Monthly Brunch: June @Republica

Today CaribVic held another monthly brunch, this time at the Republica Restaurant at St Kilda baths. Monthly brunches take place at varying locations around central Melbourne on the last Sunday of every month. It is estimated that 50 people joined us, as established members of the community welcomed new comers into the fold. The idea…

Walk for Harmony 12 July@Carlton Gardens

The Premier of Victoria is leading a community walk next month to reaffirm Victoria’s commitment to a multicultural community. As such, CaribVic members have been invited to join the Walk for Harmony to show our support for Victoria’s cultural and religious diversity. It is an opportunity to highlight the commitment to multiculturalism, and show that…

CaribVic brunch invitation 28.06.09

This is an open invitation to all CaribVic members and members of the community to join us for the start of our monthly brunch. It would provide us with the opportunity to meet up in an informal environment, and have a general chat. It also will provide newer members to the Victorian community to meet…

Immigration Museum cook up

Lisa Montague and her partner Marco where the very generous hosts of the Immigration Museum cook up held on Sunday 8th June 09. The cook up was devised as an opportunity for officials and a photographer from the Victoria Immigration Museum to take pictures of an array of West Indian foods and produce, made by…

Monthly Brunch: May @Babble on Babylon

Spirits were high and the turnout fantastic for the first monthly CaribVic brunch. This event will continue to be held on the last Sunday of every month at different locations around Melbourne. Last Sunday the brunch was hosted by ‘Babble on Babylon’ reggae cafe, 85 Brighton Road, Elwood, and CaribVic would like to especially thank…