016. Yet in truth, a forceful eviction has already been going on for several days.


Reports of massive police force movements towards Idomeni in order to be ready for an upcoming eviction, which is expected to start on Tuesday, 24th of May 2016. Police sources told that the clearing will be completed in at most 10 days.


Violence erupted again on Wednesday, 18th of May 2016, at Idomeni, the sprawling tent city that has been created on Greece's northern border with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).


Am Vormittag des 22. April haben AktivistInnen gemeinsam mit Geflüchteten ein leerstehendes Hotel in der nördlichen Athener Innenstadt besetzt. Info und Spendenaufruf.


On 22nd of April, in the morning, activists and refugees joined action to squat an abandoned hotel in the northern center of Athens. Info and call for donations.


Immer wieder kommt es zu Aufständen in den diversen Internierungs- Lagern für Flüchtlinge und Migrant_innen. So auch am 26. April 2016 in Moria auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos.


On the 26th of April 2016, on the island of Lesvos, there were riots in the detention center of Moria, Lesvos, Greece.


We, the independent volunteers of the Shorba Crew and other groups in Idomeni have not been starting protests in the camps and strongly resent accusations by the media that we are 'fake volunteers'. Since January, The Shorba Crew have cooked over 500,000 meals and served them in and around Idomeni camp.


[14. Apr 2016]

artikel Idomeni: A Statement

We are an informal network of individuals in Idomeni working together in solidarity with people seeking refuge in the EU. We are not controlled by any governmental or non-governmental organisation and are not getting paid for what we are doing here. In our daily work we are strongly connected to the local communities and enjoy support from the villages around Idomeni.


Once again Aid Delivery Mission is on the ground dealing with the violence unleashed on the people in Idomeni camp.


[11. Apr 2016]

artikel Liveticker Idomeni

In Idomeni on the macedonian / greek border refugees are trying to open their way to central Europe. If you want to get information about what is going on there you can find it on ::


"I don't care if the Macedonian police kills us. Here in the camp we die slowly." Die Fliehenden in Idomeni und Camps in der Umgebung demonstrieren täglich. Der Schienenverkehr nach Mazedonien wird seit Tagen blockiert, Menschen traten in Hunger- und Durststreik, zwei Personen zündeten sich selbst an, vor einigen Tagen wurde die Autobahn blockiert.


Die Bedingungen an der griechisch mazedonischen Grenze, wo ca. 20.000 Flüchtende gestrandet sind, bleiben katastrophal. Nun haben sich in den verschiedenen Camps Proteste gebildet. Leute vor Ort haben versucht, die Vorkommnisse, soweit sie informiert sind, zusammen zu fassen.


The conditions at the greek macedonian border, where there are about 20.000 refugees stuck in camps, stay critical. Now protests have formed in the different camps. People on the ground have tried to summarize the situation, as far as they're informed.


Aktuell werden bei Idomeni mehrere Straßen durch hunderte Geflüchtete blockiert. Auch an dem Grenzübergang und in den Grenzcamps gibt es Widerstand. Open the borders! Ist ihr wichtigster Protestslogan!


Press Release, 22. Mar 2016: The authorithies on Lesvos ordered the open refugee space PIKPA to be evacuated. This is part of the new migration policy of the EU - to detain refugees in so called hot spots.


Since Monday, 21st of March 2016, refugees arriving on the Greek islands have been detained to have them ready for deportation.


Dieser dringende Appell wurde am 21. Mar 2016 aus Microdassos, Idomeni verschickt. Es ist ein persönlicher Eindruck eines_r Unterstützer_in aus dem Grenzgebiet, in dem 1.000e Menschen fest sitzen, nachdem immer mehr Grenzen in Europa geschlossen werden.


On Monday March 14th, 2016, a large group of refugees walked from the Idomeni camp towards the greek Macedonian border. Volunteers from different organisations, including Aid Delivery Mission were present in Idomeni when the walking group departed camp.


Heute, Montag 14. März 2016, brachen hunderte Menschen aus dem Camp in Idomeni in Richtung Mazedonien auf. Liveticker aus Idomeni und vom "March of Hope".


... on the actual situation in Greece. - This is a short report on an action that happened on Saturday, 5th of March 2016, in the port of Lesbos island, Greece.


"Like dogs! We are waiting here under unbearable conditions - it is not even suitable for animals!" says a young woman who is enduring since days at the borders of Idomeni. Everywhere around the transit border camp are media representatives from all over the world covering the humanitarian crisis of the last two weeks.


Samos ist eine griechische Insel in der Aegaeis, nahe der türkischen Küste. An der schmalsten Stelle beträgt die Entfernung zur Türkei nur ca. 1,8 km. Hier kommen täglich durchschnittlich 300 Geflüchtete in Booten an. Von den Geflüchteten, die von der Türkei aus aufs Meer starten, kommen 12 % auf Samos an.


Samos is a greek island in the aegean sea. At the nearest point it's just 1,8 km away from the Turkish coast. Every day there are arriving aproximately 300 refugees with boats. 12% of the ones that start their journey on the boat from turkey arrive on Samos.


Support in and around Idomeni urgently needed!! There are 600 to 3000 Refugees arriving at the greek-macedonian border Idomemi every day. But only those from Syria, Afghanistan and Irak may pass.


Idomeni got violently evicted in the morning of 9th of December 2015. Report by activists of the No Border Kitchen.


Idomeni wurde am Morgen des 9. Dezember 2015 gewalttätig geräumt. Bericht von Aktivist_innen der No Boder Kitchen.


On the greek macedonian border in Idomeni thousands of refugees are stucked after different countries on the 'Balkanroute' are trying to close their boders. In the last days there were protests from refugees.


An der griechisch mazedonischen Grenze - in Idomeni - sitzen tausende Geflüchtete fest, nachdem verschiedene Länder an der 'Balkanroute' versuchen ihre Grenzen zu schließen. In den letzten Tagen gab es Proteste von Refugees.


Call by Coordination against the Evros fence for a demonstration in Evros, Greek / Turkish border, against the fence and the borders, on Saturday, October 31st, 2015.


Frontex slows down registration procedures in 'Hot Spot' Moria, leaving refugees for days in life-threatening conditions


A report by 'Infomobile - Information with, about and for refugees in Greece' about the situation on the island of Lesbos as Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Austrian chancellor Werner Feymann visited the island on October 6.


Weiterhin erreichen täglich tausende Flüchtlinge die griechischen Inseln. Die humanitäre Lage vor Ort ist katastrophal, die Verzweiflung der festsitzenden Flüchtlinge groß. Anstatt die Aufnahmestrukturen im krisengeschüttelten Griechenland zu unterstützen, fließen europäische Gelder größtenteils in Abwehrmaßnahmen. Inzwischen steigt die Todesrate in der Ägäis dramatisch.


EU finanziert Modernisierung innerer Sicherheit in Griechenland. Die griechische Regierung will ihre Grenzanlagen massiv aufrüsten. Dies geht aus einem Dokument hervor, das die britische Bürgerrechtsorganisation Statewatch auf ihrer Webseite veröffentlicht.


The recent tragedies in Lampedusa have highlighted, once again, the prevailing indifference of the EU toward the fate of migrants. At the gates of Europe, in Italy as well as on the Greek islands, migrants are subjected to arbitrary and dangerous border controls and security measures that put their lives at risk.


From 8th to 13th of October 2013 some people come (back) to Mitilini on the island Lesvos in Greece. During this days some events are held. Here you find a first statement, the program and a the letter to the people in Mitilini.


Im von Pro Asyl erstellten Fachpolitischen Newsletter 196 gibt es einige Informationen über die Migrations- und Asylpolitik in Griechenland, die hier hiermit dokumentiert werden:


Strawberry farmers from Manolada / Greece shoot immigrants who demanded 6 months salaries. More than 20 workers are wounded and in hospital.


What started with a protest by detainees at the migrant detention camp at Amygdaleza in northern Attica, has reportedly spread nationwide. As many as 2.000 migrants being held at detention centers around the country have reportedly gone on a hunger strike since Saturday April 6, to protest the deplorable conditions, police violence and prolongued detention periods.


Following the events of last Sunday in Corinth detention centre, on 23rd of November 2012 the detainees of Komotini started an uprising.


Migrant_innen und Flüchtlingen in Griechenland drohen nun noch längere Haftzeiten - und das unter menschen- verachtenden Bedingungen.


On Sunday, 21st of October 2012 a protest at the detention centre in Corinth reveals inhuman and degrading detention conditions.


We women, involved in United African Women Organization, Greece, express our deep concern, protest and anger for any type of clean - up actions that are in progress in the centre of Athens and other Greek regions.


Authorities are planning to set up four new reception centers for immigrants on islands of the Aegean (Chios, Lesvos, Samos and Rhodos) to cope with the rising influx of migrants and refugees into Greece by sea that has been prompted by more effective policing along the Turkish land border.


Following report was presented at the No Border Camp in Siva Reka, Bulgaria, in August 2011. It gives an overview on the racist migration policy and resistance in Greece, starting with the December 2008 protests.


[31. Dec 2011]

artikel Some news from Greece

On the morning of December 23, 2011, a demonstration was held in the city of Patras. It was organized after a 16-year old Afghan was left severely injured during a police operation in an informal settlement set up by Afghan refugees in the near-by town of Rio.


Fountain to remember death and missing at the border in Tichero (Evros river, Northern Greece). Memorial space created on 30th of August 2011.


On Wednesday August 10, 2011 Patras police conducted another operation around the port in order to arrest sans-papiers immigrants.


[01. Aug 2011]

artikel Police raids in Patras

Following the huge eviction of the jungles of Igoumenitsa at the 9th of June, Patras became the second war region in the governments cruel fight against the sans-papiers who are trying to leave the country.


After the dead of 27-year old immigrant Goulam Bamper Khan on 15th of July 2011, riots broke up at Elliniko detention centre. On July 15, 2011, 8 immigrants were charged for their protests.


Am 9. März 2011 wurde bekannt gegeben, dass 300 Migrant_innen in Griechenland ihren Hungerstreik nach einigen wichtigen Konzessionen der Regierung bei der Erfüllung ihrer Forderungen beendet wurde.


The struggle is complete. With the documents in hand and our heads up high, we return to our homes and our work vindicated, after 44 days on hunger strike.


The hungerstrike of 300 migrants ended on 9th of March 2011. The strikers accepted the proposal following some key big concessions by the government.


Call for European coordinated solidarity actions to the 300 immigrants hunger strikers in Greece on Monday, March 7, 2011, proposed by students in Paris. The migrant's hungerstrike has reached the 40th day - solidarity actions can help!


The hungerstrike of 300 migrants in greece is going on since one month. All of them are suffering considerable loss of body mass and the signs of fatigue and advanced exhaustion are apparent. But their struggle is going on - they need your solidarity!


"Ich möchte wie ein Mensch behandelt werden - wie die Griechen. Wenn wir Papiere bekommen, werde ich keine Angst mehr vor der Polizei haben und ich kann legal mit Versicherung arbeiten. Aber den größten Teil der Zeit denke ich nun: Was wird passieren, wenn der Staat keine Antwort gibt?" (Arqal, einer der Hungerstreikenden in Athen)


Immer noch befinden sich 300 Migrant _innen in Griechenland seit dem 25.1.2011 im Hungerstreik um für ihre Rechte und gegen die EU-Einwanderungspolitik zu kämpfen.


Radio Dreieckland brachte einen Beitrag zur Situation der 300 Migranten in Hungerstreik. In Athen und Thessaloniki fordern diese seit 25. Jänner 2011 die Legalisierung aller Migrant_innen und ein Ende der Ausgrenzung.


On 25th of January 2011, 300 migrants started with a hunger strike. It is a struggle for equal rights to life, carried out by those who want to be no longer invisible. The preparation meeting for the transnational migrants strike on 1st of March in Vienna declares it's solidarity with the hunger strikers. We are on your side!


Aktivist_innen in Griechenland, die den Hungerstreik von 300 Migrant_innen unterstützen, rufen für 11. Februar 2011 zu einem europaweiten Aktionstag auf. An diesem Tag sollen überall in Griechenland und darüber hinaus Solidaritäts- aktionen stattfinden.


Activists from Greece calls for a common day of action on the 11th of February 2011, a day where actions of solidarity will take place in all over Greece - and beyond.


On January 27, 2011, heavy police forces surrounded the Law School, where 250 migrant hunger strikers are fighting for their rights. During a long night, they moved with a demonstration to a other central building in Athens to continue their struggle.


No one's life is illegal! Practical solidarity with the struggle of the 300 immigrants-workers in Greece.


On 25th of January 2011, in Thessaloniki and Athens, 300 migrants started with a hunger strike. Their main demand is to be legalized and they claim the same political and social rights and obligations as Greek workers.


Press Release, Athens, 27. Jan 2011: We, the 250 migrants, who have entered already the 3rd day of hunger strike inside the Law Faculty of Athens demanding our self-evident right to be legalised, hear about the discussions which are taking place with regard to our demands, and about the lies, the inaccuracies and the deliberate distortion of the truth.


95 Menschen aus Afghanistan, neun davon seit 27 Tagen im Hungerstreik, halten seit über zwei Monaten zentralen Platz in der griechischen Hauptstadt Athen besetzt, um für ihr Recht auf Asyl zu demonstrieren.


Am 25. Jänner 2011 beginnen 300 Migrant_innen in Athen und Thessaloniki mit einem Hungerstreik. Sie fordern u.a. die Legalisierung aller Migrant_innen sowie gleiche politische und soziale Rechte und Pflichten.


On 25th of January 2011 migrants will start a hungerstrike in Athens and in Thessaloniki: "We don't have another way to make our voices heard, to make you learn about our rights."


The Solidarity Assembly to the Migrants' Hunger Strike calls for support of the hunger strike of 300 migrants in Athens and Thessaloniki, which will start on 25th of January 2011.


On Monday morning of 27. December 2010 riot police attacked dozens of Palestinian refugees who had been camping outside the UNHCR offices in Athens for the last three months in the expensive suburb of Psychikon, demanding asylum.


On Tuesday, 4th of December 2010, a riot broke out, one of the most serious to date, at the detention centre at Fylakion in the Evros region, near the town of Orestiada and the FRONTEX headquarters at the Greco-Turkish border.


Within the last year, there were many protests by migrants and refugees in Greece. It's impossible to tell about all of them. Here u find a short history from September 2009 to November 2010.


Die Ergebnisse einer Recherche- reise in das griechisch- türkische Grenzgebiet Evros im November 2010 werden in zwei Berichten dokumentiert. Presseerklärung von Pro Asyl.


On the afternoon of Saturday November 13, 2010 a 21-year-old immigrant from Poland was killed outside the notorious Aghios Panteleimonas police station in Athens, because, according to the police, he jumped from a third floor window of the police station trying to escape.


Auch im Jahr 2010 gibt es wieder Aktivitäten von antirassis- tischen Aktivist_innen in Griechenland, die sich gegen die Abschottungspolitik der EU richten.


Welcome to Europe on Tour from 27. August - 11. September 2010


Samos - press release because of transport for deportation of 50 refugees to Aspropyrgos, 40 July 2010.


Three immigrants detained at police station cells for "illegal entry in the country" attempted suicide in the last week in different detention spaces of Imathia Prefecture, Western Macedonia Region, Northern Greece.


The revolt in this prison for migrants shows the truth behind the greek government's migrant-friendly mask!


Five immigrants were killed by cops and coast guards during last year in Greece. More than fifty humans have been killed the last ten years because of "luckily gun-fires", "unclear situations", "health problems", "unreasonable self-suicides", the "reasonable rage of citizens".


The Greek island of Lesvos is just a short sail from the Turkish coast - you can see Turkey from the island. Here many migrants try crossing into Europe, usually on inflatable boats. Frontex patrols the coast to prevent them from landing; those who land may be detained in one of the most appalling prisons for migrants we have ever seen or heard of.


Am 1. September 2009 begannen 47 minderjaehrige Gefangene einen Hungerstreik im Internierungslager Pagani auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos. Dieses Lager ist in den letzten Wochen wegen der miserablen Haftbedingungen verstaerkt in Kritik geraten. Aktivist_innen unterstuetzten die Gefangenen am 3. September mit einer lautstarken Demonstration vor den Zaeunen.


August 29, 2009 was noborder's action day against the practices of the coast guard and their support by the European Border Agency Frontex.


Personal account from 29. August 2009, when migrants inside Pagani demanded their immediate release. Some 100 people were released. Activists from outisde were beaten away.


A brutal incident of police violence occurred on the evening of September 26, 2009 in Nikaia, Athens. The victim a 25 year old immigrant, who died on October 10, 2009 of his wounds.


Am 28. August 2009 fand im Rahmen des Noborder Camps auf Lesbos eine Demonstration zum Internierungslager Pagani nahe Mitilini statt.


The No Border camp in Lesvos is scoring some real victories for the migrants who arrive here and are detained in horrific conditions in the infamous Pagani detention centre following the release of over two hundred migrants.


Heute (26.08.2009) gab es erneut einen Besuch von mehreren hunderten Aktivist_innen von NoBorder beim Internierungslager in Pagani auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos.


Das Noborder Camp auf Lesbos hat begonnen. Aus allen Teilen der Welt sind Leute gekommen, um Grenzen zu überwinden und gegen Grenzen zu protestieren.


Schon Tage bevor das No Border Camp am 25. August 2009 auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos in der Ägäis beginnt, finden erste Aktionen statt.


Days before the camp began on the 25th of August 2009 on the greek island Lesvos the first direct actions took place.


Inside the detention centre Pagani on Lesvos, Greece, many protests going on all the time. A letter from inside.


Released Pagani migrants and No Borders activists together drive Frontex away.


"The truth may be bitter, but it must be told" - Written on a wall of a detention centre in Lesvos.
The following is based on reports by many people and organizations in Greece.


Information on the police attack against the refugee village near the port of Patras.


Massive Kontrollen, Folter, rassistische und faschistische Attacken, die Räumung der Flüchtlinge in Patras - ihr Lager wurde nieder gebrannt.


The rapid nazification of the Greek state took off last weekend with the violent evacuation and torching of the large Afghan immigrant settlement in Patras, shooting of immigrants in Omoinoia square and institutionalised torture of Pakistanis in the island of Simi.


In the early hours of Sunday, July 12, 2009 the refugee settlement adjacent to the port of Patras was evicted and "mysteriously" set on fire during a police operation.


The summer of oppression gears up - military dungeons across the Aegean.


This is a translation of the "Red Anti-Reporters" (Kokkinoi Anti Reporters) report published at the athens indymedia. 50 people were arrested on June 11, 2009, only hours after the Governement annnouned its plans.


Extended clashes broke out in Athens on Friday 22/5, during the second protest march in two days against police racism, after a cop tore the Koran and brutalised Muslims during anti-immigrant sweeping operations.


Im Paganie Gefängnis haben über 150 jugendliche Flüchtlinge, die seit einem Monat gefangen sind, lautstark für ihre Freiheit protestiert.


On the 3rd of April, 2009, in Igoumenitsa, men of the Coast Guarding police caused deadly injuries to a Kurdish man from Iraq. The eye-witnesses, who are foreigners without papers, describe them as "commandos with blue and army colours".


Mazir, ein 24 Jähriger Flüchtling, ist nach drei monatigem Koma in Athen gestorben. Er ist der dritte Tote vor der AusländerInnenbehörde in der Petrou Ralli Straße in Athen seit Oktober 2008.


[24. Mar 2009]

artikel Patras - We Need Help

The direct testimony of the refugees in the Patras camp.


Call for the noborder camp in Lesvos, Greece from 25. - 31. August 2009.


Aufruf zum noborder Camp auf Lesbos, Griechenland vom 25. - 31. Aug 2009.


On the night of February 24, 2009 the Haunt of Migrants on Tsamadou Street in Exarcheia was attacked while an assembly of the Association of Conscientious Objectors was taking place inside.


Casualties at the innercity borders - 24 year old Hussein Zahidul dead on 03. Jan 2009 near Athens Asylum Police.


Report of three days of resistance and solidarity by Clandestina.


'Es sind auch unsere Tage!'
Migrantische Jugendliche (aus Albanien, aber auch aus Afghanistan, afrikanischen Staaten usw.) spielen in der Sozialrevolte in Griechenland eine große Rolle und sehen in ihr eine großartige Perspektive, endlich ihre eigenen Anliegen vorzubringen.


This victory is only a new beginning for the struggle that never ceased! Read about the events on what seems to be the final day of the hunger strike ...


Ein Text der Vollversammlung der besetzten Theaterschule von Thessaloniki / Griechenland, der nachvollziehbar macht, warum die Tötung von Alexandros Grigoropoulos in Athen zu derart massiven Protesten geführt hat.


On November 11, 2008, 15 migrants in Chania, Crete, Greece, active members of the Crete Forum of Migrants, started with a hunger strike, demanding the legal status they are eligible for, fighting for dignity and equal rights, for them and their families, for all migrants within Fortress Europe. There is urgent need for international solidarity.


Im Lager der Insel Mitilini in Griechenland sind 58 minderjährige Flüchtlinge, aus Somalia und Afghanistan in Hungerstreik getreten.


Open coorganisation from August 29-31, 2008. The camp will be located near the refugee settlement and the port of Patras, Greece, which is both a militarized red zone with video surveillance and barbed wire and a gateway to Italy and the rest of Europe.


Ende Jänner 2008 kam es in Patras, Griechenland zu vorher nie da gewesenen Ereignissen. Ereignissen, die die Beziehungen zwischen den BürgerInnen von Patras und der vielen EinwandererInnen in der Stadt drastisch verändern könnten.


In the end of January 2008 the city of Patras, Greece lived through some unprecedented events, some events that could potentially change dramatically the relationship between the local society and the city's huge wave of recent migrants.


A police operation took place on 24. Jan 2008 in the city of Patras (the main west port of greece) against more than 2000 afghan, iraqi and other refugees.


"The truth may be bitter, but it must be told" - "Die Wahrheit mag bitter sein, aber sie muss gesagt werden", eine Inschrift im ehemaligen Haftlager von Mitilini (Insel Lesbos). So lautet auch der Titel der Dokumentation, die Pro Asyl und die griechische Anwaltsvereinigung für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen kürzlich in Brüssel und Athen veröffentlicht haben.


Patras, 08. Nov 2007: Ein Hafenpolizist sticht mit Messer auf 14 jährigen afgahnischen Flüchtling ein. Presseerklärung vom Netzwerk sozialer Unterstützung für Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen Athen, Griechenland.


Zurückweisung von Flüchtlingen auf See, systematische Misshandlungen und unmenschliche Haftbedingungen - PRO ASYL und griechische AnwältInnenvereinigung dokumentieren schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Griechenland.


On two fact-finding missions in July/August and in October 2007 representatives of the German ngo "Pro Asyl" and the "Greek Group of Lawyers for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants" examined the situation at the EU external border in the Aegean. The research findings are shocking.


Afghanische Flüchtlinge warten unter miserablen Lebensbedingungen in Hafen von Partas, Griechenland, auf eine Überfahrt nach Italien. Viele ertrinken bereits auf der Überfahrt von der Türkei nach Griechenland.


Saturday evening, (18 Aug 2007), in a 1st floor cafe in Kalamaria's mall, Thessaloniki, two individuals of unknown identity up to now, dressed with ordinary clothes, but with police officer's behavior, approached Tony Onouha, immigrant from Nigeria, who had been selling CDs, and immobilised him. Tony, who a few weeks ago was beaten by police officers (it is speculated that they were the same), escaped from their control and moved towards the balcony. Under unidentified conditions he fell on the pavement and was mortally injured.


During the evening of Saturday 18th of August 2007, according to reports, undercover policemen were after the 25-year-old Tony Onouha, immigrant from Nigeria, who had been selling CDs in a cafe in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki. Tony Onouha, let your spirit go after the policemen that killed you.


Auf der homepage von Indymedia Athen wurde am 16. Juni 2007 ein Video veröffentlicht, auf dem die Misshandlung von zwei Migranten durch PolizistInnen zu sehen ist. Die beiden Männer werden gezwungen aufeinander einzuschlagen, den PolizistInnen scheint dies Spass zu machen.


The eastern borders of Greece, which are also the exterior borders of the European Union, are almost redrawn by detention camps.


Für viele Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen ist Griechenland die erste Station bei der Einreise in die EU. Sie kommen aus dem Irak, aus der Türkei/Kurdistan, aus Afghanistan, oder auch aus Ex-SU-Ländern, Palästina, Sierra Leone, Mauretanien... Theoretisch gibt es das Recht, an der Grenze einen Asylantrag zu stellen...


The noborder actions and discussions in Xanthi will take place from 25 to 28 August 2005. Xanthi is located in the north-east of Greece, close to the Bulgarian border and some 165 kilometres from Kepous, the border patrol station before Turkey.


From the 22nd until the 25th of August in Bulgaria and from the 25th until the 28th in Greece, No Border Actions are going to take place.


AktivistInnen attackieren nach Übergriffen Polizeistation in Athen.