- published: 08 Jun 2016
- views: 18
San Luis Potosí ( san ˈlwis potoˈsi ), officially Free and Sovereign State of San Luis Potosí (Spanish: Estado Libre y Soberano de San Luis Potosí), is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided in 58 municipalities and its capital city is San Luis Potosí.
It is located in North-Central Mexico. It is bordered by 9 other Mexican states, making it the state with the most borders with other neighboring states. To the north it borders the states of Nuevo León and Coahuila, to the northeast with Tamaulipas, to the east Veracruz, to the south Hidalgo, Querétaro, Jalisco and Guanajuato and Zacatecas to the northwest.
In addition to the capital city, the state's largest cities include Ciudad Valles, Matehuala, Rioverde, and Tamazunchale.
In pre-Columbian times the territory now occupied by the state of San Luis Potosí contained the cultural areas of Mesoamerica and Aridoamérica. Its northern and western-central areas were inhabited by the Otomi and Chichimeca tribes. These indigenous groups were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Although most natives died during the Spanish settlements, huasteco groups still live, along with pame and náhuatl although their numbers are significantly small.
Maria Gonzalez may refer to:
Intérpretes: Maria Ramírez, Sandra Pujales, Laura María González y Carles Araguz Dirección y dramaturgia: Ôscar García Recuenco Un espectáculo de la compañía La Jarra Azul. Grabación realizada en el Teatro El Rinoceronte Enamorado, San Luís Potosí (México), durante agosto de 2013.
Intérpretes: Maria Ramírez, Sandra Pujales, Laura María González y Carles Araguz Dirección y dramaturgia: Ôscar García Recuenco Un espectáculo de la compañía La Jarra Azul. Grabación realizada en la Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, México, durante agosto de 2013. Vídeo extraído de "Imágenes Universitarias" 42 y 43. Montaje y grabación a cargo de UAA.
"3,2,1... CERO", puesta en escena producida por "La Jarra Azul", compañía teatral de Barcelona, España, en la cual, se presentarán temas como el maltrato, la violencia de género, y la perspectiva social que conlleva estas acciones. Esta obra fue creada a partir de la iniciativa del Punto de Información y Atención a las mujeres (PIAD), del distrito de Sant Andreu, Barcelona, y la Asociación Teatral "La Jarra Azul", por lo cual, esta puesta en escena ayudará a fomentar una actitud de respeto y equidad de género, así como la reflexión y la búsqueda de soluciones que permitan luchar contra el maltrato y la violencia de género. La obra estará dirigida por Ôscar García Recuenco, contó con las actuaciones de Carles Araguz, Laura María González, Sandra Pujales y María Ramírez y fue grabada en su...
The family of a Wharton firefighter who died battling a massive egg farm blaze is fighting to keep his widow from receiving death benefits, arguing that the 37-year-old had found out his bride of two years was born a man.
Book trailer de la nueva novela de Natasha Solomons "La Viola de Tyneford House" editado por Alianza.
http://www.ted.com Biologist Richard Dawkins launches into a full-on appeal for atheists to make public their beliefs and to aggressively fight the incursion of religion into politics and education. Dawkins' scornful tone drew strongly mixed reactions from the audience; some stood and applauded his courage. Others wondered whether his strident approach could do more harm than good. Dawkins went on to publish The God Delusion and become perhaps the world's best-known atheist. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the ar...
Genetic imbalances—such as those associated with Down syndrome in humans—are generally harmful. The number of copies of a given gene, the gene dose, can be very important. In the roundworm, C. elegans, sex (male or hermaphrodite) is determined by the number of X chromosomes. Dr. Barbara Meyer explains how hermaphrodites control gene expression on their pair of X chromosomes to avoid having double the gene dose of males. By studying these sophisticated genetic systems in worms, scientists can learn more about related molecular pathways in mammals and humans.
The Petro-Canada Canadian Athlete Family Program hosted over 500 athletes' family members in Vancouver to watch their loved ones compete live at the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. To learn more about this initiative for 2012 and beyond, please visit https://facebook.com/petrocanadafuelsathletes Petro-Canada, programme Famille des athlètes canadiens Le programme Famille des athlètes canadiens de Petro-Canada a permis d'accueillir plus de 500 membres des familles des athlètes à Vancouver afin qu'ils puissent voir leurs athlètes en compétition aux Jeux olympiques et paralympiques d'hiver de 2010. Pour en savoir plus au sujet de cette initiative en 2012 et par la suite, allez à https://facebook.com/petrocanadafuelsathletes
Primeiro Hangout no formato "Neuro, sem Neura", abordando a questão da "Neuroestética". Ele foi realizado com transmissão ao vivo, no dia 15/05/2013 (às 20h). Com participação de Cesar Federici, que explicou conceitos como "arte", "estética" e "beleza", com base no estudo da arte. Na sequência, eu iniciei a apresentação de slides que elaborei, com o intuito de explicar os conceitos e as principais descobertas da "Neuroestética". Esse hangout, em específico, recebeu uma ótima ajuda de duas páginas do facebook que constantemente colaboram com o TVCChannelNews: a "Universo Racionalista" e "Neurociências em Benefício da Educação". Obs.: Ocorreram muitos problemas técnicos durante a realização do hangout ao vivo. Por isso, precisei editar. Sei que não ficou perfeito, mas acredito que foi possí...
Every Saturday morning through June, Wharton Texas, as the crow flies.
Corto / Short film +info: http://www.javiaraguz.com/blog/?p=539
FIDIMCommunication di prof. d.a.Delnegro presenta in ermeneutica-filosofica Francis BACON dal pensiero dei piu' grandi filosofi mondiali sull' Arte , Gilles DELEUZE reinterpretandone il pensiero dalla logica della Sensazione alla logica dell' Invisibile .
I have always liked this Merle Haggard song and I think that the American Legion players do a good job with this song, hope you like it. Tommy Burney bass and singer, Charles Walton on guitar, Timothy Tyson on drums
Intérpretes: Maria Ramírez, Sandra Pujales, Laura María González y Carles Araguz Dirección y dramaturgia: Ôscar García Recuenco Un espectáculo de la compañía La Jarra Azul. Grabación realizada en la Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, México, durante agosto de 2013. Vídeo extraído de "Imágenes Universitarias" 42 y 43. Montaje y grabación a cargo de UAA.
Intérpretes: Maria Ramírez, Sandra Pujales, Laura María González y Carles Araguz Dirección y dramaturgia: Ôscar García Recuenco Un espectáculo de la compañía La Jarra Azul. Grabación realizada en el Teatro El Rinoceronte Enamorado, San Luís Potosí (México), durante agosto de 2013.
Intérpretes: Maria Ramírez, Sandra Pujales, Laura María González y Carles Araguz Dirección y dramaturgia: Ôscar García Recuenco Un espectáculo de la compañía La Jarra Azul. Grabación realizada en el Teatro El Rinoceronte Enamorado, San Luís Potosí (México), durante agosto de 2013. (Primera parte)
Intérpretes: Maria Ramírez, Sandra Pujales, Laura María González y Carles Araguz Dirección y dramaturgia: Ôscar García Recuenco Un espectáculo de la compañía La Jarra Azul. Grabación realizada en el Teatro El Rinoceronte Enamorado, San Luís Potosí (México), durante agosto de 2013. (Segunda parte)
Canadian singer and songwriter AMANDA MARTINEZ teams up with her filmmaker cousin ANDREA MARTÍNEZ CROWTHER to make a series which explores the sights, sounds and flavours of Mexico. In the first part of this series, Amanda visits the beautiful city of San Luis Potosi.
In this chapter, Canadian Latin singer and songwriter AMANDA MARTINEZ discovers the beautiful town of Xilitla in the state of San Luis Potosi. Directed by her cousin ANDREA MARTÍNEZ CROWTHER, this series takes Amanda on a quest to discover Mexico's sights, sounds and flavours.
Are you looking for a fun colonial city in Mexico? San Luis Potosi is your perfect destination. We explore this old city with a local, who shows us his favorite places. Watch us sample amazing chocolate, eat enchiladas potosinas, and even encounter a funny little boy who is not afraid of the camera! Vamos a San Luis Potosi, for a fun adventure! Be a part of where you go. Subscribe to follow my vlogs and travel smarter. We post at least one video weekly. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2ddsVMs CONNECT- TWITTER: www.twitter.com/herebebarr INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/travel_vlogger BLOG: www.herebebarr.wordpress.com
Travel Tips: 7 Places in Mexico you did not know even existed and other travel tips. Agua azul waterfalls.- This wonder is located in the beautiful state of Chiapas right in the middle of the Lacandon Jungle. If you ever go to the Mayan archeological site “Palenque” you can’t miss this natural beauty. Its turquoise color is caused by carbonated salts and minerals. Just to throw an interested fact, Chiapas has 9 different ecosystems, it is not purely jungle. It is amazing when you are driving up a mountain you can see the warm jungle transforming into cold woods. Marieta Islands.- Located just a few minutes boat ride away, called by locals “Hidden Beach”. Catch your ride from Punta Mita, a town a few minutes away from Puerto Vallarta. Only look for authorized tours, they are the only on...
HUASTECA POTOSINA The thunderous Micos cascades are located just 24 kilometers away from this city, and the site offers the possibility to take a ride on a boat or aim at a good catch of catfish, carp, and acamaya. The impressive Tamul cascade is also within reach, with a great fall of 105 meters framed by plenty of green on all sides. This dramatic setting also gives a chance for rappel, rafting, and sport fishing. (photo: Nino H) The trip is not over until visitors take a look at th e Sotan o de las Golondrinas or "Swallow Cellar", which, with a fall of no less than 376 meters, offers a stunning spectacle every morning at 6 AM, as thousands of colorful swallows form a spiral while exiting their night shelter. REAL DE CATORCE Located in one of the highest sierras of the ...
This culinary musical road trip through Mexico is hosted by Canadian Latin singer AMANDA MARTINEZ and directed by her filmmaker cousin ANDREA MARTÍNEZ CROWTHER. This chapter takes Amanda to the city of Matehuala, in northern San Luis Potosí.
We're moving to Guadalajara for a month, and taking a Luxury bus from San Luis Potosi to get there. Find out what the experience is like traveling in Mexico, by bus instead of airplane. You'll be surprised how comfortable this form of transportation is, with movies programmed into every seat, and a free meal ! Find out what life in Mexico is like, from the Gringo perspective. Subscribe for more adventures South of the border. SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/2ddsVMs DAY TO DAY LIFE IN MEXICO PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb_xU7RWYGbY8bkSxOIPnoImJ6t4h_P2L Offers for Members of the Barrio: WANT $40.00 off your first Airbnb stay?: http://bit.ly/2keuwJf (Support this channel, by buying through these affiliate links) ALL OF MY TRAVEL VLOGGING GEAR (KIT): http://bit.ly/2ld5hHW...
Tamul es la cascada más colosal de la Huasteca Potosina y la más grande de San Luis Potosí, en este video te decimos todo lo que necesitas saber para disfrutarla al máximo, sigue leyendo la descripción del video para ver más información y los enlaces de los lugares que te recomendamos visitar. *Cómo llegar a Tamul en avión El aeropuerto más cercano a Tamul es: Aeropuerto Internacional de San Luis Potosí (SLP) Para conseguir vuelos económicos a San Luis Potosí visita: http://bit.ly/como-volar-barato *Tamul, la cascada más grande de la Huasteca Potosina: -Sus 105 metros de altura la hacen una de las cascadas más altas de México y sin duda la más grande de San Luis Potosí. Está ubicada en el municipio de Aquismón, por eso es muy común que los turistas la visiten junto con el Sótano de la...
San Luis Potosi y sus bellezas naturales Cascadas de Minas viejas, Sótano de las golondrinas, Cascadas de micos, etc
Las Grutas de Tolantongo son un parque ecoturístico famoso por sus pozas de agua termal, en este video te decimos todo lo que necesitas saber para visitarlo y aprovecharlo al máximo. *Grutas de Tolantongo Están en la Sierra del Estado de Hidalgo, se caracterizan por tener un rio de agua termal color turqueza que desde hace siglos se le conoce como Tolantongo que quiere decir, "lugar donde se siente calorsito" *Cómo llegar a las Grutas de Tolantongo -Desde la ciudad de México hay que tomar la carretera hacia Pachuca, de ahí desviarse hacia Actopan y seguir rumbo a Ixmiquilpan, ya en ese pueblo, tomar la desviación hacia las Grutas de Tolantongo, pero hay que tener cuidado y no manejar de noche pues el último tramo hacia el parque puede ser peligroso si no hay luz. *Cómo llegar a Tolanton...
Puebla City Centre is a UNESCO World Heritage site and it is one of Mexico's best-preserved Spanish Colonial treasures. It contains some 2,600 designated historic buildings. As Mexican cities go, this is a very pedestrian-friendly city and easy to explore on foot. If you'd rather not walk, a red double-decker Turibus runs narrated tours departing every half hour. You'll find both a bus stop and a tourist information booth in the zócalo. Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception: built from 1575 -- 1640, its towers (at 73.9 m; 244 f) are considered the highest in the country and even Latin America. It is noted for its marble floors, rich gold leaf interior, and awesome main altar -- designed by Manuel Tolsa and depicting the kings and queens of 17th century Europe. P...
It's free to upvote our content on Steemit, and helps us a lot: https://steemit.com/@paradise-paradox Please donate to show your support! http://donate.theparadiseparadox.com Full notes: http://www.theparadiseparadox.com/117 iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-paradise-paradox/id952951514 Pocket Casts http://pcasts.in/feed/feeds.feedburner.com/TheParadiseParadox Where can you go to push the limits of your mind? Where can you go where you can be completely alone with the stars? Where can you go where it seems that reality is a little more fluid? Perhaps out in the desert, to San Luis Potosí. For centuries, millenia, or perhaps since there was no time, people have been taking journeys out into the desert of Mexico to take the sacred medicine known as "peyote". If you're willin...
I (an American) travel to Guanajuato, Mexico for the first time and am amazed by how beautiful it is. Adriana shows me around, as we visit the Mummy Museum (Museo de las Momias de Guanajuato) during the day. At night, we meet up with Gab and Maya another Travel Vlogging Couple to drink some pulque. We end the vlog, by taking a Callejoneada tour . Find out why Guanajuato is one of Mexico's most beautiful cities ! Subscribe for more adventures from Mexico from the Gringo perspective. SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/2ddsVMs Visit Gab and Maya's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgPqoOMzD_7dWONR-2DnglQ Offers for Members of the Barrio: WANT $40.00 off your first Airbnb stay?: http://bit.ly/2keuwJf (Support this channel, by buying through these affiliate links) ALL OF MY TRAVEL VLOGGI...
La Huasteca Potosina – a micro waterfall jump well hidden and lot of Mexicans don´t even know it. Including largest travel guide book publisher Lonely Planet doesn´t mention this ecological paradise. La Huasteca Potosina is located 400km north of Mexico City , off the state San Luis Potosí.Its a must visit for all the adventurers to explore the country and experience the adrenaline rush !
Las Pozas su nombre oficial es Jardín Escultórico de Edward James, Las Pozas, es un conjunto artístico arquitectónico y escultórico surrealista creado por Edward James en el municipio de Xilitla. Las Pozas su nombre oficial es Jardín Escultórico de Edward James, Las Pozas, es un conjunto artístico arquitectónico y escultórico surrealista creado por Edward James en el municipio de Xilitla. El Jardín Surrealista de Edward James ha sido portada de innumerables ... Ubicado en Xilitla, Pueblo Mágico en San Luis Potosí. El jardín escultórico de Edward James, Las Pozas, ubicado en Xilitla, San Luis Potosí fue creado por Edward James, excéntrico poeta, artista británico Edward James. Canal de ADRY: https://goo.gl/ZBLIfb Vlog Anterior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NabP5053fe4 Si te gustan lo...
CityU of Seattle visited UASLP in San Luis Potosi, Mexico
El Sótano de las Golondrinas es un punto imperdible en tu viaje a la Huasteca Potosina, en éste video te decimos todo lo que necesitas saber para ir bien preparado. Sigue leyendo la descripción para leer más detalles acerca del lugar. *Cómo llegar a Sótano de las Golondrinas en avión El aeropuerto más cercano a Sótano de las Golondrinas es: Aeropuerto Internacional de San Luis Potosí (SLP) Para conseguir vuelos económicos a San Luis Potosí visita: http://bit.ly/como-volar-barato *Sótano de las Golondrinas -Es una caverna vertical de más de 500 metros de altura cuyos primero 376 metros son en caida libre. Desde el aire parece una boca en medio de la montaña, y en su interior moran varias especies de aves, predominando por supuesto las "golondrinas", que en realidad son vencejos de colla...
Intérpretes: Maria Ramírez, Sandra Pujales, Laura María González y Carles Araguz Dirección y dramaturgia: Ôscar García Recuenco Un espectáculo de la compañía La Jarra Azul. Grabación realizada en el Teatro El Rinoceronte Enamorado, San Luís Potosí (México), durante agosto de 2013.
Intérpretes: Maria Ramírez, Sandra Pujales, Laura María González y Carles Araguz Dirección y dramaturgia: Ôscar García Recuenco Un espectáculo de la compañía La Jarra Azul. Grabación realizada en la Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, México, durante agosto de 2013. Vídeo extraído de "Imágenes Universitarias" 42 y 43. Montaje y grabación a cargo de UAA.
"3,2,1... CERO", puesta en escena producida por "La Jarra Azul", compañía teatral de Barcelona, España, en la cual, se presentarán temas como el maltrato, la violencia de género, y la perspectiva social que conlleva estas acciones. Esta obra fue creada a partir de la iniciativa del Punto de Información y Atención a las mujeres (PIAD), del distrito de Sant Andreu, Barcelona, y la Asociación Teatral "La Jarra Azul", por lo cual, esta puesta en escena ayudará a fomentar una actitud de respeto y equidad de género, así como la reflexión y la búsqueda de soluciones que permitan luchar contra el maltrato y la violencia de género. La obra estará dirigida por Ôscar García Recuenco, contó con las actuaciones de Carles Araguz, Laura María González, Sandra Pujales y María Ramírez y fue grabada en su...
Genetic imbalances—such as those associated with Down syndrome in humans—are generally harmful. The number of copies of a given gene, the gene dose, can be very important. In the roundworm, C. elegans, sex (male or hermaphrodite) is determined by the number of X chromosomes. Dr. Barbara Meyer explains how hermaphrodites control gene expression on their pair of X chromosomes to avoid having double the gene dose of males. By studying these sophisticated genetic systems in worms, scientists can learn more about related molecular pathways in mammals and humans.
http://www.ted.com Biologist Richard Dawkins launches into a full-on appeal for atheists to make public their beliefs and to aggressively fight the incursion of religion into politics and education. Dawkins' scornful tone drew strongly mixed reactions from the audience; some stood and applauded his courage. Others wondered whether his strident approach could do more harm than good. Dawkins went on to publish The God Delusion and become perhaps the world's best-known atheist. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the ar...
Primeiro Hangout no formato "Neuro, sem Neura", abordando a questão da "Neuroestética". Ele foi realizado com transmissão ao vivo, no dia 15/05/2013 (às 20h). Com participação de Cesar Federici, que explicou conceitos como "arte", "estética" e "beleza", com base no estudo da arte. Na sequência, eu iniciei a apresentação de slides que elaborei, com o intuito de explicar os conceitos e as principais descobertas da "Neuroestética". Esse hangout, em específico, recebeu uma ótima ajuda de duas páginas do facebook que constantemente colaboram com o TVCChannelNews: a "Universo Racionalista" e "Neurociências em Benefício da Educação". Obs.: Ocorreram muitos problemas técnicos durante a realização do hangout ao vivo. Por isso, precisei editar. Sei que não ficou perfeito, mas acredito que foi possí...
Génesis 32:24-30 Hubo una lucha que la Biblia no nos dice cómo comenzó, pero en el contexto podemos decir que Jacob se encontraba haciendo oración ferviente a Dios hasta que llegó un momento, en que sin darse cuenta, se encontraba frente a frente con quien tenía el poder de bendecirlo. Las súplicas ardientes pidiendo una bendición, no solamente habían llegado a abrir las puertas del cielo, sino que habían traído a Cristo a la tierra. Así es el corazón que desea la bendición de lo alto.
The Orlando Rage jumped on the Hitmen early and held on late to beat NY 17 to 12 in front of 20,000 Rage fans. Orlando was coming off a demoralizing loss to LA in their previous game, they lost their leader Jeff Brohm and the Hitmen were looking to avenge an early season defeat at the hands of the Rage. The task wasn't supposed to be easy and the game didn't start out easy for the Hitmen. They made things hard on themselves all game. The Rage struck NY early and fast when Brian Shay returned the opening kickoff 95 yards down to the Hitmen 1 yard line. It only took 1 play from scrimmage to score as Derrick Clark ran off the right side to give Orlando a 6-0 advantage. The Rage converted the extra point with a pass from Brian Kuklick to Kevin Swayne which gave the Rage a 7-0 lead only 43 seco...