
Walk this way: Melbourne suburbs ranked for pedestrian-friendliness

Have you taken a walk around Melbourne's CBD lately?

Congratulations, you're standing in the most walkable suburb in Australia, the only one to score a perfect 100 out of 100 for walkability in a new measure compiled by US website Walk Score and home rental listings database

Melbourne's city centre has scored 100 out of 100 for walkability.
Melbourne's city centre has scored 100 out of 100 for walkability.  Photo: Paul Rovere

The perfect score means everything you might need in ordinary daily life - shops, services, entertainment, work - is easily accessible on foot. 

Or perhaps you live in Werribee South, Melbourne's least walkable suburb. You would enjoy fresh air and good access to the area's market gardens, but any errand, be it to buy a litre of milk or take your children to school, would almost certainly require driving.

 Werribee South is Melbourne's least walkable suburb, according to Walk Score and

The fringe suburb scored just 0.6 out of 100 in the new ranking, meaning it is an unfeasibly long walk to all shops, restaurants, schools and community facilities such as libraries.


Walk Score uses publicly available data and its own algorithms to rate the walkability of locations, and this week its scores out of 100 have begun to appear on Victorian property listings as part of a new commercial deal with

The chief executive of the listings site, Greg Bader, said the company was simply giving property hunters what they had been telling them they want.  

"As the country's population grows and cities become congested, the importance of easy access for errands without total dependency on a car becomes a decision factor for many people," he said. "In fact, we are seeing more properties with limited or even no parking being advertised, so Walk Score becomes a valuable guide."

Mr Bader said the desire to live in a place where cars are less necessary was a growing trend among younger renters.

"Thirty years ago it was, buy your first home in an outer suburb, go without floor coverings and pay it down," he said. "We're not seeing that with the younger generation, we're seeing that they will buy where they can afford and then they will live [rent a property] where they want to live."

Young Australian adults are also increasingly delaying getting a driver's licence, figures released last month by VicRoads show.

In 2001, 52.5 per cent of 18-year olds obtained a licence, and that fell to 39.9 per cent by 2014. Among 24-year olds, the licence ownership rate dropped from 89.9 per cent to 76.6 per cent.

Ben Rossiter, chief executive of Victoria Walks, said the desire to live in a walkable suburb was certainly not unique to younger people. Higher property prices in walkable inner city suburbs indicated the wider population was willing to pay a premium to be able to easily get around on foot, he said.  

"A lot of young people don't want to live in the burbs, they want to live in these walkable areas and I suspect that has got a lot to do with why a lot of them are renting, because they can't afford to buy there," Dr Rossiter said.

Dr Ben Rossiter, executive officer of Victoria Walks, at Flinders Street.

Dr Ben Rossiter, executive officer of Victoria Walks, at Flinders Street. Photo: Eddie Jim

Melbourne's most walkable suburbs are predictably concentrated in the inner city, with Fitzroy, Carlton, Collingwood, Southbank and South Melbourne all scoring in the high 90s.

But greater Melbourne's walkability score is a middling 57, which places it a shade ahead of Detroit, "Motor City", which scores 55 (Walk Score is Seattle-based and rated all North American cities before it more recently expanded to Australia).

Dr Rossiter said there were "limitations" to Walk Score's rankings, which missed elements such as quality footpaths, formal and informal crossings, trees, road widths and traffic speed.