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Election outcome a win for public schools

Parent Kirsti Boerst and federal member for Greenway Michelle Rowland at the ''Kick a goal for Gonski'' event.

The Australian Education Union  is not affiliated to any political party, but based on our assessment of the various parties' policies, we welcome the re-election of a progressive government for the ACT.

The cliffhanger is back, but what will it bring next?

The walkers seem almost benign compared to Negan.

Whether or not you're a fan of The Walking Dead, chances are you've heard that this season's premiere resolved last season's who-lived-and-who-died cliffhanger. Don't worry: This column includes absolutely no spoilers. It's the word "cliffhanger" that interests the word maven in me.

It will take a lot of work to clean up after Trump

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with local farmers at Bedners Farm Fresh Market, ...

Conservatives need to be clear-eyed about the enormity of the Failure of 2016. The Republican Party -- the imperfect political vehicle for conservative policy, ideas and values -- nominated a man for president of the United States who is manifestly unfit to hold that office.

Malcolm in a muddle

Malcolm Turnbull has not been mortally wounded yet, but his survival until the next election is another matter entirely.

Nothing so reveals weakness as a Parliamentary sitting, and the last fortnight has been devastating for Malcolm Turnbull.

There's a name for America's anxiety about the future: the 'Trump effect'

Donald Trump's refusal to say whether he would accept the  election result spread genuine anxiety through the electorate.

Election day in America is an odd civic holiday. People still go to work – it's not that kind of holiday – and until a few years ago some states banned liquor sales for the day. But there is nonetheless an air of festivity and anticipation: squeezing in a trip to the polls, wagering on the outcome, gathering with friends to watch the results roll in.

How to choose a tube of toothpaste

How on earth do you decide between the 50-odd toothpastes on the supermarket shelves?

Choosing a toothbrush is relatively simple: dentists recommend brushing with a small-headed soft-bristled brush, for two minutes, twice a day. But how on earth do you decide between the 50-odd toothpastes on the supermarket shelves?

Aftrer the election, let's forget Trump happened

Donald Trump voters have judged that, whatever his flaws and demerits, he is a better pick than Hillary Clinton.

With Donald Trump's chances of winning the White House narrowing, it's not too soon to ask: If Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in November, what attitude should Democrats and Republicans alike take towards Trump voters?