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Communist Party of Greece (marxist – leninist)

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  • About the attempted military coup in Turkey Fierce clashes inside Turkey’s bourgeoisie amidst imperialist interventions in the region. The dangers for the peoples in the region are growing. Yesterday there was a very dangerous development in neighboring Turkey. The attempted coup by a faction of the military establishment was quashed but it left behind many dead and wounded in armed clashes, bombardments, even air ...
  • About the attempted military coup in Turkey Fierce clashes inside Turkey’s bourgeoisie amidst imperialist interventions in the region. The dangers for the peoples in the region are growing. Yesterday there was a very dangerous development in neighboring Turkey. The attempted coup by a faction of the military establishment was quashed but it left behind many dead and wounded in armed clashes, bombardments, even air ...
  • About the British Referendum The NO in Britain denotes the sharpening of inter-imperialist contradictions The NO of the peoples of EU must advance through popular struggles 1. The Brexit predominance in the referendum in Britain is an important moment in the sharpening of inter-imperialist contradictions so better conditions could be created for the redivision of the world and to deepen the ...
  • المهاجرين والعمال اليونان المهاجرين والعمال اليونان لهم عدو مشترك وحاجات مشتركه ونضال مشترك اخوتنا المهاجرين: تواجه الحكومه اليوناتيه المهاجرين اللذين اقتلعوا من بيوتهم واللذين يحاولون النجاه من المذابح والحرب وانهم هم مشكله او كمجرمين ,مع باقي دول الاتحاد الوروبي اقاموا الحواجز الشائكه وقوى الامن امام العائلا ت والاطفال ,وتجميع هذا البشر في معسكرات محاصره. ان اكاذ يت الحكومه ظهرت ,لم ...
  • Solidarité avec les militants marocains en lutte ! Les derniers temps, le régime royaliste réactionnaire du Maroc a intensifié la vague de répression et de violence contre le mouvement des ouvriers en grève et contre la lutte des étudiants. Nous condamnons les arrestations en masse d’étudiants à Marrakech et à Meknès et les détentions préventives qui ont suivi. Nous exigeons leur libération immédiate ...


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